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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Regardless, I don't see the problem with it looking or feeling like RE1, AT ALL. In my opinion, RE1 was the only game that captured realism, mood, and atmosphere. It is a creepy game, but a very good game. Granted gameplay mechanics from RE1 made it's way into 1.5, and 1.5 has its faults - grainy backgrounds, poor character models, bugs, and simply being incomplete, but I feel 1.5 could have improved on everything, but still capture the mood from the first game. I think the backgrounds in the Alpha build are excellent, and the fact that they remind me of RE1, and give me that creepy vibe that RE1 gave, is a good thing. It is the mood and atmosphere, which I can only say, has been absent since RE1, and has not made its way into any other RE game.
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    • too much like the 1st game lol , to me that's a good thing. To each there own.


      • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
        Regardless, I don't see the problem with it looking or feeling like RE1, AT ALL. In my opinion, RE1 was the only game that captured realism, mood, and atmosphere. It is a creepy game, but a very good game. Granted gameplay mechanics from RE1 made it's way into 1.5, and 1.5 has its faults - grainy backgrounds, poor character models, bugs, and simply being incomplete, but I feel 1.5 could have improved on everything, but still capture the mood from the first game. I think the backgrounds in the Alpha build are excellent, and the fact that they remind me of RE1, and give me that creepy vibe that RE1 gave, is a good thing. It is the mood and atmosphere, which I can only say, has been absent since RE1, and has not made its way into any other RE game.
        As you say, thats your opinion.. and yeah RE1 had tons of that.

        Although I still feel RE2/3 had amazing atmosphere, mood and realism - the layout of the city, higher quality backgrounds, more lighting effects (my fave has to be standing near the tram console in RE2, with that slight blue glow)

        I was expecting some sort of update by now TBQH hehe ... I rarely check here as often as I used to which is a real shame. Fingers crossed for some new info sometime in the near future
        "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


        • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
          Regardless, I don't see the problem with it looking or feeling like RE1, AT ALL. In my opinion, RE1 was the only game that captured realism, mood, and atmosphere. It is a creepy game, but a very good game. Granted gameplay mechanics from RE1 made it's way into 1.5, and 1.5 has its faults - grainy backgrounds, poor character models, bugs, and simply being incomplete, but I feel 1.5 could have improved on everything, but still capture the mood from the first game. I think the backgrounds in the Alpha build are excellent, and the fact that they remind me of RE1, and give me that creepy vibe that RE1 gave, is a good thing. It is the mood and atmosphere, which I can only say, has been absent since RE1, and has not made its way into any other RE game.
          All of the games have mood and atmosphere. I don't see what's so realistic about BIO1's backgrounds, they're pretty flat and squeaky-clean with monotone lighting. Although that is unsettling in its own way.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            All of the games have mood and atmosphere. I don't see what's so realistic about BIO1's backgrounds, they're pretty flat and squeaky-clean with monotone lighting. Although that is unsettling in its own way.
            Agreed with this myself.

            I think that was a valid point for something like a mostly abandoned mansion with minimal lighting points as an old building, that there was a lot less light sources in certain areas and it was also clearly a thought when returning to the game in the Remake. There are the odd points in RE2 where this is the case, such as the path down to the Chief's hidden room and some of the sewer areas as well. The rest of the areas seem well lit because they are areas that had good lighting or multiple light sources because they would in real life.


            • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
              Although I still feel RE2/3 had amazing atmosphere, mood and realism - the layout of the city, higher quality backgrounds, more lighting effects (my fave has to be standing near the tram console in RE2, with that slight blue glow)
              RE3 may have good replay value, a good engine and stable concept, but the city layout is absolutely horrid. It has never more been apparent that I'm just running around in some kind of scatter-brained combat-training-like jungle gym then an actual city. I wish to see a remake of re3 exclusively to see them remedy this as all future renditions of the city are much more reasonable-outbreak,4d executioner and even operation raccoon city.
              Last edited by NEOMEGA; 07-15-2014, 09:05 PM.


              • Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                RE3 may have good replay value, a good engine and stable concept, but the city layout is absolutely horrid. It has never more been apparent that I'm just running around in some kind of scatter-brained combat-training-like jungle gym then an actual city. I wish to see a remake of re3 exclusively to see them remedy this as all future renditions of the city are much more reasonable-outbreak,4d executioner and even operation raccoon city.
                The reason for the city's design is that most of the streets were cordoned off. So you spend more time in alleys than actual streets. Layout wise it's more European or Japanese, but I prefer that because it gives the city a certain uniqueness and charm you can't find in a typical American city (see Watch_Dogs).
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                  for next update. what people want?

                  no spoilers.
                  What are some of the major things that need to be accomplished before a demo is ready to be released? I realize that you're not working under a timeframe which is fine, but I'm generally curious as to what work remains to be done to the engine, the RPD's layout (assuming that it will be the trial area for players to experience) and the overall progress made this year.
                  "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                  • Wait, so will 1.5 also run on original hardware?

                    It'll be nice if it does, playing on my old PS1 again


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      The reason for the city's design is that most of the streets were cordoned off. So you spend more time in alleys than actual streets. Layout wise it's more European or Japanese, but I prefer that because it gives the city a certain uniqueness and charm you can't find in a typical American city (see Watch_Dogs).
                      I have no problem with greater use of the alleyways and I realize that this a game for worldwide audiences so not everyone would be able to relate to the themes but I still think they could have played along with the grid system of a town that re2 was clearly trying to create. Barricades, fires, the occasional toppled over building and car/firetruck/vehicle blockages would have been fine to keep you off the main streets and still not seem unrealistic and repetitive to see.

                      I wonder if IGAS will take the Streets Of Rage remake route and have an extensive options selection to customize the game between a (simulated) vanilla or a optimized experience. Toggling small things like being able to decapitate zombies while their on the floor or not or switching door skipping sequences on or off. I'm not expecting it but from the things DBirkin were saying I wouldn't be surprised.


                      • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        Wait, so will 1.5 also run on original hardware?
                        Yup. They've stated quite a good few times that part of the reason why they're reverse engineering a broken build, rather than going the common route of the PC version of the final game, is to provide full original hardware compatibility + give more freedom in terms of what platforms it can be played on (all hardware/platforms capable of PS1 playback, basically).

                        Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        It'll be nice if it does, playing on my old PS1 again
                        All that's missing is a nice ol' 15" CRT to play on too!


                        • I got my Dev PS1 and XRGB-Mini ready to go! Bring on RE2 in 1080p!
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                          • Click image for larger version

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ID:	403705


                            • I think not sir.

                              Man I haven't heard anything from the team recently. No updates, no posts on Facebook. Wonder whats going on.
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • There have been long dry spells from the team before, it's not unusual.

