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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
    Nice, a Steins Gate reference!!
    It's one of my favorite anime. :3


    • Whale then....


      • For the 1.5 FMVs, surely Capcom would step in if they heard the company behind the 1.5 FMVs were going to give them away. Perhaps they have them on an old disc, or perhaps Capcom asked for them after the cancellation of the game.


        • I would be more surprised if they still existed than not.
          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


          • ^^^ Same here unless they wanted to keep them for nostalgia purposes.


            • You can't be nostalgic over a failure. More likely, they deleted every trace of it (well, tried to anyway).


              • For all we know maybe only Shinji and Kamiya considered 1.5 a failure. Many other staff may have been impressed with the work on 1.5 just Shinji's expectations for the sequel were so ridiculously high.


                • If the game made it that far into production before being cancelled, they must have seen something in it. From what I remember, production was going well until they started having mixed feelings so brought in that screenwriter who reviewed the script and thought it was crap. That's when the real changes started to be made.


                  • I think its highly unlikely the fmvs still exist today and even if they did, its even more unlikely the company that did them would release them since those files are probably under lock by some sort of privacy clause in their original contract with capcom. I do have a sneaking suspicion that assets from the original fmvs are in the final game though. There are a couple zombies in the intro who look suspiciously like elza and john. The cop that gets crushed to death by the helicopter also resembles irons.


                    • Figured the truck driver was John


                      • Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View Post
                        I do have a sneaking suspicion that assets from the original fmvs are in the final game though.
                        Well, there's no final game.


                        • He means the released RE2.
                          "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


                          • Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                            Figured the truck driver was John
                            Nope, one of the zombies are John. Notice the suspenders.


                            • in world of customized resident evil content i wonder what is it people have as favorite? is ok to have guilty pleasure


                              • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                                Nope, one of the zombies are John. Notice the suspenders.

                                Could be Johns FMV model after he turns!

                                Edit: As in in the ending where he dies from the infection.
                                Last edited by Deathlygasm; 09-03-2014, 12:44 PM.

