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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I suppose even by 1998 standards that it's to modern looking.. but still looks good.
    My Head-Fi Page


    • Loving the new image.. nice to see the rooms more jazzed up - although I think that carpet/rug is a little but TOO much - doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the image.
      "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


      • Originally posted by V Venom80 View Post
        Looks good but are they still just updating with pics? aren't we supposed to have a full working demo by now?

        Not sure about u guys but i cant seem to care anymore or get hyped over pics they were doing the same thing about 3 years ago i smell something fishy going on why it takes this long for a PS1 game to get made even it is free and doing it on their own time theres no reason it should take this long other than them not working on it or doing it at "their" pace.Which is probably not as much as we like.

        i understand devolopment takes time they probably have jobs, lives, etc. but to me it looks like they just dont care about the fans to make this playable anytime soon so i gave up on caring about this project myself...if they release it good for them if they dont oh well at least we have pics to look at lol.
        Let me put it in perspective for you.

        1.Team IGAS is considerably smaller than the original Capcom team that threw this together
        2. The original game was such a convoluted tangled mess the original much larger team gave up and basically started from scratch.
        3.They're untangling said mess while trying to stay faithful to what this game would have been had said team not quit. That takes a shitload of time when you only have half the resources and a bunch of assholes breathing down your neck while you're trying to work.
        4.They are crafting new rooms, replacing incomplete ones while trying to find a balance for weapons and enemy placement on top of making sure all the consumable and key items are obtainable and useable in the first damn place. That's not counting the enemies and boss'(some of which they only have illustrations to go off of).

        Long story short, there's alot of work that goes into perfecting a game and its gonna take time if working on that game isn't your day job and you're part of a MUCH SMALLER GROUP.

        As for that new room...I dig it. The RPD is gonna have to look a little more lived in than the original beta anyway and bare ass walls aren't scary. The desolate, waiting room that had hints of once being an inviting place is.

        One more thing to those who are impatient...I would advise you to take up other hobbies and concerns while checking back like once a week. It works for me. whether people like it or not, this project is the closest we're ever gotten to a fully playable from beginning to end 1.5. You don't like the way these guys are doing it then track a vanilla build(which is out somewhere) and put together your own team.
        Last edited by OfficerRedfield; 06-02-2014, 05:34 AM.


        • Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View Post
          Let me put it in perspective for you.

          1.Team IGAS is considerably smaller than the original Capcom team that threw this together
          2. The original game was such a convoluted tangled mess the original much larger team gave up and basically started from scratch.
          3.They're untangling said mess while trying to stay faithful to what this game would have been had said team not quit. That takes a shitload of time when you only have half the resources and a bunch of assholes breathing down your neck while you're trying to work.
          4.They are crafting new rooms, replacing incomplete ones while trying to find a balance for weapons and enemy placement on top of making sure all the consumable and key items are obtainable and useable in the first damn place. That's not counting the enemies and boss'(some of which they only have illustrations to go off of).

          Long story short, there's alot of work that goes into perfecting a game and its gonna take time if working on that game isn't your day job and you're part of a MUCH SMALLER GROUP.

          As for that new room...I dig it. The RPD is gonna have to look a little more lived in than the original beta anyway and bare ass walls aren't scary. The desolate, waiting room that had hints of once being an inviting place is.

          One more thing to those who are impatient...I would advise you to take up other hobbies and concerns while checking back like once a week. It works for me. whether people like it or not, this project is the closest we're ever gotten to a fully playable from beginning to end 1.5. You don't like the way these guys are doing it then track a vanilla build(which is out somewhere) and put together your own team.
          i understand everything takes time but it seems everyone is too worried about a "demo" when they can just rather worry about getting a full complete game and yes it is a small concern is how much time do they actually put into the project rather than looking at pics of some rooms they work on. Sure its cool but a pic doesn't talk to us and tell us how much their working on the game.

          All that im saying is a nice update from the team talking with words to all of us about what their working on every so often doesn't hurt but they only do that maybe once a year or so...not saying tell every little detail but just a good idea where there at.


