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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by ChuckthePlant View Post
    The best way to play this game would be with a modded PSX (modchips are like less than $20 now) and an XRGB-Mini/Framemeister to upscale the game to being attractive on a modern HDTV..

    or a chipped PS2, because those can play PSX backups without issue.
    I've been experimenting with the PS2 POPStarter for a while now, and my experiences with Dark Biohazard's patched version of the IGAS MZD build have been encouraging enough that I've decided to give the POPStarter a chance as my primary method to play. Just as long as Gemini or somebody provides a version of the ISO that can be converted to the Virtual CD format, I'll be more than happy to drop reports about the POPStarter's compatibility with this project.

    And, I mean c'mon, the latest POPStarter allows USB loading. USB loading, man. What's more convenient than that? No hassling with CDs, no wear and tear on my Playstation's optical drive due to all moving parts getting eliminated from the equation. Allows the use of my ye olde CRT TV for that authentic 1990's audiovisual experience. It's a win-win just as long as it works.

    Dark Biohazard, your patches did wonders to the MZD build. After 2 hours of extensive testing using both Leon and Elza, the patched build crashed on me just once. The newly unlocked hidden rooms were also fun to explore. Excellent work man, thanks for the effort.


    • For me it's the psp 2k all the way


      • Why not all? I use a combination of PSX and PSP to play them, with some PS3 on the side.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • How does PS2PSXe compare to popstarter? I used it to load iso from ethernet and internal hdd with uLaunchELF a few years back to play re1, I also completed dc1 with CubeSX/WiiSX.
          irc the ps2 had problems with certain psone games that use CPU cache tricks
          Last edited by Mikhail; 05-08-2015, 07:43 PM.


          • Originally posted by Northman View Post
            And, I mean c'mon, the latest POPStarter allows USB loading. USB loading, man. What's more convenient than that? No hassling with CDs, no wear and tear on my Playstation's optical drive due to all moving parts getting eliminated from the equation. Allows the use of my ye olde CRT TV for that authentic 1990's audiovisual experience. It's a win-win just as long as it works.
            The USB support is actually the one feature that got me interested. It's terribly useful and, while not the fastest speed rates are allowed (USB 1.1, meh), it should be faster than PSX CD speed rates (300 KB/s vs 1.5 MB/s) and completely removes the bottleneck of sluggish seek&read. Just for overkill's sake, I can imagine how much faster that could go with my internal HDD unit.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • I remember SP193 overcoming some of the usb bottlenecks with his module for PS2ESDL.
              Ethernet was still quicker though via OpenPS2Loader and PS2PSXe,
              nothing beats the speed of the internal hdd on a fat ps2 though, it makes outbreak playable instead of a door loading chore fest.


              • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                I think I'll just play the game on an emulator, at native resolution, with a CRT filter or something. My PS1 and PS2 are both dead, and I'd rather not have to go through the trouble of getting them repaired.
                Mine were stolen along with their respective libraries. And I'd have to buy an old television just for the "90's experience". I'm not going to ridicule those who wish to do so...hell, if I already had the means I would too. But at this point I would rather just use my current television since it serves as my monitor as well. Wireless and hassle free. My PS3 controller will suffice for nostalgic effect.
                "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                • Fellas, we are one yup away from 4,000 likes on the IGAS Facebook page. I wonder whether we'll get a screenshot for old time's sake.


                  • I get the impression that the IGAS page has been abandoned or is merely a "once a month" after thought. I haven't even seen Bzork here in a while. It had long stagnanted prior to their last post anyway. The better discussions take place here.
                    "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                    • Gemini,

                      What plans (if any) do you have for addressing the limited soundtrack of 1.5? Originally I believed that strictly using a mix of retail and 1.5 was the best approach though I was open to custom creations too. But MarkGrass' use of "Concrete Bound" for his project was a great choice and maybe other titles with similarly cohesive selections would be a good approach? I recall the positive response to the Dino Crisis save theme in an IGAS video at one time.

                      The reason I ask is that I would love to see what other community members could come up with and possibly collaborate on for soundtrack ideas as a few of them have shown they're skilled musically. Mark's approach was inspiring and I'd love to see what others could present too.
                      "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                      • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                        I get the impression that the IGAS page has been abandoned or is merely a "once a month" after thought. I haven't even seen Bzork here in a while. It had long stagnanted prior to their last post anyway. The better discussions take place here.
                        You know I get that impression as well. They don't respond to any questions on there anymore it seems.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • I got an old TV and a PSX ready for 1.5 when it comes. Im ready to get the 90's experience in all his glory
                          Last edited by Unmasked; 05-09-2015, 02:58 PM.
                          ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                          • No intent to offend, but is IGAS doing anything at this point, or did the whole project land squarely on Gemini?


                            • Well we got the excellent floor 1 theme in the re2 demo
                              A boss battle theme can be heard in a Leon vs William battle footage
                              The crisis music seen in the footage of the player seeing the lab door slowly close
                              1-2 tracks heard in complete disc footages
                              "Introduction to William"-Elza cutscene right before boss.
                              1-2 tracks used FOR the complete disc

                              There is a few tracks they could use for 1.5, any other vital tracks will just need to be used from RE2 retail. I dont think IGAS will accept completely new music- at least for the original mode.


                              • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                                The better discussions take place here.
                                After all Facebook isn't exactly the best place for discussions. On top of that, the IGAS page hasn't been updated in a while because there is no need for it: Google can definitively forward people to the right place.

                                Originally posted by Graco View Post

                                What plans (if any) do you have for addressing the limited soundtrack of 1.5? Originally I believed that strictly using a mix of retail and 1.5 was the best approach though I was open to custom creations too. But MarkGrass' use of "Concrete Bound" for his project was a great choice and maybe other titles with similarly cohesive selections would be a good approach?
                                There are some RE1 and RE3 themes already imported and set in stone. Some new ones may be produced too.

                                Originally posted by Northman View Post
                                No intent to offend, but is IGAS doing anything at this point, or did the whole project land squarely on Gemini?
                                I'm just filling holes with the new engine and quick updates. Most of it comes from old and new IGAS work.

                                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.

