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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Hey Gemini, can you tell us what you're going to do with the Iron Pipe?

    Was this ever intended to be a fully functional weapon?
    If it was, did you find any code in 1.5 regarding it's damage values, behavior etc. or was nothing coded yet?

    I'm really curious about the pipe because it's the only example of a second close combat weapon (besides the knife).
    No other classic RE game did that...


    • Click image for larger version

Name:	calico.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	65.6 KB
ID:	404734

      What about this weapon? I dont know if its part of 1.5 in later builds but is present on the re2 beta. You can add this as an extra unlockable weapon.
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      • Is the China Lake grenade launcher replacing the existing one or is it one of the aforementioned extras?
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        • Originally posted by Unmasked View Post

          What about this weapon? I dont know if its part of 1.5 in later builds but is present on the re2 beta. You can add this as an extra unlockable weapon.
          That's the Calico M-950 which only worked properly in the n64 version, in the ps1 version it didn't register a hit or didn't have bullet casings irc unless you modified the ammo type into the H&K VP70 Burst.
          Last edited by Mikhail; 07-26-2015, 02:01 PM.


          • Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
            That's the Calico M-950 which only worked properly in the n64 version, in the ps1 version it didn't register a hit or didn't have bullet casings irc unless you modified the ammo type into the H&K VP70 Burst.
            I just played the game a few hours ago and the weapon works like the handgun. But you cant see the fire when shooting neither listen the shoots. But its functional and can kill enemies. I played the fixed beta.

            If Gemini or the team wants to include that weapon at least they have the model, the picture and description. It's something
            Last edited by Unmasked; 07-26-2015, 03:36 PM.
            ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


            • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
              I myself was pissed at Leon getting exclusive grabs to the shotgun in retail. The bow gun was trash and the grenade launcher doesn't compare to the magnums raw power. Interesting how the male characters game in 2 is far easier while in RE1 the males game was far harder. Guess that was the idea? To fool us?
              Both characters have exclusive weapons. Although I must admit the shotgun spread is ridiculously wide that you can sometimes blow 3/4 zombie heads in one shot while the bowgun sucks, but the Grenade Launcher works pretty good. Claire can also get the Sparkshot, which can be safely used to kill G Birkin without using ammo of any other weapon, and that doesn't even take the full magazine, even on Hard there should be still Sparkshot charge remaining that can be used against Lab Lickers. Handling Ivys with Claire is also far easier, one Incendiary round is enough to kill them without any risk, while Leon's Flamethrower is awful and consumes fuel really fast.

              You can also have Claire getting the Mac10 in basement and that would balance things better, since Leon doesn't need that weapon at all.

              Anyway, though indeed Leon's game is easier, I don't think there's a big difference between him and Claire, and I personally really enjoy diversity in weapons, I think making each characters get their own set of weapons can give more replay value to a game than giving both of them exactly the same loadouts. Especially when there's a lot of weapons in a short game like this, you might not want to have the game bloated with every single existing weapon for both characters, sometimes less is more.
              Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 07-26-2015, 05:08 PM.
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                • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                  On a related matter, the fire extinguisher has been removed from the weapon list, works as an event item for consistency.
                  In consistency of what? code veronica?
                  I'm not against your(?) decision but I think the open use concept was an ambitious idea someone in the brainstorming group of 1.5 at capcom came up with that was going to take too long to foolproof before deadline. However this isn't an issue for you/IGAS.

                  Also I didn't know the calico, an unused weapon in the original is actually MORE functional in the port-and yet STILL unused? I read somewhere that if you try to hack the colt SAA into Leon's loadout it magically turns into the calico which can potentially shed some light on its intended way of obtaining.
                  You guys need to think of it from a gameplay perspective. Even tho they both use standard handgun bullets, the colt gave unique, theme based animations to Claire's outfit. The SOLE purpose of the calico would probably be the fact you dont need an extra slot for ammo in your inventory. Which is why they deemed it unnecessary give Leon an extra weapon at all then give us the calico unlockable. I mean they had to exclusively bundle it with a second one in code veronica to justify use.