          • Originally posted by V Venom80 View Post
            All that im saying is a nice update from the team talking with words to all of us about what their working on every so often doesn't hurt but they only do that maybe once a year or so...not saying tell every little detail but just a good idea where there at.
            i have collect many question this past month and review old question of no answering to make update with lots of answering. take a little time because other person with more english to mine is making sure to eliminate language confuse


            • Originally posted by V Venom80 View Post
              i understand everything takes time but it seems everyone is too worried about a "demo" when they can just rather worry about getting a full complete game and yes it is a small concern is how much time do they actually put into the project rather than looking at pics of some rooms they work on. Sure its cool but a pic doesn't talk to us and tell us how much their working on the game.

              All that im saying is a nice update from the team talking with words to all of us about what their working on every so often doesn't hurt but they only do that maybe once a year or so...not saying tell every little detail but just a good idea where there at.
              Like I said before, the challenges they're facing now would still have to be completed regardless of whether they're making a demo or a full game. The benefit to making the demo is that they can aim to get the game looking, working and running at retail levels of quality first, after which they never have to go back and adjust those elements again. So while we're playing the demo they will have very little to worry about and can put 100% of their focus on the rest of the rooms that need to be made.


              • Sure its cool but a pic doesn't talk to us and tell us how much their working on the game.
                - Revamped title and option menus.
                - Quick turn, vibration, analog controls and knife button implementation.
                - Save system works.
                - Climbing up and down objects works.
                - Broken weapons work.
                - Key items work.
                - Layer/foreground masks work without any depth issues.
                - Zombie corpses do not disappear upon death.
                - File menu works.
                - Map menu works.
                - Proper support for cutscene audio and video playback.
                - Implementation of custom puzzles.
                - Custom rooms with proper boundaries, perspective and masks.
                - Placeholder assets replaced with custom ones.
                - 3d model/image gallery.
                - TPS-style bonus mini-game.

                And probably more I forgot. They have come a long way in fixing the engine and adding in missing content/features since the time they have acquired the vanilla build. Aside from those, they still need to create and implement the missing rooms, recreate missing enemies and cutscenes, and develop the flowpath for the scenarios. The rooms you're talking about actually comprise a huge bulk of what's left to be done since, you know, half of the rooms in the game are missing. If you've been ticking off your checklist of missing rooms in the game, then we know from the pictures they've released that the entire RPD is now completely playable. That's 1/4th of the total playable area in the game without placeholder rooms and magic teleportation doors. No missing rooms whatsoever.
                Last edited by biohazard_star; 06-02-2014, 11:35 AM.
                Seibu teh geimu?


                • for the people curious of demo i think is important to make note that demo require stable game engine and all event script system to work stable with puzzle and other included. a game demo is not like book or tv series where first chapter can release before end is filmed and make. game engine more like camera equipment needed to make shooting possible. you can explore full demo area. but some important function not work in engine yet for demo to be possible. no worry. every problem has solution


                  • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                    - Revamped title and option menus.
                    - Quick turn, vibration, analog controls and knife button implementation.
                    - Save system works.
                    - Climbing up and down objects works.
                    - Broken weapons work.
                    - Key items work.
                    - Layer/foreground masks work without any depth issues.
                    - Zombie corpses do not disappear upon death.
                    - File menu works.
                    - Map menu works.
                    - Proper support for cutscene audio and video playback.
                    - Implementation of custom puzzles.
                    - Custom rooms with proper boundaries, perspective and masks.
                    - Placeholder assets replaced with custom ones.
                    - 3d model/image gallery.
                    - TPS-style bonus mini-game.

