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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
    You're insinuating the game is done and he just has to port it... I think it's still a far ways off.
    nope, im not insinuating anything, just saying that`s all, i just want to play the game in full glory.


    • Thank you, thank you, thank you...

      I have been after Elza's textures for ages (for a mod in Revelations 2) but couldn't extract them, or find them on the net. Your a saint!
      "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


      • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
        Thank you, thank you, thank you...

        I have been after Elza's textures for ages (for a mod in Revelations 2) but couldn't extract them, or find them on the net. Your a saint!
        I'm hype to see this tbh xD


        • Comparing the model, Elza and Claires only difference other than textures is the head model. The headd may share the same exact ponytail however the rest is different. Leon on the other hand his model is completely different from head to toe. His 1.5 model looks more baggy especially the pants. Head of course is different. The hair is more defined in retail and the head texture is different along with the color shade for clothes. Just my observation.


          • Hey guys... Just asking, is there any software to make custom background music for resident evil (psx)?

            Because I was thinking that, if there is no more BGM from the MZD/40% Vanilla Build, why we don't try to reproduce those tracks that are not present? Even create new ones just following the essence of 1.5 like the Malformation Theme 2 that MartinBiohazard posted. We clearly talk about the updates of the project, but we don't talk about the Music, that is an important role in the game.

            List of Tracks Missing THAT we barely know and already made:
            - Birkin Fight#2 (Posted by MartinBiohazard)(No need to use the creepy one from Beta 2)
            - Birkin Fight ??? (Were Leon fights birkin in the Warehouse Trailer and used in the Video 4 in the Complete Disc)
            - Sewer Theme 5 (Sewer Spider trailer with Elza)
            - Screaming Target (Used in one trailer, don't remember which one)

            Tracks that can be made 0%:
            - Birkin Battle #3 (Barely heard in the Biohazard Complete Disc Video 3 or 4, where Leon fights against him using the S.Redhawk in some kind of power room, maybe the Second Malformation of G could fits in it)
            - Birkin attacking Spider Man (Unknown)
            - Birkin Battle #4 (Leon fights against him just before refueling the train, Unknown)
            Last edited by STARSRedfield; 06-18-2015, 11:26 PM.


            • Im hungry of some 1.5 news or a new build...
              ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


              • Click image for larger version

Name:	8mc32qgn79w6.png
Views:	1
Size:	8.9 KB
ID:	404720

                Started chatting with one of my Twitter friends about RE and 1.5 and this happened. Apparently Kamiya would not even talk about it when drunk.


                • Not enough drinks I'm guessing.


                  • Like in the Director's Hazard interview. When arrives his turn to talk about RE2 he's drunk to say anything. How convinient...
                    ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                    • Seriously, was the game that awful that is scarrd him this badly for life? Hes said multiple times he is ashamed in himself for creating something so "shitty". The writing critics who criticized the story must havs beaten Kamiya to the ground.....


                      • I thought I had already released a demo.
                        but as usual nothing.
                        I thought that talent would give us something soon Gemini.
                        He was quick with his other project.
                        but this is very slow happens to Gemini? .
                        It has two months in but I see nothing major.
                        It has two months and already looks like a turtle.
                        we Gemini shows that it was worth.
                        deseciones not us.


                        • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                          Seriously, was the game that awful that is scarrd him this badly for life? Hes said multiple times he is ashamed in himself for creating something so "shitty". The writing critics who criticized the story must havs beaten Kamiya to the ground.....
                          Well, at least he didn't commit seppuku.


                          • That pain and shame must run deep in his blood like some kind of childhood trauma. I wonder whether the IGAS project would trigger him...

                            If we want to get exclusive information about 1.5, it's best to ask other members of the original development team.
                            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 06-25-2015, 10:21 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Jesus Romero View Post
                              I thought I had already released a demo.
                              but as usual nothing.
                              I thought that talent would give us something soon Gemini.
                              He was quick with his other project.
                              but this is very slow happens to Gemini? .
                              It has two months in but I see nothing major.
                              It has two months and already looks like a turtle.
                              we Gemini shows that it was worth.
                              deseciones not us.
                              You released a demo? When?


                              • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                                You released a demo? When?
                                ''we Gemini shows that is worth'' we all are gemini clones or what?
                                ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''

