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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Has anyone extracted all the vanilla build backgrounds? Is there a link for an archive I can download somewhere?


    • Apologist to the rescue;

      Looking at the original render set and pics that are available of the corridor on other media, there's at least two issues with the current official renders that I'd say are in need of correction (depending on approach) -- other than just consistency.
      1. There's a clipping error with a lamp at the end of the hallway (overlaps the wall ornament/collumn)
      2. There's at least ONE missing camera angle in the set on the disc (One that's fairly obvious if you study the room's design and make a few basic assumptions; although I guess ... depending on the purpose of this little detail, it might be possible to work around it in two other ways if they'd left the old renders in there.)

      Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
      Well, I guess the original factory lobby and parking garage backgrounds are going to the trash bin then. There's lots of aliasing and missing detail in those rooms.
      Yeah. Factory's clearly full of quick renders (or stuff that didn't compress well with Capcom's encoder settings at the time), Factory lobby/entrance is at least incomplete; regardless of which available set they use too (main issue being the door in the back, the detail in the front area, and the skyboxes) ... and not to mention the labs where a gazillion rooms still need proper renders, due to oonly placeholder collision/layout renders existing.

      Don't exactly envy their graphic designer's workload.


      • 2. There's at least ONE missing camera angle in the set on the disc (One that's fairly obvious if you study the room's design and make a few basic assumptions; although I guess ... depending on the purpose of this little detail, it might be possible to work around it in two other ways if they'd left the old renders in there.)
        It's either the angle for opening/closing the shutter or for the vent cover, I assume? I always found it puzzling how there's a metal frame for a riot shutter in this room, but no switch to operate it. That and an angle for unscrewing the vent cover off with the "[screw]driver" item you find in the firing range.

        I do wonder what sort of compromise they're gonna be taking for rooms like the 1F shutter hallway though. Will they be reconstructing it as well, since it looks too lackluster? I think a good approach would be to model additional details and layer them over the backgrounds using masks, like what Enigmatism has suggested before.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
          It's either the angle for opening/closing the shutter or for the vent cover, I assume? I always found it puzzling how there's a metal frame for a riot shutter in this room, but no switch to operate it.
          Pretty much. I at least feel there's a camera angle missing for when/if the shutter is evt. down. Pulling it down would block the view towards the panel/button for it (there is a button/panel on the wall right next to it on the side of it that leads back to the main 2F corridor)


          • You are talking about the object/panel on the wall opposite of the double doors leading to the main 2f hallway, right? It looks like it's the same emergency alarm/light panel that's beside the framed city map in the 1F lobby.
            Actually, what if the shutter was meant to be operated from another room, like the radio room or the archive room itself? If you look at the second angle in the hallway, it's clear that there's a security camera facing the shutter (probably for when you view it from a computer). While the room is bare bones, I kinda doubt they would neglect to place a control panel there, if it was meant to be operated from the hallway itself, since the model for the control box (the one used in 1f west hallway and 2f main hallway) had already existed prior to the creation of this room. I believe they did the same thing with the angles in the C-2 hallway in the lab. There isn't an angle specifically made for the other side of the hallway blocked off by the blast shutter since you aren't meant to be able to access it once it's sealed off. That, and being able to control the shutter from a different room would explain why there's so many vents on the second floor of the station.
            Last edited by biohazard_star; 04-21-2014, 08:27 AM.
            Seibu teh geimu?


            • Not sure why the vents are brought up, 'cause the ones in that corridor are pre-baked into the render (rather than having 3D objects as gratings, which as far as I can recall; they tend to be when they can be manipulated by characters)

              The camera fetish for that room sure is an odd detail, though. But there are still blind spot renders for some of the camera's angles, and even if you only have access to only one camera angle via a monitor of sorts ... it'd have to be from the (presumably) inaccessible (archive) end of the room for it to show a shutter closing/opening (rather than the 2F main hallway end, which is also where the operation panel looking thing is). Which means that for this type of external control of the room to be the case, the archives would have to be closed off by the shutters (rather than opened to give access to) after you've visited it -- now what'd be the purpose of sealing off the archives? (+then you'd also have the issue of needing to basically lock you entirely out of the archive hallway, since the second angle when coming from 2F hallway would put you directly in the blindspot behind the shutter.)

              But, yeah, narratively it doesn't quite make sense for the shutters to be present at all, if you can only see them operated from an angle for a room you can't recognize as you should technically be unable to visit it until first AFTER the shutters have been opened. It'd basically put you in a spot where opening the shutters somehow ALSO opens the doors to the 2F hallway ... which would still make the entire flow of the situation pointless.

              "This door is locked ... 'cause around the corner on the other side there might be shutters..."


              • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                You are talking about the object/panel on the wall opposite of the double doors leading to the main 2f hallway, right? It looks like it's the same emergency alarm/light panel that's beside the framed city map in the 1F lobby.
                Actually, what if the shutter was meant to be operated from another room, like the radio room or the archive room itself? If you look at the second angle in the hallway, it's clear that there's a security camera facing the shutter (probably for when you view it from a computer). While the room is bare bones, I kinda doubt they would neglect to place a control panel there, if it was meant to be operated from the hallway itself, since the model for the control box (the one used in 1f west hallway and 2f main hallway) had already existed prior to the creation of this room. I believe they did the same thing with the angles in the C-2 hallway in the lab. There isn't an angle specifically made for the other side of the hallway blocked off by the blast shutter since you aren't meant to be able to access it once it's sealed off. That, and being able to control the shutter from a different room would explain why there's so many vents on the second floor of the station.
                I agree. I would even tease the possibility that this shutter was just for show and never meant to be operational in the game.

