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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Looks good! Nice to see the word "finalised," it gives me the impression you guys are fully happy now with the content you are creating!


    • Originally posted by jam287 View Post
      How many people are on Team IGAS?
      I don't know why I never thought of asking this myself.

      Would IGAS be willing to consider implementing the Doberman Cerberus as an enemy in the RPD areas?
      Last edited by Graco; 05-10-2014, 09:32 AM.
      "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


      • Are any of the conceptual enemies that were for 1.5 (or some other version of RE2) going to be in the game? (like the Tyrant Inferior, Zombie Horse, or the Mr. X with the gun)


        • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
          -The kick knife feature finally could be implemented?
          …kick knife?
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2014-05-10 at 4.36.47 PM.png
Views:	1
Size:	515.4 KB
ID:	403644
          Originally posted by Graco
          Would IGAS be willing to consider implementing the Doberman Cerberus as an enemy in the RPD areas?
          You mean the german shepherds. The team never responded but I believe we all reached a ideal best of both worlds decision similar to my gun welding animation idea: german shepherds in station, dobermans everywhere else.


          • Yeah...I'd prefer the German Sheps in the rpd.


            • +1


              • That shot of the boiler room is barely any different than in the MZD build. The wall texture and door handles are different while the camera angle is the same. You guy'll hate me but that wasn't even a good screenshot to post. Hate me for all I care, I calls it how I sees it.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  That shot of the boiler room is barely any different than in the MZD build. The wall texture and door handles are different while the camera angle is the same. You guy'll hate me but that wasn't even a good screenshot to post. Hate me for all I care, I calls it how I sees it.
                  So a few consistency fixes with the corridor on the other side and stuff? Attention to detail, at least. Did they have "masks" up and running in the old leaked build?


                  • This room is final, the room in the MZD build is not, that involves many more things than just a door handle. Once the engine and the artwork are fully done it means 100% of the efforts can go on finalising event script and by the looks of things that's one of the only things left to do. This was a pretty decent update as at least now we know the number of rooms still needing work is getting smaller, and the Preview Edition getting significantly closer to becoming final it's self!


                    • I suppose while the update is cool and everything - that particular Boiler Room angle didn't have much to look at originally anyway in the MZD build..
                      Still, its one step closer to finishing I guess
                      "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                      • Seems like when the people are acquainted with an specific design, every little change supposed a disappointment to them. Don't forget the design of the room in the MZD, never was supposed to be public. This is the real vision IGAS has of this background, the old, just a leak of a WIP. The room looks good and comparison with old assets doesn't have sense, at least to me.
                        Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                        • I guess it was a bit of disappointment on my end. I hope you guys don't hate me too much.

                          I still am super anxious for their trial edition! IGAS' game as well as Behind the Mask are on my list of most wanted games right now.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Every single person has an opinion, respect and interchange of ideas are the base of a forum.

                            Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                            I still am super anxious for their trial edition! IGAS' game as well as Behind the Mask are on my list of most wanted games right now.
                            Me too!!!
                            Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                            • Me also..
                              Been craving classic RE 'coz Capcom can't seem to make one lol - mega excited, but can wait .. just about hehe
                              "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                              • Just another excited poster wanting to thank Team IGAS for all their hard work (past, present and future) on this. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

                                I still remember the first time the shots were in the UK press, 3 shots of Leon in the police lobby in a copy of Play Magazine when I was 15. I found out about this restoration project it re-awoke the inner teen in me.

                                [EDIT] Quick question, if you're still answering them, does Capcom use a single camera FoV for all cameras in the game or do they have different settings? I suspect the former, and that no camera is ever outside a room / through a wall, but I'd love to know for sure.
                                Last edited by Jimmy_Jazz; 05-14-2014, 03:34 PM.
                                "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."

