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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Retro, I believe only some of the more crude backgrounds were replaced. I hope the garage was completely redone as it looked like poop.

    Deathlygasm, I don't think they've even done of his other forms yet.
    My Head-Fi Page


    • Originally posted by Gemini View Post

      Sorry, no patchi here. 1.5 playable like a real game rather than a collection of broken pieces? Indeed.
      even better! i hope you can do it in a decent amount of time thanks for your hard work!
      would be awesome if you could get grenades to work always wondered what it would be like to use them.
      Last edited by nicksena17; 07-23-2015, 10:09 PM.


      • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
        1) All weapons have been ported over, except for hand grenades. Those are still lacking sprite effects to damage enemies;
        Will there be any changes to the way grenades work? In the 40% build, they're highly impractical to use since you're blind to their trajectory and they take a few seconds before exploding.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Grenades are a mess. You can't add a trajectory indicator because it looks off, yet they are pretty much useless otherwise unless you're like a master of throws, bouncing, and perfect timing. I can see why they were reintroduced only with RE4, static cameras aren't exactly suitable.

          Fortunately incendiary and acid grenades are a bit more manageable, as they explode with violent contact, use shorter timers, and cover a much larger range. I guess the best solution would be to uniform the explosive grenades to do pretty much the same.

          Let the debate roll, I'm open to suggestions.
          Last edited by Gemini; 07-24-2015, 01:41 AM.

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
            Let the debate roll, I'm open to suggestions.
            I liked the grenade from RE3 that Mikhail used to obliterate a pack of zombies. Why not model the 1.5 grenade on that one? It basically had the blast radius of an oil drum.


            • Or you can replace it with a remote explosive device.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled-1.gif
Views:	1
Size:	950.2 KB
ID:	404731
              Last edited by Guest; 07-24-2015, 04:29 AM.


              • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                Grenades are a mess. You can't add a trajectory indicator because it looks off, yet they are pretty much useless otherwise unless you're like a master of throws, bouncing, and perfect timing. I can see why they were reintroduced only with RE4, static cameras aren't exactly suitable.

                Fortunately incendiary and acid grenades are a bit more manageable, as they explode with violent contact, use shorter timers, and cover a much larger range. I guess the best solution would be to uniform the explosive grenades to do pretty much the same.

                Let the debate roll, I'm open to suggestions.
                -Quicker throw
                -Throw that aims at the ground (straight line of sight), as opposed to an arc
                -Explode on impact or within close proximity
                -Large blast radius
                -Highest damage to compensate for "difficulty" of use.

                There are at least a few ways to make them usable. These are just some ideas, hopefully it is/was helpful. I know that sometimes creating in a vacuuming can lead to frustration, but I hope you guys don't give up on the grenades, since they give 1.5 a very unique feel and were implemented from the start (even though they're extremely difficult and gimmicky/useless in vanilla build).

                Oh, and since I'm here, did you guys create new portraits images yet for the menu? If not, I'm still available to do so (see my signature image ).
                Last edited by doriantoki; 07-24-2015, 10:17 AM.


                • Why not keep it simple and have the grenade auto-adjust its trajectory to land near the targeted enemy? I know it sounds like it'd make hitting enemies way too easy, but firing at enemies with guns in the old games has always been as simple as 'point-and-shoot', i.e. it's always been THAT easy to begin with. Maybe keep manual-aim a toggleable option under the grenade sub-options. For a trajectory indicator, maybe you can make it look non-intrusive, like a small transparent grey arrow floating above where the grenade is going to land on. I believe they used something like that to indicate the location of the other players in RE: DS' multiplayer mode.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	NDS_ResidentEvilDeadlySilence_08.bmp
Views:	1
Size:	288.1 KB
ID:	404732
                  Last edited by biohazard_star; 07-24-2015, 10:30 AM.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • I kinda wonder if maybe Grenades were scrapped by the 80% build?
                    Last edited by Deathlygasm; 07-24-2015, 11:40 AM.


                    • If it was up to me I'd look for a way to justify the use of both hand grenades and the Grenade Launcher, each with their own pros and cons, something like this:

                      Hand Grenades

                      -A little bouncing and delay on explode (you need to know the enemies' timming to make good use of them)
                      -Fixed throwing arc. Only able to aim at normal height (no aim up or down)
                      -You receive damage if you get accidentaly caught inside the AoE (be careful with grenades bouncing on walls ).
                      +Higher AoE, so with proper timming you can effectively blast groups of enemies.
                      +No recoil animation = Faster attack speed, it could be great for dealing with certain bosses or situations.

                      Grenade Launcher

                      +Explodes on contact
                      +More linear throwing arc and adjustable aim.
                      +You can't damage yourself
                      -Small AoE, more suitable for hitting single targets, not so good for crowd control
                      -Slow recoil after each shot exposes you to get hit.
                      Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 07-24-2015, 11:40 AM.
                      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                      • Mikhail is like my favorite character damn he was a badass.


                        • Instead of throwing the hand grenades trough the air in an arcing trajectory, why not have the characters roll them along the floor like bowling balls. That way you could get away with giving the grenades only flat trajectories, but you could still add things like throwing (or rather, rolling) the grenades around corners by having them bounce off the walls, adding an elements of uniqueness to them.


                          • Originally posted by Northman View Post
                            Instead of throwing the hand grenades trough the air in an arcing trajectory, why not have the characters roll them along the floor like bowling balls. That way you could get away with giving the grenades only flat trajectories, but you could still add things like throwing (or rather, rolling) the grenades around corners by having them bounce off the walls, adding an elements of uniqueness to them.
                            Giving them the ability to bounce off walls and ricochet might be trickier. You'd most likely have to make a custom script just for those alone.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                              Giving them the ability to bounce off walls and ricochet might be trickier. You'd most likely have to make a custom script just for those alone.
                              Actually bullet shells already have collision and bouncing properties when they a wall or the floor, if that can somehow be adapted into grenades it's pretty much the same. There's no need to make them collide with every single object on scene, walls and floors should be enough to create a nice effect.
                              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                              • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                                If it was up to me I'd look for a way to justify the use of both hand grenades and the Grenade Launcher, each with their own pros and cons, something like this:

                                Hand Grenades

                                -A little bouncing and delay on explode (you need to know the enemies' timming to make good use of them)
                                -Fixed throwing arc. Only able to aim at normal height (no aim up or down)
                                -You receive damage if you get accidentaly caught inside the AoE (be careful with grenades bouncing on walls ).
                                +Higher AoE, so with proper timming you can effectively blast groups of enemies.
                                +No recoil animation = Faster attack speed, it could be great for dealing with certain bosses or situations.

                                Grenade Launcher

                                +Explodes on contact
                                +More linear throwing arc and adjustable aim.
                                +You can't damage yourself
                                -Small AoE, more suitable for hitting single targets, not so good for crowd control
                                -Slow recoil after each shot exposes you to get hit.
                                I just figured you never get the option to choose between either because grenades was Leon's answer to not having a grenade launcher. In our beta the grenades only work for leon and we only ever see leon with the grenades in all gameplay footage. I mean, I (will) appreciate the grenade weapon because I saw it as Leon either getting to use grenades or he doesn't get any combustible weapon at all like retail. Do we ever see leon with the grenade launcher in any footage? Do we know all weapon exclusivity?
                                I think the downtime wait for the grenade to explode was the reason it was ultimately removed, given the fact that its idea was eventually used in outbreak albeit with instant combustion.

