Part-time lurker here. Always watching, seldom talking, unless it's important
With this new pic:

I do see a couple of things to ask about:

#1 This bump in the floor is not present. Small detail, could be nothing. My best guess is it's the top of a support pillar running from the lower level adjacent to the wall of the lower walkway.
#2 Again, small detail. Always thought that could be part of a ladder, but they were just pipes all along? Ah well, the pic is so unclear I'll be damned if I've got a better idea.
#3 This is the big one. I swear there have been arguments as to whether or not there is a pathway back there. I don't know if it was ever settled, so here goes: there's a friggin' pathway back there
A simple color inversion makes it even more clear:

So, where's the pathway?

I do see a couple of things to ask about:
#1 This bump in the floor is not present. Small detail, could be nothing. My best guess is it's the top of a support pillar running from the lower level adjacent to the wall of the lower walkway.
#2 Again, small detail. Always thought that could be part of a ladder, but they were just pipes all along? Ah well, the pic is so unclear I'll be damned if I've got a better idea.
#3 This is the big one. I swear there have been arguments as to whether or not there is a pathway back there. I don't know if it was ever settled, so here goes: there's a friggin' pathway back there

So, where's the pathway?