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  • Well, I guess we were all destined to have this awkward conversation at some point. Still, I think it would be more beneficial for us to let the creative minds work their magic with reasonable privacy.


    • The "Kamiya's Left Testicle" note that came with the vanilla leak outed all the members of IGAS way back when. (Yes, it was saying the *exact same thing* people are saying now.) However, I'm just going to state the obvious: Even if this is true, and such and such a person is truly a member of Team IGAS, *Of course they are going to deny it publicly!!!* Due to threat of Cease And Desist, Law Suit, Etc. They know if they confirm "Yes, I'm a member of Team IGAS" rather than flat out denial, they are probably going to get slapped with a Cease And Desist.
      Last edited by Eteponge; 12-31-2014, 06:13 PM.


      • There are always "sources" coming up with pieces of information of all sorts - some of then correct, some of them plain wrong. Remember that story of how 1.5 was released? Ask some and you get one answer, ask to the right ones and you get a better shot on cracks showing up. Not that being associated with IGAS' name is bad at all, quite the contrary, but this fuss has gone a bit too far for my tastes. Honestly, I'll leave you to believe whatever you want about sources that coincidentally always remain anonymous and that are always associated with the same kind of individuals - there is simply no change at all in the end: IGAS will keep working on 1.5 and I will be taking care of my own development stuff. Want to think 1.5 is delayed because of rapid progress on BTM and HB? Fine, but don't even bother showing up at my door looking for explanations about delays of unrelated projects.
        Last edited by Gemini; 01-01-2015, 01:53 AM.

        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


        • People have been creating conspiracy theories about others on the forum owning 1.5 even before it was released or announced to be released by IGAS. It's no surprise they make conspiracy theories about who works for IGAS now. Seriously, go mind your own business, retards.


          • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
            Remember that story of how 1.5 was released?
            You mean the story RMandel tell us?

            Originally posted by Gemini View Post
            Want to think 1.5 is delayed because of rapid progress on BTM and HB?
            Honestly, I thought IGAS project was paused or directly abandonded when you announce BTM (considering the info about the people involved in IGAS was true), also, considering IGAS give very few signs of life (we know that they were more active before) and remain anonymous, they could just disappear and no one would never know what happened, so considering all that, a little sad I start to lost completely the interest in IGAS project (despite I'm a big fan of 1.5), since I felt like they were playing with us.

            I'm being really honest with this words, just sharing what I personally feel about all this.
            Last edited by Dark Biohazard; 01-01-2015, 09:32 AM.


            • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
              You mean the story RMandel tell us?
              Yes, that story made of fragmented information, some being actual facts while others clearly not that realistic, and personal drama. Reminds me a lot of all the fuss made over at assembler about some Superman prototype gone pretty ugly.

              Honestly, I thought IGAS project was paused or directly abandonded when you announce BTM (considering the info about the people involved in IGAS was true), also considering IGAS is anonymous, they could just disappear and no one would never know what happened, so considering all that, a little sad I start to lost completely the interest in IGAS project (despite I'm a big fan of 1.5), since I felt like they were playing with us.
              You do realize that if IGAS were to use Squeeze Bomb they'd never stopped working on anything anyway, right? As a logical consequence they would have in their hands a way more complete and stable piece of software to restore 1.5. Still, that'd be wishful thinking since I never shared the full sources with anybody. Moreover, if they aren't giving updates it doesn't mean they have stopped working on it. If this were a translation board, a lack of updates would be considered regular business and nobody would come around asking for updates every now and then. This shit takes time, deal with it; if the public can't bear the wait, they should find something else to do.

              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


              • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
                I'm being really honest with this words, just sharing what I personally feel about all this.
                ...and causing unnecessary drama in the process.

                What difference would it make, anyhow? Would it comfort you, having someone specific that could be blamed for these supposed delays and/or cancellations in development? Or perhaps, would it would please you, knowing that you've caused disruptions/distractions on an otherwise vastly superior project?

