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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Looks like I got the green light to post something about the IGAS project. Keep your fingers crossed and hope everything works out for the best; this could take a while or maybe not.

    PS: this is not a trollmero'd hoax, just in case you're wondering.
    Last edited by Gemini; 01-25-2015, 02:54 PM.

    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


    • Spoiler:
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
        Looks like I got the green light to post something about the IGAS project. Keep your fingers crossed and hope everything works out for the best; this could take a while or maybe not.

        PS: this is not a trollmero'd hoax, just in case you're wondering.
        Not sure what something is but sounds intriguing!


        • Confirmed. Gemini is in league with IGAS. Awesome can't wait.


          • More like a temp collaboration. Only time will tell how it turns out, but for now let's celebrate with whatever I'm allowed to share to the public:

            Don't expect many to come soon, this is all still moving in a transition phase and it's only my side of the share to try and see if the process can be sped up. Also, since many seem to like curiosities and dev info, both those screens were taken with backgrounds in lossy mode. Glory properly compressed rooms with real light data.
            Last edited by Gemini; 01-25-2015, 07:30 PM. Reason: Meh, misconfusion of "lossy" and "lossless". Fix'd.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
              More like a temp collaboration. Only time will tell how it turns out, but for now let's celebrate with whatever I'm allowed to share to the public:

              Don't expect many to come soon, this is all still moving in a transition phase and it's only my side of the share to try and see if the process can be sped up. Also, since many seem to like curiosities and dev info, both those screens were taken with backgrounds in lossy mode. Glory properly compressed rooms with real light data.
              Thanks Gemini, any bit of information like this is really appreciated. Keep the good work guys!
              ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


              • Gemini confirmed? LOL if there's still people that doesn't know that IGAS = THIA by now. Not that this has any importance, I'm still waiting for the finished package. Who really could imagine a project like this would appear someday.
                Hail the heros of the revolution!


                • B.Zork, perhaps if you forced the door-loading sequence, it would be easier to reduce and manage the game's memory usage?


                  • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                    More like a temp collaboration. (...) this is all still moving in a transition phase
                    Are they planning to switch the whole thing to your engine?


                    • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post


                      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                        Are they planning to switch the whole thing to your engine?
                        That's the idea. The transition phase I mentioned means taking all Birkin's source code and adapt it to Squeeze Bomb; it's over 200 source files and they literally include A LOT of remade 1.5 code, roughly 300 KB in terms of compiled binaries. The screens I posted are about completing two WIP rooms, so they are related to the toolchain rather than the engine itself. So many PSD tweaks.
                        Last edited by Gemini; 01-26-2015, 05:22 AM.

                        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                        • It's interesting. I was wondering at what degree it would invalidate everything Birkin has done until know, good to hear you can reuse/adapt his code.


                          • I'm not exactly removing anything to make the fit work. Aside from different code handling due to injection into a pre-existing binary, I'm proceeding step-by-step for adaption of Squeeze Bomb to be compatible with newly merged code. So far porting the full Status menu and player selection screen has been straightforward with few hiccups. And yes, those aren't just small patches applied to the 1.5 executable like stated in one of the teaser videos. What was given to me is a full redo of many parts with like barely half of the original binary ever called (SB fills the gaps for the remaining half). There is a lot more in there than showed up to this point.

                            As for other aspects - file system, encryption, compression, asset formats - I'm slowly converting everything in batches with established wrappers. Turns out the new main exe is around 674 KB with some debug symbols and best optimization; drops by 20 KB with no debug, increases back to 714 KB with full debug. Still waiting for more incoming stuff to check out how the engine reacts to them.

                            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                            • Fascinating! I'm even more excited than I was before. 2 great games in the making using your engine, well 1.5 I'm assuming is a hybrid of your engine. Glad to see things progressing. Keep up the good work.


                              • Well, I'm glad to see that the game is being ported over to Squeezebomb. Why work with the original broken engine, when you have a perfectly good clone that's running on steroids. As long as it runs and feels like the original, then I'm sold.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

