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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I believe that's the idea that IGAS went with in their recreation. You can make out what appears to be some broken glass shards in one of their old promo images of the conference room (look to the right of Leon):

    Click image for larger version

Name:	ai7i.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	31.7 KB
ID:	403881

    I can imagine John telling Elza to stand back, only to get knocked out by the monkeys. It's the total opposite of what happens to Leon and Ada in the garage.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Ah, I hadn't noticed that before, good eye.

      I don't agree with IGAS's eastern window placement though:

      1) Architecturally speaking, this window would lead directly to the roof above the 2F Archive Corridor; why would there be a window there? Just compare the 2F and 3F maps.
      2) There is no direct access allowing the baboons to enter through this window from the helipad, which is where John clearly states he saw them. This can be seen when you superimpose the helipad map onto the 3F map. There is dead roof space above this proposed eastern window.
      3) The eastern wall more likely houses a projection screen and/or podium, as it stands opposite the main entrance and is the focus of the main conference table (notice how the chairs are turned facing inward and eastward).
      4) If the baboons entered from the east, they'd be on the opposite side of the room from Elza and John, giving them a large head start in the battle. In Leon's battle in the parking lot, the baboons land practically in front of him, giving him very little room for evasion.

      Thus, the main large southern window (whose existence is confirmed) seems to be the most likely point of entry for the baboons. I also highly doubt that there is a window on the eastern wall at all. We know that these creatures are rather good at swinging, so I believe that they swung down through the southern window from the helipad.
      Last edited by Enigmatism415; 01-31-2015, 11:46 AM.


      • Are you are architecture student or something similar :p


        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
          Are you are architecture student or something similar :p


          • Great work as always enig, You caught him in a rare good mood I guess. Maybe in a couple weeks you should try that again on something we are completely stumped about.


            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
              Great work as always enig, You caught him in a rare good mood I guess. Maybe in a couple weeks you should try that again on something we are completely stumped about.
              ASk him about the baby aligators!

              Amazing job Gemini!


              • Originally posted by Hepatus View Post
                ASk him about the baby aligators!
                What about them? They're merely the small version of the boss alligator, and you encounter them in the northwest tank of the Drains stage (and likely in the central pool as well, although we can't prove it yet).
                Last edited by Enigmatism415; 01-31-2015, 04:27 PM.


                • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                  Ah, I hadn't noticed that before, good eye.

                  I don't agree with IGAS's eastern window placement though:

                  1) Architecturally speaking, this window would lead directly to the roof above the 2F Archive Corridor; why would there be a window there? Just compare the 2F and 3F maps.
                  2) There is no direct access allowing the baboons to enter through this window from the helipad, which is where John clearly states he saw them. This can be seen when you superimpose the helipad map onto the 3F map. There is dead roof space above this proposed eastern window.
                  3) The eastern wall more likely houses a projection screen and/or podium, as it stands opposite the main entrance and is the focus of the main conference table (notice how the chairs are turned facing inward and eastward).
                  4) If the baboons entered from the east, they'd be on the opposite side of the room from Elza and John, giving them a large head start in the battle. In Leon's battle in the parking lot, the baboons land practically in front of him, giving him very little room for evasion.

                  Thus, the main large southern window (whose existence is confirmed) seems to be the most likely point of entry for the baboons. I also highly doubt that there is a window on the eastern wall at all. We know that these creatures are rather good at swinging, so I believe that they swung down through the southern window from the helipad.
                  How they are supposed to enter from that window? Jumping from the Heliport?


                  • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                    How they are supposed to enter from that window? Jumping from the Heliport?
                    They would swing over the southern ledge of the helipad, forcing them to come crashing through the main window. We already know that the baboons can hang and swing from things, so it's not inconceivable. John encounters the baboons on the helipad, he runs downstairs to escape and warn Elza, and these baboons take the shortest possible path to reach them.


                    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                      They would swing over the southern ledge of the helipad, forcing them to come crashing through the main window.
                      They could do exactly the same from the east side where that window is or even jump from the outdoor 2F floor above the lobby. There's plenty of room to fit windows everywhere except for north and west walls.

                      We already know that the baboons can hang and swing from things, so it's not inconceivable.
                      To be more precise, the boss baboons can't do the swing move from what I could see unless I missed something. Their AI is calibrated to work around obstacles by jumping over them. Regular mob counterparts, on the other hand, are given the swing move and work a bit differently in general. In some regards they are reminiscent of the differences between Web Spinner and Black Tiger.
                      Last edited by Gemini; 02-01-2015, 09:59 AM.

                      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                      • Right the female Gorillas are the ones who hang and swipe from above. The male Gorillas are the boss variants.


                        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                          Right the female Gorillas are the ones who hang and swipe from above. The male Gorillas are the boss variants.
                          I never understood this nonsense.

                          Since when was it determined that one set is male while the other is female? To quote the great Ian Malcolm, "Did someone go around and lift up their skirts?"
                          I'm a blackstar.


                          • Yes, the boss baboons do not hang/swing in-game. I instead wished to imply that, in theory, they could have this ability within the confines of a cutscene (since their smaller counterparts do). Of course there's no way to prove it, but there's also no way to prove that there is a window on the eastern wall of the Conference Room. There could be, but it just seems odd to have a window leading directly to the inaccessible roof above the archive corridor, which doesn't make for much of a scenic view (I suppose the baboons have free rein over the rooftops).

                            Mine is but one interpretation, so if IGAS prefers a different scenario, I will respect it. It's a minor detail overall, and their vision of this encounter and room layout isn't unreasonable. I just wanted to offer my two cents.
                            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 02-01-2015, 01:24 PM.


                            • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                              I never understood this nonsense.

                              Since when was it determined that one set is male while the other is female? To quote the great Ian Malcolm, "Did someone go around and lift up their skirts?"
                              Their in game sounds. Lol


                              • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                                Mine is but one interpretation, so if IGAS prefers a different scenario, I will respect it. It's a minor detail overall, and their vision of this encounter and room layout isn't unreasonable. I just wanted to offer my two cents.
                                And this is why it was chosen to be like that:

                                This route makes sense in more than a way.
                                1) Baboons don't need to get into parkout mode in order to just break a glass window. They know that there's another window (or simply the one they saw) and it's easily reached by backtracking their escape route from the car park.
                                2) A glass window placed in front of a terrace isn't that uncommon.

                                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.