                  • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                    Both characters have exclusive weapons. Although I must admit the shotgun spread is ridiculously wide that you can sometimes blow 3/4 zombie heads in one shot while the bowgun sucks, but the Grenade Launcher works pretty good. Claire can also get the Sparkshot, which can be safely used to kill G Birkin without using ammo of any other weapon, and that doesn't even take the full magazine, even on Hard there should be still Sparkshot charge remaining that can be used against Lab Lickers. Handling Ivys with Claire is also far easier, one Incendiary round is enough to kill them without any risk, while Leon's Flamethrower is awful and consumes fuel really fast.

                    You can also have Claire getting the Mac10 in basement and that would balance things better, since Leon doesn't need that weapon at all.

                    Anyway, though indeed Leon's game is easier, I don't think there's a big difference between him and Claire, and I personally really enjoy diversity in weapons, I think making each characters get their own set of weapons can give more replay value to a game than giving both of them exactly the same loadouts. Especially when there's a lot of weapons in a short game like this, you might not want to have the game bloated with every single existing weapon for both characters, sometimes less is more.
                    I don't think the spread was unfair. People seem to forget that Claire had three rounds for the Grenade Launcher, which were effectively three different weapons, since they had such different properties. With the right timing, the explosive rounds were great crowd control, and they could decapitate when close. It's essentially Claire's answer to the shotgun and works just as well. The acid rounds were extremely powerful, and is her answer to the magnum. Flame rounds are honestly just icing on the cake, since they work so effectively against the plants, where Leon doesn't have a "perfect" option.

                    I would just basically echo what has been said in this thread regarding the grenades in 1.5, they just need some fine tuning in their properties, and I agree they should be different from the grenade launcher. From what I've seen, the grenade rounds fire straight in 1.5 like they did in RE1. The blast radius is not as large. The hand grenades could be the answer to crowd control by having a larger radius and exploding on impact.
                    Last edited by doriantoki; 07-26-2015, 09:16 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                      Is the China Lake grenade launcher replacing the existing one or is it one of the aforementioned extras?
                      The China Lake was an extra weapon added in, most likely a unlock from beating the game, akin to the infinite Rocket Launcher. Elza only gets the M79 in her main playthrough. The China Lake fires three shells at once, much like the standard grenade rounds in RE2. So by default the M79 has 1/3 the power of the China Lake.

                      The other weapon is Barry's .44 revolver, which I'd assume is also a post game unlock. The Redhawk is a .357 revolver, so a high power .44 makes sense as a unlock. Perhaps a nod to Directors Cut where in which you get a infinite ammo Colt Python for completing the game.
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                      • This just came to mind. It's possible that the fire extinguisher could be used twice in the game. The first time is to put out the fire that is keeping Ada in the van, and the second time it's possible that when the lab goes on fire, there is a fire that is blocking a door that you need to gain access to, and the only way to get to the door is to obviously put the fire out. I'm wondering if this was an actual situation in 1.5.
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                        • Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                          In consistency of what? code veronica?
                          I'm not against your(?) decision but I think the open use concept was an ambitious idea someone in the brainstorming group of 1.5 at capcom came up with that was going to take too long to foolproof before deadline. However this isn't an issue for you/IGAS.

                          Also I didn't know the calico, an unused weapon in the original is actually MORE functional in the port-and yet STILL unused? I read somewhere that if you try to hack the colt SAA into Leon's loadout it magically turns into the calico which can potentially shed some light on its intended way of obtaining.
                          You guys need to think of it from a gameplay perspective. Even tho they both use standard handgun bullets, the colt gave unique, theme based animations to Claire's outfit. The SOLE purpose of the calico would probably be the fact you dont need an extra slot for ammo in your inventory. Which is why they deemed it unnecessary give Leon an extra weapon at all then give us the calico unlockable. I mean they had to exclusively bundle it with a second one in code veronica to justify use.
                          What would've been Claire extra costume slot is taken up by Leon bandaged costume although that doesn't account for anything since they added Chris in Extreme Battle.