                Assuming that it is significant, however, I don't believe that its control panel is necessarily located in the same room. This shutter isn't necessarily like the other shutters in the precinct; given the high-security nature of this corridor, I'd say that the control panel is quite possibly remote. If there are security cameras, there are likely corresponding monitors somewhere, and I'd place my bet on the Radio Room. If this is a run-of-the-mill shutter, however, the switch would most likely be closer to the Archive Room, since it would give Leon a reason to climb through the vent from the roof in the first place. Its original function was almost certainly security, but I'm not sure whether it was intended to keep the bad guys out or trap them inside (so that they may be apprehended).

                If this section of the game worked like a stereotypical Resident Evil game, I would guess that Leon climbs on top of the box, uses the screwdriver to loosen the vent from the outside, squeezes through the duct, doesn't yet have the MD and/or MD Player, is forced to leave the corridor, and opens the shutter to make a new path since the vent is a one-way portal.


                • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                  Not sure why the vents are brought up, 'cause the ones in that corridor are pre-baked into the render (rather than having 3D objects as gratings, which as far as I can recall; they tend to be when they can be manipulated by characters)
                  Of course it's baked into the render. It's a one-way portal.

                  When you press X on the vent from the outside while standing on top of the box, the screen goes black, you get a duct-flavoured door transition, and when the scene fades in again, you see Leon on one knee having just landed from his drop. It probably looks identical to Leon's drop from the clock tower to the basement through the chute in retail.


                  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                    Has anyone extracted all the vanilla build backgrounds? Is there a link for an archive I can download somewhere?
                    Here you have:
                    MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.


                    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                      Of course it's baked into the render. It's a one-way portal.

                      When you press X on the vent from the outside while standing on top of the box, the screen goes black, you get a duct-flavoured door transition, and when the scene fades in again, you see Leon on one knee having just landed from his drop. It probably looks identical to Leon's drop from the clock tower to the basement through the chute in retail.
                      If the chute's an entry point, then the shutters must be opened from the inside in order for the player to leave the archives, which would also mean that this would have to be the first time you access the second floor (unless the archives corridor is "locked from the other side", but this also wouldn't quite make sense, considering how you presumably bump into Marvin on the way towards the archives. Unless he's basically returning from there, bringing with him the bad news of a locked door, new entry point being needed to gain access, etc.)


                      • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
                        Thanks! I wish all those lab corridors and sewer rooms were playable.


                        • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                          If the chute's an entry point, then the shutters must be opened from the inside in order for the player to leave the archives, which would also mean that this would have to be the first time you access the second floor (unless the archives corridor is "locked from the other side", but this also wouldn't quite make sense, considering how you presumably bump into Marvin on the way towards the archives. Unless he's basically returning from there, bringing with him the bad news of a locked door, new entry point being needed to gain access, etc.)
                          It seems to fit together in my mind... Here's how I see it going down in my active imagination:



                          • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                            I'm very impressed with the level of quality that IGAS is aiming for, but I can't deny that I'm a little worried whether they'll really be able to keep up this level of perfectionism for the entire game.
                            If Team IGAS weren't up to the task this project would have been abandoned a looooong time ago.
                            I have seen many projects of this nature/scale over the years and 95% don't last half as long as this one has...

                            There was a time where the changes worried me too, I saw the lobby wasn't exactly precisely right and I would wig out but I realised something. What people have to remember is that IGAS aren't making 1.5 as Capcom would have (that would just evolve into retail), they are making 1.5 as it always should have been...and along the way there are bound to be some sacrifices. Vanilla renders that just don't quite fit in or just feel barren, without polish have to be replaced. But these sacrifices have to be made, else it won't feel like a finished product. I see a nice new released screenie from IGAS and people start moaning about "color mood" and "consistency with vanilla work".
                            Jeez...if you want to play vanilla 1.5 go right ahead but I'll take IGAS's finished product over vanilla anyday!

                            I burned my vanilla robes a long time new finished build ones have yet to arrive but I can't wait
                            Last edited by MeatSMurderer; 04-21-2014, 12:57 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                              While the order of events is sound, the "fault" in that (and why the background might need to be redone) is probably the exploration that comes after freeing Marvin. In order to know that there's a shutter blocking the way in the Archives Corridor, you'd have to be able to access it through the 2F Hallway, no blocked/"locked from the other side" door, which means that walking through the door between 2F Hallway and Archive Corridor would present you with a room with a blindspot when you walk into a confusingly blind angle that only shows an empty corridor and a shutter being down, with no visible way to properly navigate you back into the previous camera angle through other means than guesswork.


                              • Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
                                I saw the lobby wasn't exactly precisely right
                                Which lobby?

                                Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
                                What people have to remember is that IGAS aren't making 1.5 as Capcom would have (that would just evolve into retail), they are making 1.5 as it always should have been
                                You're on crack.