                No one benefits from such conversation and this is just another prime example of how people lose it when they don't post weekly updates. Go outside, read a book, travel - there are far better mysteries in the world.
                I'm a blackstar.


                • Since when people are entitled to suggest how other people should spend their time?
                  If they want to nuke the project they are free to do so, they owe you nothing. This has been said countless times and nobody gets a grasp of it.

                  I still fail to see progress on the actual Partially Vaporware Build since when it came in possession of the so called modding community, they still needed to be babysitted with a build already unlocked (but not fully ;)) and HACK.EXE provided from external sources. This while bashing the same people who provided them with the material to work on.

                  Results were poor and still are.

                  If you don't like what they are doing, or how they are doing it, ask them a refund.

                  In Pampero veritas (Truth lies in the booze, because you need to be drunk to believe that)

                  If now people could stop picking up names from the same list over and over again just to cause drama, that would be much appreciated, chuu~


                  • I've just got "TEH CHRONYKLEZ OFH TEH IGAZ" text file (very old stuff but I never read it before), and the eight guys named there, except for a couple of them, were no surprise. And while I absolutely don't agree with the offensive tone used in that text, sadly everything makes sense and coincides with what I was told from other people before.

                    You "eight guys" (or seven and half) know who you are, and the big theather you've mounted is as much part of the drama as anything else that has come as a consequence, and the fact some of you're currently posting to defend yourselves makes more obvious for other people to realize who you are.
                    I've researched on this for my personal interest, just as other people did. You guys can do what you want with your projects, and of course you have no obligation to give updates nor to finish anything, but the community at least deserve respect, we don't want to be fooled, treated as stupids again, by people we know and frequently talk with in these forums. That's the point.
                    Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 01-01-2015, 11:24 AM.
                    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                    • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                      You "eight guys" (or seven and half) know who you are, and the big theather you've mounted is as much part of the drama as anything else that has come as a consequence, and the fact some of you're currently posting to defend yourselves makes more obvious for other people to realize who you are.
                      I usually don't post here that much, but when I'm referenced in one post I guess I have the right to say something. If my handle didn't show up anywhere I wouldn't have bothered feeding this discussion. Yet here we are, talking about the same stuff once more.

                      but the community at least deserve respect, we don't want to be fooled, treated as stupids again, by people we know and frequently talk with in these forums. That's the point.
                      Side point: the community isn't exactly respectful to begin with. I don't mean everyone, clearly, but you can see all the weird stuff happening when it comes to Resident Evil. Death threats, rumors, conspiracy, Jesus Trollmero, etc.; you name it, you get it or reach close enough. On this matter, I've been even informed about somebody thinking the BTM code is really one RE engine masked as something of my creation, when it's clearly all custom to the bone and proved in many occasions. Again, believe what you want or not, I stopped trying a long time ago because efforts seem to go nowhere. Next time I'll stay silent just like I started doing a long time ago about some other board trying to flame every occasion they had.
                      Last edited by Gemini; 01-01-2015, 12:01 PM.

                      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                      • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                        You guys can do what you want with your projects, and of course you have no obligation to give updates nor to finish anything, but the community at least deserve respect, we don't want to be fooled, treated as stupids again, by people we know and frequently talk with in these forums. That's the point.
                        Good point, that was the SAME REASON why the project came to public prematurely and had one of its builds released.
                        The community doesn't deserve any respect, the community has always been the same bastards who DEMANDED they should work like slaves/release their current build against their will because THEY, THE COMMUNITY, "deserved it". Even when they didn't even lift a penny or a sweat for them. They just sit their asses on the computer and play the victimized bossy asses they are.
                        Last edited by Guest; 01-01-2015, 01:18 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                          I've just got "TEH CHRONYKLEZ OFH TEH IGAZ" text file (very old stuff but I never read it before), and the eight guys named there, except for a couple of them, were no surprise. And while I absolutely don't agree with the offensive tone used in that text, sadly everything makes sense and coincides with what I was told from other people before.

