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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • IGAS said a few things are mystery but the majority of the game won't be guesswork. They will never tell their sources however.


    • Still wish we could see (or read about) some kind of progress.. I'm actually starting to forget to check this thread as often as I used to.. kind of losing interest, which is really sad - as this project looks amazing.. Keep up the good work guys
      "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


      • Inb4 1.5 "releases" on April 1st next year and curiousity gets the best of us and when we open it, it turns out to be a fucked up ps1 porn simulator....


        • ^ Now that's a good one. Well, screw 1.5! I'm rewriting the engine for a 霊風 simulator, so that Reon-kun can hit on Erza-chan, Kurea-chan, Eida-san, and even Sher-rin.

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
            ^ Now that's a good one. Well, screw 1.5! I'm rewriting the engine for a 霊風 simulator, so that Reon-kun can hit on Erza-chan, Kurea-chan, Eida-san, and even Sher-rin.
            Laughing way harder at this than I should be! I figured one of you guys was gonna notice this, FUCK NOW I'M GIVING BAD IDEAS AHAHHAHAHAAHA


            • Hello guys, so what you guys think about the Resident Evil 2 Remake confirmation? I can't believe it's really happening after all these years but about freaking time!


              • Originally posted by UmbrellaSpy View Post
                Hello guys, so what you guys think about the Resident Evil 2 Remake confirmation? I can't believe it's really happening after all these years but about freaking time!
                Still not getting my hopes up till I see some gameplay tbh. I'm paranoid as shit that they'll ruin it....


                • ^ I have some faith - only because it is being handled by the same people who made the REmaster HD and Zero HD ports..
                  Working on those games should give them plenty of ideas on what to do right.. and almost guarantees they'll use that engine - so hopefully no RE4 type gameplay (which IMO think Capcom needs to change again, its too bland and stale now, at least for me)
                  "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                  • now the question is what will come out first lol Resident Evil 1.5 by IGAS & Gemini or Resident Evil 2 Remake.


                    • Give me a budget and that can turn into an actual question.
                      Last edited by Gemini; 08-13-2015, 09:50 AM.

                      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                      • lol Gemini...


                        • HAHAHHA WAT


                          • I wonder if the re2 remake is gonna attract or divert attention to this project. So far clearly the latter.


                            • Let's just be extremely happy about two games that we thought we would NEVER get our hands on are both coming out in the sorta-near-future. I can't believe it.


                              • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                                Let's just be extremely happy about two games that we thought we would NEVER get our hands on are both coming out in the sorta-near-future. I can't believe it.
                                Its a GREAT time to be an RE fan once again! Its been like.... how long?

