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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I'm guessing it had the same script writers before it was thrown out and reworked, it feels very samey to the re1 pace, would of been interesting what they had planned after the train and if we got a different back story for Billy or was treated more like Carlos.


    • If i remember correctly i think the n64 prototype was only playable for the train portion and maybe not even all of that. there were some backgrounds of the training facility but im not sure they were ever playable areas. The enemies being placeholders could go either way. RE survivor had no qualms with using tons of RE2's Assets.
      Last edited by OfficerRedfield; 07-11-2015, 05:24 PM.


      • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
        As far as I know, I replied in a topic where we were talking about the possibility that BH0 actually uses the same engine as BH2 from N64. It's incredible how passed the years since everyone saw BH0 for the N64,and of course; talking about the enemies, they are only placeholders from BH2; which CAPCOM staff would've replace them with new ones, just for the critics sake; before it was scrapped...
        I'm pretty sure that is the case here, the titlescreen announcer voice is even the same as BH2's as well as the menu sounds. Notice though that the zombie's skin have all been retextured into a grayish tone, which IMO looks alot cooler. Guess they were paying homage to 1.5's gray skinned zombies here. So I think if they were placeholders though they wouldn't have bothered retexturing them. Just look at Survivor, they outright used RE2 zombie models without even modifying the texture.
        Last edited by VirusPunk; 07-11-2015, 07:27 PM.


        • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
          Please IGAS, can you make a thriller version?
          Ohhh my did NOT just go there!


          • I was really looking forward to the N64 version back in the day. It's ashame it never got finished. I know everyone is glad that Zero did get finished, but I found the N64 version more interesting. It does seem to have the RE2 engine, and I think the zombies are cooler. In the N64 Zero trailer, there is even a room where you see Rebecca kicking a zombie that is on the floor, that looks like a conductor. It seems creepy.

            To each his own, but I found the N64 more interesting, even the train was more appealing to me. For some reason the lighting in the N64 train doesn't bother me. Just as some rooms in RE: DC are lit, where there is no lamp or bulb present (medical room in mansion, and the other room in that hallway), I feel it establishes a eerie vibe, that the Remake and Zero just don't give me.
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            • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
              I'm pretty sure that is the case here, the titlescreen announcer voice is even the same as BH2's as well as the menu sounds. Notice though that the zombie's skin have all been retextured into a grayish tone, which IMO looks alot cooler. Guess they were paying homage to 1.5's gray skinned zombies here. So I think if they were placeholders though they wouldn't have bothered retexturing them. Just look at Survivor, they outright used RE2 zombie models without even modifying the texture.
              Yeah, but maybe they were thinking about introducing new zombies using the grayish skin more than the RE2 Zombie ones, to see "What if the zombies were in a grayish tone? Let's try with the previous skins to see how they looks"... But in Gun Survivor, they didn't bother to change them, even in the disc there is an unused model of a zombie in red clothes. Does Billy from N64 has the same voice from GC (HD Remaster)?


              • Loving the new thread title


                • Originally posted by Renard View Post
                  Loving the new thread title
                  *In James Hetfield voice*

                  SAD BUT TRUEEEAUGH


                  • Well, Martin realesed another patch fixing some things. Better that than nothing
                    ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                    • Nice title change lol, while IGAS finish the game, we have BH 0 news lol... A new patch? I'll check it right now... Crazy Idea... Why not IGAS make a BIOHAZARD 0 Prototype, with assets from other games and make it for the PSX ?

                      Anyway, I have these 4 .psf files that I found, I don't remember where but 2 are the First Floor and Wandering Alone... But the other 2 i don't recognize them. Can someone tell me where belongs these two .psf?

                      MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.

                      Last edited by STARSRedfield; 07-13-2015, 06:06 PM.


                      • We have zero news? that has a double meaning
                        The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                        • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                          We have zero news? that has a double meaning
                          huehuehue I get it


                          • and this goes for long no demo in sight.
                            Gemini my confidence now in the freezer.
                            I trust my friend but the DB in Gemini.
                            I throw this Ultimatus Gemini.
                            if bookseller advanced demo of the game in late July.
                            in late July if released will not hold you close this website.
                            but if it does not release anything adio to this website.
                            this is my Ultimatus.
                            already tired of waiting.
                            if I leave it complies quiet.
                            I am a spy CAPCOM ..


                            • This guy has several brain damage...
                              Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                              • It's like a haunted ritual off The Mummy or something. 'Confidence now in the freezer'
                                Zombies...zombies everywhere...