                    And probably more I forgot. They have come a long way in fixing the engine and adding in missing content/features since the time they have acquired the vanilla build. Aside from those, they still need to create and implement the missing rooms, recreate missing enemies and cutscenes, and develop the flowpath for the scenarios. The rooms you're talking about actually comprise a huge bulk of what's left to be done since, you know, half of the rooms in the game are missing. If you've been ticking off your checklist of missing rooms in the game, then we know from the pictures they've released that the entire RPD is now completely playable. That's 1/4th of the total playable area in the game without placeholder rooms and magic teleportation doors. No missing rooms whatsoever.
                    Exactly, and right now they are essentially adding the finishing touches to each room's camera angles and mask layers, which is perhaps one of the very last things that needs to be done.

                    Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                    for the people curious of demo i think is important to make note that demo require stable game engine and all event script system to work stable with puzzle and other included. a game demo is not like book or tv series where first chapter can release before end is filmed and make. game engine more like camera equipment needed to make shooting possible. you can explore full demo area. but some important function not work in engine yet for demo to be possible. no worry. every problem has solution
                    Thanks for the update!
                    Last edited by Guest; 06-02-2014, 12:23 PM.


                    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                      Exactly, and right now they are essentially adding the finishing touches to each room's camera angles and mask layers, which is perhaps one of the very last things that needs to be done.
                      every member who work on project bring two talent to team. i do complains and praise.


                      • "this room is nice, but camera is not resident evil. maybe this floor work better on the 3rd. this maybe look like lab elevator and not rpd elevator. oooh. that is cool but maybe i think we really not need that for this project?"


                        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                          - Revamped title and option menus.
                          - Quick turn, vibration, analog controls and knife button implementation.
                          - Save system works.
                          - Climbing up and down objects works.
                          - Broken weapons work.
                          - Key items work.
                          - Layer/foreground masks work without any depth issues.
                          - Zombie corpses do not disappear upon death.
                          - File menu works.
                          - Map menu works.
                          - Proper support for cutscene audio and video playback.
                          - Implementation of custom puzzles.
                          - Custom rooms with proper boundaries, perspective and masks.
                          - Placeholder assets replaced with custom ones.
                          - 3d model/image gallery.
                          - TPS-style bonus mini-game.

                          And probably more I forgot. They have come a long way in fixing the engine and adding in missing content/features since the time they have acquired the vanilla build. Aside from those, they still need to create and implement the missing rooms, recreate missing enemies and cutscenes, and develop the flowpath for the scenarios. The rooms you're talking about actually comprise a huge bulk of what's left to be done since, you know, half of the rooms in the game are missing. If you've been ticking off your checklist of missing rooms in the game, then we know from the pictures they've released that the entire RPD is now completely playable. That's 1/4th of the total playable area in the game without placeholder rooms and magic teleportation doors. No missing rooms whatsoever.
                          Thats all fine and great but do u work with the team or on the team? i doubt u do. So how would u know if RPD area is fully playable at this point?

                          No offense but i rather hear from the team themselves to 100% know for sure and what is playable or not if ur not on the team ur just guessing like everyone else.


                          • Thank u for letting us know about the demo Mr. Bzork. So if im reading what your saying correctly the game must be near completion or fully completed before a demo can even be released?

                            if thats the case then none of us will see a demo for even a more long time then most of us been waiting...dissapointing to hear but at this point im not surprised and not worried anymore since u must take your time on the project hopefully a video update is in the near future and maybe a demo by 2020 lol.


                            • I think he means they want to have the engine 100% working and complete before releasing a demo. They'll also have to fill in the missing events, scripting, and puzzles possibly. So who know how far they are with that stuff. We've seen they have made a lot of progress, so now it's a matter of time. I'm hoping sooner then later but no one knows when it comes to IGAS.
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                                for the people curious of demo i think is important to make note that demo require stable game engine and all event script system to work stable with puzzle and other included. a game demo is not like book or tv series where first chapter can release before end is filmed and make. game engine more like camera equipment needed to make shooting possible. you can explore full demo area. but some important function not work in engine yet for demo to be possible. no worry. every problem has solution
                                If it's any reassurance I wouldn't worry about making changes to the engine in order to benefit your own development, most people probably wouldn't know the difference just by looking anyway.

