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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Working on one project takes time, working on three simultaneously seems quite unlikely ;)
    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


    • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
      Working on one project takes time, working on three simultaneously seems quite unlikely ;)
      I agree.


      • Freaking calm down its not cancelled!


        • Pay no attention to Jesus Trollmero and friends, if you have even a very basic knowledge of internet trolls.


          • Is that what you guys said before Dark Biohazard got cancelled? And many other projects too?
            They're all the same, they post frequent updates. One day, they stop doing it. Then, another random day, they deliver a big renewal trailer, then they announce they're cancelling the thing.

            These things take time, yes. But when was the last update? Months ago? And it was only a new background.
            Get real, I'm pretty sure they've decided to cancel it.


            • Originally posted by MichelleRockz View Post
              These things take time, yes. But when was the last update? Months ago? And it was only a new background.
              Get real, I'm pretty sure they've decided to cancel it.
              Not after all the effort they put into it, I don't think so...

              Don't forget that they never intended to announce this project until it was ready to be released.
              It was only because of some stupid leak that they decided to go public.

              They're upgrading and recreating backgrounds of all the rooms in the game, this obviously takes a lot of time.
              Besides, showing every single room they've created spoils the surprise effect when we get to play the finished game...

              Let's give them another year or two to finish this, be patient.


              • I think people are underestimating how hard it is to recreate all of the missing content. Just going by the pre-rendered backgrounds alone, there are at least 30 rooms that need to be recreated from scratch. That doesn't include rooms that already exist, but need to be rebuilt anyway since the current renders were left unfinished, like the factory parking and lobby, etc. Rebuilding all of those entail recreating hundreds of models and textures that need to match those used in the official Capcom renders. Not to mention designing new ones for areas of the game that we've never seen before, and ensuring that they look like what Capcom would have made back in 1996.

                Heck, that doesn't even include all the other stuff on the checklist such as fixing the broken engine, patching in the missing holes in the story, creating cutscenes and FMVs, voice-overs, files, post-game extras, missing enemy and NPC AI, weapons, inventory and user interface art/textures, character and enemy models. Again, all making sure they look authentic to what Capcom would have done.

                Fan translations for J-RPGs take years to come out, and those are just translating and hacking in text/content already fully developed by the devs. Just imagine how much longer it'll take when they're not just merely translating, but creating more than half of the game assets themselves. Try juggling that with a full-time job and in-real-life responsibilities.
                Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-28-2014, 09:17 AM.
                Seibu teh geimu?


                • They are two sides of the same coin. Well, that's enough clues already, read between words...

                  That said, I lost my faith on this project after something I've told about sometime ago. But each one is free to keep their hopes high.
                  Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 12-28-2014, 11:47 AM.
                  The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                  • i don't get it... lanzagranadas do you know anything about the project that we don't know ?


                    • The issue isn't how long it takes, but the lack of updates. I'm not talking about pictures of videos, but something similar to what Birkin once did here when he kept us updated about what he was working on.
                      Last edited by Rick Hunter; 12-28-2014, 02:19 PM.


                      • They're working on it I can promise you guys! B. Zork said he doesn't wanna do any major updates unless they have something really cool to show us.


                        • Originally posted by warren View Post
                          i don't get it... lanzagranadas do you know anything about the project that we don't know ?
                          What he means is something unknow for most of you guys, but probably this is not the right place to talk about it.
                          Last edited by Dark Biohazard; 12-28-2014, 04:45 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                            The issue isn't how long it takes, but the lack of updates. I'm not talking about pictures of videos, but something similar to what Birkin once did here when he kept us updated about what he was working on.
                            not to sound rude but I'm past caring now , if the game comes out one day then congrats to the team and I commend them for all the hard work they have put in this project , but if the game doesn't come out because the team disbands for some excuse like Personal reasons , work , college , university , partners , the usual excuses that get used with fan projects , I have been interested in so many fan projects only to have the project canned , so I'm kinda tired of showing support for some projects especially if they can't even say the project is going well.

                            Another example of a project I was really interested in was REMOTHERED which was a clock tower remake , a few years I followed that project then the creator decided to scrap the 2d art style for 3d and we haven't seen or heard of him ever since, his facebook page hasn't even been updated and he never answers any of his fans questions So everyone thinks the game is canned now.

                            let's hope the new offical clock tower game (Project scissors) comes out soon for vita.
                            Card Saga wars is another example , there was supposed to be a 4 character playable demo and now nothing , they said they are still working on it from time to time but to me that basically means we wont see that game lol.

                            I hope this 1.5 project get's completed maybe in 3 more years if the team can last that long and don't get bored lol.
                            Last edited by chrisliam2; 12-29-2014, 01:45 AM.


                            • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                              Heck, that doesn't even include all the other stuff on the checklist such as fixing the broken engine, patching in the missing holes in the story, creating cutscenes and FMVs, voice-overs, files, post-game extras, missing enemy and NPC AI, weapons, inventory and user interface art/textures, character and enemy models. Again, all making sure they look authentic to what Capcom would have done.
                              Can imagine cramming in new AI and event logic elements and such as being the big time killer. The PS1 only has so much memory available for crap, and some of that crap has to exist in the system memory at all times. With an unoptimized game engine like the one the vanilla game has, there's a lot of redundant memory (ab)usage going on. Incremental updates are pretty boring; especially if they're in line with the system updates for PS3-PS4 -- "Today we present to you ... stability update #235221!"

                              Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                              Fan translations for J-RPGs take years to come out, and those are just translating and hacking in text/content already fully developed by the devs. Just imagine how much longer it'll take when they're not just merely translating, but creating more than half of the game assets themselves. Try juggling that with a full-time job and in-real-life responsibilities.
                              Yeah. Even some of the most well known and high-profile fan-translations have taken quite some time, but the end result for some of them have been spectacular (whilst others; complete trainwrecks). All sort of relies on the skills (or dedication) of the team, I suppose.


                              • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                                not to sound rude but I'm past caring now , if the game comes out one day then congrats to the team and I commend them for all the hard work they have put in this project , but if the game doesn't come out because the team disbands for some excuse like Personal reasons , work , college , university , partners , the usual excuses that get used with fan projects , I have been interested in so many fan projects only to have the project canned , so I'm kinda tired of showing support for some projects especially if they can't even say the project is going well.

                                Another example of a project I was really interested in was REMOTHERED which was a clock tower remake , a few years I followed that project then the creator decided to scrap the 2d art style for 3d and we haven't seen or heard of him ever since, his facebook page hasn't even been updated and he never answers any of his fans questions So everyone thinks the game is canned now.

                                let's hope the new offical clock tower game (Project scissors) comes out soon for vita.
                                Card Saga wars is another example , there was supposed to be a 4 character playable demo and now nothing , they said they are still working on it from time to time but to me that basically means we wont see that game lol.

                                I hope this 1.5 project get's completed maybe in 3 more years if the team can last that long and don't get bored lol.
                                I remember Remothered and can say i was thoroughly pissed about its direction. The original art direction was beautiful and unlike anything i've ever seen done outside of some cinematics in alice madness returns. then out of nowhere they rewrite the story thats just a thinly veiled rip off of clock tower and then it faded away completely. didnt stop them from selling a soundtrack and god knows what else from the game...ugh. im sorry but that project left a bad taste in alot of peoples mouths.