                          • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
                            This just came to mind. It's possible that the fire extinguisher could be used twice in the game. The first time is to put out the fire that is keeping Ada in the van, and the second time it's possible that when the lab goes on fire, there is a fire that is blocking a door that you need to gain access to, and the only way to get to the door is to obviously put the fire out. I'm wondering if this was an actual situation in 1.5.
                            Thats the general consensus, yes. We had this convo earlier in the topic and I made a little joke about the fact if you have the freedom to put out every fire in the lab Ada would get mad at you(for undoing her efforts of burning it down). Also the fact that thats exactly how the extinguisher is used in CV.

                            Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
                            What would've been Claire extra costume slot is taken up by Leon bandaged costume although that doesn't account for anything since they added Chris in Extreme Battle.
                            What an asshole. Leon is clogging up the game with all his little dresses.
                            Last edited by NEOMEGA; 07-27-2015, 01:58 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                              Hey Gemini, can you tell us what you're going to do with the Iron Pipe?

                              Was this ever intended to be a fully functional weapon?
                              If it was, did you find any code in 1.5 regarding it's damage values, behavior etc. or was nothing coded yet?
                              Likely scrapped concept, even if it does have damage tables (roughly uses a 4x multiplier of the knife). It definitively doesn't belong to the Standard Arms slot, like some were supposing.

                              Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
                              If Gemini or the team wants to include that weapon at least they have the model, the picture and description. It's something
                              Calico won't be included, there's already 2 burst guns.

                              Originally posted by Graco View Post
                              Is the China Lake grenade launcher replacing the existing one or is it one of the aforementioned extras?
                              Infinite scatter grenade gun, pretty much.

                              Originally posted by NEOMEGA View Post
                              In consistency of what? code veronica?
                              I'm not against your(?) decision but I think the open use concept was an ambitious idea someone in the brainstorming group of 1.5 at capcom came up with that was going to take too long to foolproof before deadline. However this isn't an issue for you/IGAS.
                              Consistent to what retail and CV did for fire that is supposed to be extinguished. Having the fire extinguisher as a weapon is just asking for trouble, especially when it has only one use for the whole game and the same can be achieved with regular item usage+little cutscene. No need to make it into a weapon, it only involves unnecessary AI coding for useless reactions.

                              Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
                              What would've been Claire extra costume slot is taken up by Leon bandaged costume although that doesn't account for anything since they added Chris in Extreme Battle.
                              Both Leon and Claire have exactly the same amount of regular outfit variations (4 each).

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                              • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                                Likely scrapped concept, even if it does have damage tables (roughly uses a 4x multiplier of the knife). It definitively doesn't belong to the Standard Arms slot, like some were supposing.
                                We are just trying to justify the presence of the standard arm window in the inventory screen. It would be redundant to have it there and not be able to switch it out with another "lesser" weapon. Even having just 1 other replacement still feels like an half-baked feature. I'd say option between 3 or more standard arm weapons would justify. If you guys dont like the "switch for completely different weapons like iron pipes and broom sticks" you can put in different knife variants like a switch blade knife which is weaker but faster than the survival knife or maybe you can make chain slash swings like David in outbreak. Another one could be the combat knife which, like in remake would be stronger but you can make it swing slower for balance. You can even put in unlockable "knives" like a longer reaching machete or an actual samurai edge katana or something.

                                Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                                Both Leon and Claire have exactly the same amount of regular outfit variations (4 each).
                                Is bloody leon (before he gets bandaged) an over skin? Cause if not that would mean he has 5 variants.
                                Last edited by NEOMEGA; 07-27-2015, 02:43 PM.

