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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • yeah if you wanna talk about that crappy team make another thread.
    back to 1.5 again....


    • New Topic:
      Invayder gaymzz suxzzz


      • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
        New Topic:
        Invayder gaymzz suxzzz
        "So bad it makes 1.5 look good."

        "Got canned even faster than 1.5"

        "Kamiya thinks it's even worse than 1.5"
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
          "Kamiya thinks it's even worse than 1.5"
          This one is actually funny because they showed their train wreck to Kamiya and he simply replied "Ok", then they went to their facebook and posted a screenshot along something like "OHMYGOD THE CREATOR REPLIED! HE APPROVES! FIRE THE FIESTA ROCKETS, WE ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK!!!!!!!!". It's only a matter of time before people start calling them Imposter Games.

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
            This one is actually funny because they showed their train wreck to Kamiya and he simply replied "Ok", then they went to their facebook and posted a screenshot along something like "OHMYGOD THE CREATOR REPLIED! HE APPROVES! FIRE THE FIESTA ROCKETS, WE ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK!!!!!!!!". It's only a matter of time before people start calling them Imposter Games.
            HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH! I can't get over that reply!


            • ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


              • Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
                WELL DEN! The things we do to entertain ourselves when we go so long without updates...


                • All this Impostor Games thing is embarassing. Fuck them
                  ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                  • Agreed, it's not even the right topic to talk about them.

                    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                    • I actually wouldn't mind not having any FMVs... There are other ways.


                      • Id be happy for 1.5 to just do Still images for the story like what they did in the B story mode for Claire and Leon.


                        • Or like comic pages, something like that! Unless we can somehow find the never implemented FMV's I don't see them happening.


                          • Puzzle FMVs or ones for other brief events lacking animate actors would be welcomed. For everything else, a nice colourful RE3-style slideshow with accompanying narration and subtitles would be more than sufficient.


                            • So has it ever been determined whether 1.5 or retail was going to be the more difficult game? I feel Gemini could answer this question really well.


                              • From what you can observe from official footage, it looks like retail and prototype are about the same in terms of difficulty. Actually 1.5 may have been a little easier due to zombie AI fainting a lot and always the same way. Not sure about bosses, but Birkin I is insanely easy, even for a knife-only run.

                                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.

