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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Roy's role is really just Marvin's role in the final game. He's a small-time bit character.


    • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
      With all the recoil it probably wouldn't be exactly useful, plus that pose is kinda special because of the counter, but also because it's shared with the bow gun Kendo gets in Claire's scenario; it's never used anywhere else but for the player's arrival in the shop (NOTE: when zombies break through the front glass, Kendo tries a counter attack move with the shotgun aim pose, both for the shotgun and the bow gun). In other words, it's just CAPCOM being inconsistent with animations rather than a peculiar feature of Kendo's.
      Thats why I worded my post to state 2 handed weapons. I didn't want to show pictures of him holding both weapons because it would just be redundant.
      I posted that idea not because shoulder fire would be better than hip but rather a more of a difference in performance for gameplay purposes. It is a nice way to diverge from the cookie cutter animations of the other characters. You also have to keep in mind with the slower rate of fire is made up with the critical shots dealt on humanoid enemies. He wouldn't really need to fire as frequently (just imagine the head shot spread potential).

      Originally posted by News Bot
      Roy's role is really just Marvin's role in the final game. He's a small-time bit character.
      Yeah this. You guys are trying too hard to think on Roy. I do like his slight visual similarity with Leon and that he helps paint the picture of other able-bodied candidates besides Leon that could have been the main character but he is just another unfortunate officer that got bit during the event. It would have been cool to see him and Leon/with Marvin have some police talk but they just so happen to never get the opportunity to meet in the game.

      I will stick with my idea of a off the record prequel demo of playing as him tho.
      Last edited by NEOMEGA; 04-19-2014, 03:57 PM. Reason: forever editing


      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        Roy's role is really just Marvin's role in the final game. He's a small-time bit character.
        That's true. But I guess with 1.5 we're going to learn more about Marvin with him being a side character, perhaps not the same Marvin Branagh we're used to, but still his character. Roy will meet the same fate that they did in retail, and at the end of 1.5 I'll still be left wondering who he was and what his role was in the outbreak, I guess that's why I'd like to learn more about him. But in the end there's probably not a lot of real detail to be learned, it would still be cool to explore his character in fiction though.
        Last edited by Guest; 04-19-2014, 07:53 PM.


        • It's been atleast a year I last posted...nearly 10,000 posts ago O_o
          Any way, I have been lurking's really awesome to see all these updates...IGAS are doing some really amazing work and 1.5 is really shaping up. I can't wait to see the final product.
          Last edited by MeatSMurderer; 04-22-2014, 06:02 PM.


          • Originally posted by geluda View Post
            That's true. But I guess with 1.5 we're going to learn more about Marvin with him being a side character, perhaps not the same Marvin Branagh we're used to, but still his character. Roy will meet the same fate that they did in retail, and at the end of 1.5 I'll still be left wondering who he was and what his role was in the outbreak, I guess that's why I'd like to learn more about him. But in the end there's probably not a lot of real detail to be learned, it would still be cool to explore his character in fiction though.
            He has no role in the outbreak, just like Marvin in final. He's just an incidental character. Don't count on learning anything more about 1.5 Marvin either. Virtually the only difference between 1.5 and final for Marvin is his live or die status. These characters were not written to be deep with intricate backstories.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • This sure sets a new precedent, doesn't it?


              With this update, I've finally come to accept the fact that this will be largely an original (yet faithfully inspired) project rather than a textbook restoration. It's a damn good project.


              • i know we comment on facebook already. room present on source build is not a complete design with proper render. with no access to original work file or final render for this room it was needed to rebuild.


                • It means you're going to have a lot of work with the factory/labs. It must be frustrating, there's tons of available material that can't really be used directly because of its unfinished state.


                  • Fuck, then most of the Factory files are basically reduced to rubbish. Striving for this kind of quality will put a huge load on the background designer! Personally, I'm fine with the unpolished renders, but IGAS knows best. Maybe it was too difficult to craft convincing masks for the original backgrounds?


                    • Well that doesn't sound good.


                      • Well, I guess the original factory lobby and parking garage backgrounds are going to the trash bin then. There's lots of aliasing and missing detail in those rooms.
                        I like the new archive room corridor, still I wish they had kept the original colors though.
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                          i know we comment on facebook already. room present on source build is not a complete design with proper render. with no access to original work file or final render for this room it was needed to rebuild.
                          Dunno where you're getting this from but that room was in Era 5 Build and it matches that of the source build you're using.

                          This version is more consistent with the other rooms on 2F.

                          This comment cracks me up. Especially considering the awful consistency between RPD 1F Western Hallway and Lobby and TeamIGAS' Eastern Hallway.

                          I also assume this means that the laboratory is going to be revamped because the final designs/renders of it were in the retail product.

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                          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                          • Considering that many era 5 backgrounds from November and December weren't even final, I think this small change is justified. My only advice would be to change the colour of the 2F/3F walls and make sure it's the same shade of grey as the original archive corridor, unless of course you have seen clear shots from era 5 builds showing otherwise. I understand why you remade this corridor and I think it was the right choice but the RPD should still match the source material, grey walls, black security cameras. When something as simple as the colour or temperature of a texture can make the room look more genuine then it would be silly not to make it match. Seeing Enigmatiam's comparison really shows the difference.

                            What you have to remember is that 1.5's background development could have went well into January or maybe even Febuary of 1997, meaning there was still more work that needed to be done. Some of the last rooms tweaked in the Trial Edition are some from only days prior to its cancellation, such as ROOM602 and ROOM607 in the Cab Station, so it's only fair to assume that even older backgrounds were becoming obsolete as well in unfinished sections of the game. Unfortunately we can't get what was never created, so it's IGAS' job to decide what they think is final quality and what they think is obsolete. When you've just spent a few months development time building an entire section of a game from scratch due to resources, eventually one or two Capcom backgrounds become obsolete, and in this case this is exactly what's had to happen.

                            Sure the old Archive Corridor looks fine, but it's not important that one original room takes priority over an entire section of custom art. The room design needs to look consistent and in this case the old Capcom background would stick out like a sore thumb, at this point in time which is post 1996 this version of the 2F corridors is obsolete. It is a shame to see original art go to waste and perhaps things could have been done differently, but under the circumstances it is the right thing to do. Despite that however I do think a better job could be done at making it match the source material, not a problem for them I'm sure.
                            Last edited by Guest; 04-21-2014, 01:50 AM.


                            • I'm very impressed with the level of quality that IGAS is aiming for, but I can't deny that I'm a little worried whether they'll really be able to keep up this level of perfectionism for the entire game.

                              It'll be a lot of work for the background artist(s?), that's for sure.

                              I'm also wondering how much this will push back the release date of the game.
                              I just hope it won't be more than another two years until we see the final version, the waiting is killing me...


                              • A friend and I have been joking that the final build will be released before IGAS releases theirs.

