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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Wow so many people that didn't own a physical copy of Resident evil directors cut in here apparently. At least in the US.
    Distant Memories is used in the demo of re2 that came with REDC. It is replaced by "The First Floor" in retail. Playing each version at their respective releases, I was quite surprised it was removed when I played the full version of RE2. I always felt "The First Floor" along with a select few others in the game(I.e. The Libary, Nothing else to do here), didn't have the same vibe as the rest of the tracks (rest of tracks being both marshaling yards, wreckage of mad experiment, etc). Like they were "New" tracks not the old "vintage" ones if you know what I mean.
    Last edited by NEOMEGA; 05-26-2015, 12:09 AM. Reason: Video added


    • ^ Thanks for reminding me. It plays in the hallway outside the save room under the stairs in the Trial Edition.

      It's characteristic of the somber, gloomy ambient pieces created during 1.5's lifespan and coupled with its somewhat enigmatic origin attributes to it being accepted as a 1.5 track by some.
      I think the chanting/vocals in the background make it stand out far too much for it to be a 1.5 track. None of the other 1.5 environmental BGM tracks had that. To me it sounds like a church hymn, which would make
      it fit in better as a track for the retail RPD. Frankly, I'm not sure where you'd even play this track if you tried to implement it in 1.5, since all of the settings in 1.5 are supposed to be modern, unlike in retail
      where the RPD is basically an antique museum building converted into a precinct.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • Originally posted by Graco View Post
        I don't recall it being in the collection of 1.5 psf files that Mark posted.
        It's included in the Bio2 Trial psf set that I released many, many years ago.

        The track was original coined with the name "Distant Memories" about 10 years ago at BioFlames.

        Also, there's no way to know for sure if it was ever included in 1.5, but the Bio2 Trial is dated only several months after 1.5 was officially canned, so make of that what you will.

        Also, Blue Calx was a very beautiful track, thank you for sharing. It really fit well with the image that you provided

        Originally posted by Sly View Post
        By the way, do we know if these Extreme Battle tracks were unused tracks for RE2 reused afterwards, or tracks specifically recorded for this bonus mode ?
        I'd be willing to bet that they are simply unused tracks for retail Bio2 that were eventually used for the Dual Shock version/Extreme Battle.

        The only evidence that I have to support this is the way the actual BGM files are named/numbered, with those Ex. Battle tracks being the only missing tracks from the original retail release.
        I'm a blackstar.


        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
          I think the chanting/vocals in the background make it stand out far too much for it to be a 1.5 track. None of the other 1.5 environmental BGM tracks had that. To me it sounds like a church hymn, which would make
          it fit in better as a track for the retail RPD. Frankly, I'm not sure where you'd even play this track if you tried to implement it in 1.5, since all of the settings in 1.5 are supposed to be modern, unlike in retail
          where the RPD is basically an antique museum building converted into a precinct.
          Well, you raise a valid point considering your interpretation of it. It certainly has a "grand/monolithic" quality with the hymn-esque vocals. I have always thought those were there to contrast the visuals of the player to achieve an unholy to say "this is an abomination of man" rather than a more strict interpretation of setting. For that reason I would put the track somewhere in the lab, perhaps in a room with human test subjects on display. But, that's the great thing about music; we don't all interpret it the same way. I would think it to be a mistake to let the track go unused however.

          My experience with playing the trial disc is very limited. I only ever owned the original release of RE1, and although my friend owned DC I only played the trial disc once. At the time I was disappointed with the delay and the changes made to the RPD so I didn't bother replaying it. I still had a positive experience overall once I finished retail but disagreed with the direction they took conceptually.

          Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
          It's included in the Bio2 Trial psf set that I released many, many years ago.

          The track was original coined with the name "Distant Memories" about 10 years ago at BioFlames.

          Also, there's no way to know for sure if it was ever included in 1.5, but the Bio2 Trial is dated only several months after 1.5 was officially canned, so make of that what you will.

          Also, Blue Calx was a very beautiful track, thank you for sharing. It really fit well with the image that you provided
          Thanks for the clarification, and you're welcome.
          Last edited by Graco; 05-26-2015, 09:32 AM.
          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


          • Good catch NEOMEGA. I have RE2's demo disc but I did not remember this.
            Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
            The track was original coined with the name "Distant Memories" about 10 years ago at BioFlames.

            I'd be willing to bet that they are simply unused tracks for retail Bio2 that were eventually used for the Dual Shock version/Extreme Battle.

