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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
    Fair enough XD, atleast the storyline and concept were pretty cool!
    Ah someone gets it! Hah

    Anywho on a 1.5 note I recently was rereading through the old Playstation Magazine comic and noticed in the RE2 arc that the Mr X that attacked Clare looks like he was designed around his 1.5 concept art, gas mask and all. I'f anyone cares or is too lazy to look it up I can post it.


    • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
      is anyone even play resident evil anymore? people only seem to do talk and speculate and make many complaint.
      I dooooo.

      Very much waiting for 1.5 completion... Keep up the good work you guys!


      • I just wish this community was always more active and not just when 1.5 updates came out.


        • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
          I just wish this community was always more active and not just when 1.5 updates came out.
          Years and years of bad games my friend. The biggest RE forum here was shut down due to few users and no discussions.


          • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
            is anyone even play resident evil anymore? people only seem to do talk and speculate and make many complaint.
            Well we all know that RE0-CV and RE4-6 are 2 different series so when a chapter of the former is in the making of course your gonna get impatience.
            The problem is the situation of 1.5 prior to IGAS can be associated with an injury. You get cut, cut turns to scab, scab turns to scar. Everyone accepted that we didn't have 1.5 and moved on but now that scar has been reopened again yet it can't move on to a scar now can it?. A lot of us are itching to play it. I been trying to quench it with playthroughs of RE2 but its just not doing it anymore. I'm accepting of the wait but man do I get those itches from time to time.
            Man am I seriously the only one who actually enjoyed ORC?
            Actually I enjoyed ORC a lot. I'm a sucker for team work and that game did that pretty well. I was only a fan of heroes mode tho. It had a lot of great ideas:The "quick pistol" feature should be used in all modern day REs and the active melee QTE is great too but it needed to be developed further to allow the player getting attacked to counter. The layout of the city was well thought out unlike RE3's pitiful depiction and the SPEC OPS/non canon USS characters had creative and fun backstories. I never really played the story though.. because the game is SO GOD DAMN GLITCHY that it crashed my system so bad it corrupted a file that ps3 couldn't fix so... it destroyed my ps3.


            • Glad im not the only one who plays through RE2 when his urge to play 1.5 overcomes him.


              • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                is anyone even play resident evil anymore? people only seem to do talk and speculate and make many complaint.
                yeah that's usually what people do on a forum. i never saw people play resident evil on one.


                • You can only play through the series' few good games so many times.


                  • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                    You can only play through the series' few good games so many times.
                    I disagree as most of the games before 5 never get old no matter how many times I play them. The only one I never had the urge to replay was Outbreak. I can't exagerate how many times I've beaten REmake and 2.


                    • I replayed RE2, RE5 and Outbreaks in what goes of 2015, started to play RER2 last weekend, and planning to buy RE remake when it gets a big discount . Replaying games after a few years is allways a good thing.
                      Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 03-17-2015, 09:02 AM.
                      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                      • All RE games up to RE4,5,6 IMO have tons of reply value and never get old. The new 'over the shoulder' style, for me, IS getting tired now though.
                        Think Capcom need to rethink the games design for RE7 - or at least mix it up a little, maybe something like the RE4 proto with moving cameras and the RE6 type aiming?

                        Outbreak was ghood for added puzzles on higher difficulties, and the gfact you could play as so many characters. File 3 would be awesome
                        "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                        • All RE games up to RE4,5,6 IMO have tons of reply value and never get old.
                          I must admit I can't be bothered to play any of them through a second time because they're so linear. RE2&3 were lean enough to make speed running in an hour or two fun, whilst RE1 had branching paths for re-playability.

                          The new 'over the shoulder' style, for me, IS getting tired now though
                          What doesn't help the Over-The-Shoulder camera is the ridiculous scale that Capcom build the world to, especially with the Rev series.

                          It doesn't feel like I've got an intricate world full of details to scour over, but large rooms with overscaled, repeated furniture over and over again. It was the small details that made RE1-3 so interesting to discover & explore.

                          I appreciate that the current camera distance and FoV don't help and would like to seem them changed to accommodate a more realistic (if not 100% realistic) scale. But I think Capcom need to really think about the environments more.

                          or at least mix it up a little, maybe something like the RE4 proto with moving cameras and the RE6 type aiming?
                          I wonder if part of the problem with the RE series evolution is that third person aiming - it demands a more sophisticated damage system. I think what needs to be looked at are other ways of interacting with enemies - good and bad for the player - if we wish to go back to SH.
                          "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


                          • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                            is anyone even play resident evil anymore? people only seem to do talk and speculate and make many complaint.
                            I played REmake this year. And still play the original every so often. Otherwise, no, I'm waiting for 1.5 demo


                            • REmake is legit a drug to me, if I dont play it for a month i get heavilly deprived and this has been going on 12 years now....


                              • Sorry Zork, I'm one of those RE fans who is hopelessly stuck in the past. I get more enjoyment from IGAS updates than playing the latest RE titles. If I want to play a series that's both good and new, I'll stick with Metal Gear. Kojima can do no wrong!

