Capcom don't care, they thought 1.5 was garbage to begin with.
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by ajrich17901 View PostCapcom don't care, they thought 1.5 was garbage to begin with.
Originally posted by Deathlygasm View PostEven tho his opinion doesn't matter since I believe he no longer works for Capcom I believe he did say something about the 1.5 restoration. It was just a simple "I don't care, I won't touch it"Last edited by Unmasked; 08-08-2015, 09:21 PM.''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''
There's a huge modding community constantly making and releasing all kind of mods of actually released RE games, and Capcom doesn't send C&D to everyone of them. As long as you don't come up with the idea of selling your fan project, or asking people for donations or any kind of thing involving money Capcom won't care.
Originally posted by NEOMEGA View PostWell look at what happened to the streets of rage remake. From my understanding SEGA was ok with it but it was their lawyers taking a strictly intellectual and emotionless position in the matter and convinced SEGA to send a S&D on it-only when it was finished and released.
The issue is now is that if it is true that capcom will be remaking RE2 its going to be the ABSOLUTE worst favorable scenario possible for IGAS concerning the odds of capcom finding a way of ending this.
IIRC, the only time Capcom took action about a copy of a prototype RE game leaking was with Zero N64, but even then that was because the cart leaked BEFORE the release of the retail game.Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-09-2015, 05:16 AM.Seibu teh geimu?
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostExcept Capcom is planning on remaking RE2 retail, and not 1.5. That Streets of Rage remake got C&D'd since they were taking an existing retail product that was still being sold digitally and were planning on releasing an "even better" version of it for free. SEGA likes to shell out HD remasters of their old games, so it's understandable why they would feel like that fan project could potentially cut into their profits. On the other hand, Capcom didn't and will never profit from 1.5, since they never released it. It isn't a competing product with an official REMake 2 either. If you ask me, that unofficial RE2 REmake has a higher chance of getting shut down than IGAS' project ever will. And even then, who exactly are Capcom's lawyers going to send their C&D to when the members of IGAS have never officially revealed themselves.
IIRC, the only time Capcom took action about a copy of a prototype RE game leaking was with Zero N64, but even then that was because the cart leaked BEFORE the release of the retail game.
I also believe if Capcom were to release 1.5 in any form it would be a free bonus with RE2make but I doubt they'd put out an unfinished 80% buggy game that would probably crash on rare occasions without debugging. Then again we really don't know just how much 1.5 would really crash up
Originally posted by Sly View Post1.5 still is the prototype for Biohazard 2. A substantial part of 1.5 was reused for retail, so there is no clear-cut distinction between the two games, they are not unrelated entries that you can regard as independant.Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-09-2015, 12:41 PM.Seibu teh geimu?
Would they really do it though? Arguably Capcom are trying to win back the fans through the remasters and potential remake of their older titles after recent titles turned people away. I couldn't imagine a whole lot of people would be too happy with the 1.5 project being cancelled.
I'm not sure how'd they even be able to enforce a C&D. Are they supposed to make an account here and ask for Gemini's real name and address to send their C&D to? lol
If it ever came down to that, it'd be easy for IGAS to just go off the grid while its still in development and then anonymously link to a megaupload link containing the game once it's done.Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-09-2015, 01:32 PM.Seibu teh geimu?