            The only evidence that I have to support this is the way the actual BGM files are named/numbered, with those Ex. Battle tracks being the only missing tracks from the original retail release.
            - So, the track already had a file name or did the guy who extracted it make it up ?
            - Do you mean that there are gaps in the BGM numbered files, hinting at left out tracks, corresponding to EX Battle's nine tracks ?
            I tried to find a clue with the release dates of both Biohazard 2 Dual Shock Ver. and Biohazard 2 Complete Track (which includes the EX Battle tracks), but it turns out they were both released in August 98. A dead end.


            • Does anyone have a collection of the .psf files found on the beta? I have those found on the trial disc, but I've never seen a RE2 beta collection.
              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


              • Originally posted by Sly View Post
                So, the track already had a file name or did the guy who extracted it make it up ?
                The track has a normal file name - MAIN07.BGM, if I remember correctly. As mentioned, it is definitely used in the Trial version.

                There was discussion about the track from time to time on BioFlames, until we all decided upon the name "Distant Memories", which just kind of stuck, heh. I don't recall exactly who suggested the title, but I'm sure it's somewhere on the BioFlames Forum.

                Originally posted by Sly View Post
                Do you mean that there are gaps in the BGM numbered files, hinting at left out tracks, corresponding to EX Battle's nine tracks ?
                Pretty much, yeah.

                Originally posted by Graco View Post
                Does anyone have a collection of the .psf files found on the beta?
                Bio2 Beta PSF

       sure to check out MAIN15 ;)
                I'm a blackstar.


                • Excellent. Most appreciated! I have about 4 hours until I get home unfortunately.
                  "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                  • "This Is My Nest" sounds very 1.5 to me.


                    • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                      "This Is My Nest" sounds very 1.5 to me.

                      I think it would fit well in the sewers. Great choice.
                      "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                      • anyone know if the fan made version of 1.5 was done yet, i know they planned to have a comparison between theirs and the build that was leaked just wondering if they ever completed their version.


                        • Wow, the beta collection you posted has some interesting pieces in it. I've not had time to sit down and do a proper comparison (or playthrough of retail needless to say) but it does fill in some gaps that I previously had (including the track I called "Ben's theme"). MAIN15 sounds like it was recorded at the same time as the "40%" tracks, but either it was missing from 1.5 or I'm missing it, haha. This is great!

                          Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                          Like they were "New" tracks not the old "vintage" ones if you know what I mean.
                          The synthesizer used in "Distant Memories" has more..."warmth" to it, and a little fuzzy. It pulses and radiates noticeably in the "Marshalling Yard" track similarly to "Distant Memories". They sound as though they were recorded with an analog synth, (perhaps the very same one) whereas the retail tracks sound more clean and refined like they were done digitally. It's not definitive, but it's certainly telling.
                          Last edited by Graco; 05-26-2015, 07:43 PM.
                          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                          • Is MAIN09 corrupted? I think I know what its supposed to be but it sounds altered.
                            Are there any differences between MAIN10 and 15?(William first fight).
                            What the hell? Is SUB 1C00 used anywhere? Besides the awkward tinking its quite good.
                            SUB ID00 is in the final disc along with a variant not in this list. Where either of them used?
                            SUB 2B00 is supposed to be the clock tower ring...that never plays?
                            Don't think SUB 0600 is used.
                            I think SUB_1201 is the unused variant of SUB_1200 (Track when Will attacks Ben or chief)
                            SUB 1600 weird shock sound
                            Lol whats SUB 2000? Strange drum roll with awkward honks.
                            SUB 2200 is a new "pop up scare" for me.
                            SUB 2800 and 2900 must be sound tests along with 2000

                            This is the Biohazard 2 trial edition that was released after Resident Evil 2 demo right? The one with the wheeless and textureless cars?


                            • MAIN15 is a 1.5 track. It was used in one of the Complete Disk videos:

                              Seibu teh geimu?


                              • Oh shit! Honestly after hearing the intro I knew what it was and never let it play beyond that part. If I did I would have known that it was the that track. I quite shocked because I was thinking how tragic that that track was absent from our 1.5 version and IGAS would have to recreate it.
                                But wait..ok I dont know if its the winamp plugin I'm using but that track along with all the others in that set sounds off. Notes end abruptly and some are lower then they sound like they should be. Withe way it is now that sounds quite different from that video's version.

