Originally posted by Gaia Revane
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1.5 does a much better job of making the gameplay elements "blend in" and seem like they're a normal part of the location. Retail makes you unlock rooms with keys designed after playing card suites (reminiscent of the first game's sword/shield/armor/helmet keys), while 1.5 uses coloured keycards -- something that makes a little more "sense" in a real world location in the middle of a city. So long as IGAS sticks by this philosophy, I'm happy

Off topic a little: is it just me, or does the pacing feel a little more logical in 1.5 than it does in retail? I've been playing through the MZD build, moving through rooms in the order that you'd visit them in game, and the progression from RPD > Sewers > Factory > Lab seems much more natural in 1.5. 1.5's RPD is quite small, but it seems like the locations are similar to the first game in that you'd spend a comparable chunk of time in each one. The sewers and factory are actually decent sized locations in their own right with their own puzzles and exploration to experience, while in retail they're just areas you briefly pass through on your way to the lab. Once you leave the RPD in retail, it feels like you're just sprinting to the end of the game, whereas when you climb out of 1.5's sewers into the factory yard (for example), it looks and feels like you've arrived in a whole new area that you now have to explore.
I always found it funny in retail when you get to the marshalling yard and you pick up the "Dead Factory Map" on the wall. Why is that map even necessary? The factory in retail is literally a linear progression through four rooms. It's like they originally intended there to be more of it (enough to warrant hiding a map of it somewhere) but ended up stripping most of it out. In my opinion, that really hurt the pacing.
I always found it funny in retail when you get to the marshalling yard and you pick up the "Dead Factory Map" on the wall. Why is that map even necessary? The factory in retail is literally a linear progression through four rooms. It's like they originally intended there to be more of it (enough to warrant hiding a map of it somewhere) but ended up stripping most of it out. In my opinion, that really hurt the pacing.