                          You "eight guys" (or seven and half) know who you are, and the big theather you've mounted is as much part of the drama as anything else that has come as a consequence, and the fact some of you're currently posting to defend yourselves makes more obvious for other people to realize who you are.
                          I've researched on this for my personal interest, just as other people did. You guys can do what you want with your projects, and of course you have no obligation to give updates nor to finish anything, but the community at least deserve respect, we don't want to be fooled, treated as stupids again, by people we know and frequently talk with in these forums. That's the point.
                          They are not like the holy books describes them.

                          Who is doing the witch hunting here? Who want to uncover the secrets?

                          Why people is so obsessed about it, what kind of reward awaits you if you unveil the truth?

                          From my post count you can clearly see that I almost never post on this board, and never talked to you before.
                          Generally speaking, I think you should avoid putting your dreams in other people hands, waiting for others to do the job for you will lead you nowhere.

                          I do what I do because I want, not because I want to be praised or to gain some kind of respect from the community, something that I'm not part of, people who I don't even know who they are and never talked to. What you want, what other people want, their expectations, are none of my concerns. We are talking about the same joyous community which is obsessed with RE1 Jill actress, when you find out who she really is, what you want to do to her? You people are just insane.


                          • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                            I still fail to see progress on the actual Partially Vaporware Build since when it came in possession of the so called modding community, they still needed to be babysitted with a build already unlocked (but not fully ;)) and HACK.EXE provided from external sources. This while bashing the same people who provided them with the material to work on.
                            Here's a simple reply to this; because there is no a PSX hacker expert willing to help us with that.

                            You sound as if you know how to do a better hacking for PVB of that us did, want you to help?
                            Last edited by Dark Biohazard; 01-01-2015, 02:38 PM.


                            • Originally posted by MichelleRockz View Post
                              The community doesn't deserve any respect, the community has always been the same bastards who DEMANDED they should work like slaves/release their current build against their will because THEY, THE COMMUNITY, "deserved it". Even when they didn't even lift a penny or a sweat for them. They just sit their asses on the computer and play the victimized bossy asses they are.
                              Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                              I do what I do because I want, not because I want to be praised or to gain some kind of respect from the community, something that I'm not part of, people who I don't even know who they are and never talked to. What you want, what other people want, their expectations, are none of my concerns. We are talking about the same joyous community which is obsessed with RE1 Jill actress, when you find out who she really is, what you want to do to her? You people are just insane.
                              So the entire community doesn't deserve any respect because of a bunch of demanding idiots, some random troll that allways post non-sense, and some retarded capable of issuing a death threat at the time he knows someone has an 1.5 build. You guys really think those idiots represent the community?

                              Look at any of my posts in this thread and see how I allways supported the restoration project, allways gave positive feedback and never demanded anything from IGAS, and so the majority of the people here.

                              And did I mention you? no, you did it yourself. I'm talking about others that I actually trusted and saw as good guys before.

                              I don't care about 1.5 anymore, since the moment I've played the leaked build I virtually lost all my interest, and I don't expect you or whoever do any job, I don't expect anything but sincerity and an end to this big and crappy circus.

                              I fail to see how you think all the community are complaining demanding douchebags with no life that only want others to do the job, if that's THIGAS thoughts so, then I don't get why they would even bother in giving a completed 1.5 to such awful community that doesn't deserve anything.
                              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                              • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                                You guys really think those idiots represent the community?
                                I think people who think the community is a shit, it's because they think themselves perfect, nobody is perfect in this world.

                                Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                                I fail to see how you think all the community are complaining demanding douchebags with no life that only want others to do the job, if that's THIGAS thoughts so, then I don't get why they would even bother in giving a completed 1.5 to such awful community that doesn't deserve anything.
                                Yeah, that's exactly what I'm wondering too. :S
                                Last edited by Dark Biohazard; 01-01-2015, 02:47 PM.

