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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Graco View Post
    Wow thanks for posting those. I've never seen them before.
    Here's the video.


    • Originally posted by blackpower View Post
      Here's a little update of our well-loved, Team IGAS.
      *jaw drops*

      If hadn't known any better I would have thought those were genuine.


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        *jaw drops*

        If hadn't known any better I would have thought those were genuine.
        Yet people would rather have the vanilla images instead of these finely made ones, I'd rather have Team IGAS spend years rebuilding and tuning the game into their perfection than have beta images with broken controls. We already have that, and we don't need another broken build unless it is that "80%" build.


        • If you look at all the backgrounds available in the VB for the sewer, it's clearly the worst looking/most incomplete. The one side room with the pushable box and the shutter you can raise/close, is almost worse than RE1 in quality and design. Clearly, they're giving a makeover to the area that really badly needed it.


          • yeah you couldnt have expected a shit sewer to remain.


            • Originally posted by geluda View Post
              *jaw drops*

              If hadn't known any better I would have thought those were genuine.
              There is a mistake between the first and second picture. The rubber is black in one shot and in the other is orange/red.


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                Here's the video.
                Awesome stuff thank you


                • Surprised at how many people haven't seen that. Might as well link the Code Veronica one as well that imacwesker uploaded a several years back... talks about the development and early plans, including artwork designs, beta footage, and if I remember correctly mentions unused areas and the sub-story with Rodrigo that was scrapped as I recall. Not as directly interesting as the CGI thing, but still worth a look for people who haven't seen it.

                  Last edited by Rombie; 09-05-2014, 07:35 PM.


                  • I miss D.Birkin...
                    Last edited by Hepatus; 09-05-2014, 08:13 PM.


                    • I see the sewer is going for the 80% build look. Capcom clearly also scrapped the sewer we got in the 40% build so they thought it sucked to.


                      • Originally posted by GrrMew View Post
                        There is a mistake between the first and second picture. The rubber is black in one shot and in the other is orange/red.
                        That's because in one screenshot it's a tire (black), and in the other it's a life preserver (those donut shaped flotation device thingies, whatever they're called). I am guessing the team couldn't decide on what to use, or which would make more sense being discarded in a sewer.
                        Last edited by doriantoki; 09-08-2014, 09:21 AM.


                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          Here's the video.
                          Thank you! Never seen it!
                          "Project Night" (indie horror game) will be released on January 22, 2015


                          • I saw that video once, they probably used low poly models first because it was easier to make the skin weight influence painting to implement the rig used for the motion capture, this would made an easier way to see the desired movements in the cutscenes, and then they exported the animated rig into the final cutscene models, with a few tweaks such as expression and hands.
                            Last edited by pato; 09-13-2014, 10:48 AM.


                            • its been a while since i visited this post, the game its looking good, i was wondering if this game will be finished by the end of the year so i want to ask, how many years do you think will take to realease fullgame?.

                              i know that its going to be released when its done, and im ok with that, but at least share more info like the % on the full proyect i dont care if its 70% right knw, but with that info i will be happy.

                              long live resident evil classic.


                              • I agree. Team IGAS doesn't have to keep posting pictures or videos, but it'd be nice if they popped in once in a while or posted a new status update on FB saying something like "implemented zombies into sewers, surprises await" or some BS like that.

