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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • GZ?

    BZork the suspense is killing me, not literally though. Will we get to see this or hear of it within the next couple weeks to a month?


    • i still don't think it's a demo but rather a technical achievement of some kind. Maybe a completed FMV cutscene? That would be awesome. Hopefully we'll see sooner rather than later.
      "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


      • Def not a demo but it will be something cool I assure you guys!


        • They've followed in the footsteps of Capcom, canned 1.5 and remade the relased 2 again from scratch. Am I close?
          "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


          • Originally posted by Jimmy_Jazz View Post
            They've followed in the footsteps of Capcom, canned 1.5 and remade the relased 2 again from scratch. Am I close?
            That'd be glorious! A third timeline!


            • Bzork with the cocktease


              • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                ok. we did what we did hope to.
                team is maybe most excite for this. is nothing big. maybe only big to us.
                If you tell me what you did, I could tell you how big it is.


                • Judging from the info presented by B.Zork, this is quite the riddle. I honestly have no idea what it could be. Has to be something positive rather than something like a bug fix, as he said "working on something nice". It can't be a demo or new feature as that's quite relevant to us? So umm, an upgrade to a dev tool/environment?


                  • I hoped that IGAS would use the behind the mask engine. It seems to be way more stable than Capcom's one plus those guys surely know what they're doing.


                    • B.Zork said awhile ago they might work on another making of the game video. Just guessing that's probably what it is so dont expect a Demo until earliest 2015.

                      At this point we will be too busy playing Remake HD or Revelations 2 to care anymore.
                      Last edited by V Venom80; 09-26-2014, 06:22 AM.


                      • Comment

                        • Not for nothing, but the Leon and Elza avatars in the inventory need to go. Using concept art for an avatar is not that great. I'd rather them use the RE2 Leon avatar. And for Elza, I don't know, maybe they could simply re-color Claire's hair, make it blonde.
                          Last edited by RetroRain; 09-26-2014, 01:17 PM.
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                          • The difference is the aspect ratio. This new inventory screen has a wider plate.

                            EDIT: Rather, the overscan was masked, making the inventory screen appear wider.
                            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 09-26-2014, 04:25 PM.


                            • Well, a little update for the menu inventory, at least RetroRain is right... IGAS should change the avatars, maybe from the avatar founded in the Trial Edition or something else, but the Inventory looks great... lets wait for what they have to show... Another Making of...? I really want to see new rooms and the Acid and Flame grenades functional...


                              • Well they better have been thinking about the overscan this whole time, that would be an issue if they have not.

