To add to the whole being angry thing, its bad that I never see him reply to positive comments but he replies to shit talkers or people that say stuff he doesn't like. On another note he has a kid and a full time job and does youtube videos so I guess he can't be blamed for his ignorance to the Invader Games history.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Well it is and it isn't. If you're going to present a webseries and be popular from it, you should be trying your best to research what you're going to be talking about.. but as I said, it's not like any of the mainstream media that picked up on the IG video footage and later the project 'cancel' even bothered to do any research into the real history either... so go figure.
In any case I feel it's entirely unimportant, firstly because everyone knows it wasn't going to go far likely anyway, and secondly because lie or no lie, the RE2 remake will happen and people will either hate it or love it for what it is (or isn't) so in the end a bunch of guys trying to look cool means jack shit.
Originally posted by Deathlygasm View PostSo Alphaomegasin called me a dumbass for saying that the Invader Games announcement was bullshit. This makes me lose hope in him...
I learned long, long ago that you shouldn't go around trying to correct every person who is wrong on the internet. It wastes everyone's time and in many cases you'll end up coming off as nothing more than a major asshole.
I follow AlphaOmegaSin on FaceBook, too, but I don't agree with absolutely every single little thing that he rages about. With the following he has, it comes as no surprise that he's a pretty headstrong.
Do yourself a favor and just let it go.I'm a blackstar.
Originally posted by Deathlygasm View PostI was just laughing because everyones gonna feel pretty stupid if its ever proven that these guys are hacks.''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''
i dont know if Invader Games, are bulshiters or not, the only thing that matters now its that the REMAKE ARE IN THE WORKS and its made by capcom and the best part its that will hit NEXT GEN, i always saw IG like the ones who make capcom decide to make the remake. know why? IG gave capcom the response they wanted without spending any money.
well that its my opninion.
Originally posted by strikedio84 View Posti dont know if Invader Games, are bulshiters or not, the only thing that matters now its that the REMAKE ARE IN THE WORKS and its made by capcom and the best part its that will hit NEXT GEN, i always saw IG like the ones who make capcom decide to make the remake. know why? IG gave capcom the response they wanted without spending any money.
well that its my opninion.''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''
Well since the RE0master forum is dead, has anyone seen this shit? Honestly idk if its supposed to be badass but I honestly found myself bursting out laughing. Just seeing Wesker doing his RE5 stuff on pre-rendered backrounds and demolishing monsters pathetically easily made me lose my shit.
Originally posted by Unmasked View PostOr an example of how NOT to do a remake. They did re2 in re4 style. I personally want to be faithful to the original. Like the first remake did.
Originally posted by strikedio84 View Postif a recall right, that remake would have both camera styles, the classic and the r4 style.
On the surface getting the best of both worlds would be ideal but you have to put into consideration the differentiation of quality between prerendering and 3d.
The benefit of using strictly prerendered backgrounds is that it does a great job giving the illusion that the game can go beyond the quality of the systems threshold in visuals because its not rendering the areas in real time. If their going to give us the option between both styles it will be very impractical from a programming view to recreate the areas twice, meaning there won't be the benefit of prerendering at all, just fixed cameras of the areas rendered in real time. Think code veronica environments vs remake and re0's. However that was two generations ago so it probably won't be too noticeable
Originally posted by Deathlygasm View PostWell since the RE0master forum is dead, has anyone seen this shit? Honestly idk if its supposed to be badass but I honestly found myself bursting out laughing. Just seeing Wesker doing his RE5 stuff on pre-rendered backrounds and demolishing monsters pathetically easily made me lose my shit.
On the other hand it focus on shitty post re1 wesker, I hate everything about wesker past re1, honestly I dont understand why anyone likes him. It's also awkward especially due to that fact that technically this the only time period that wesker DOESN'T have powers.Last edited by NEOMEGA; 09-03-2015, 02:28 AM.
I hate it too. They could have at least used T-Virus REmake S.T.A.R.S Wesker - kinda like Umbrella Chronicles. Still wouldn't make much sense in terms of the timeline, but at least it doesn't feel thrown in like the overused rubbish RE5 version.
Feels like they threw this in to please newer fans instead - to draw them in.. I'd have preferred another mode entirely, a new mini-game or just more outfits.
I noticed Rebecca has a device on her chest to like Jill had , which is kinda cool - her outfit looks OK too. Lets hope this is usable in the normal mode too.. needs more outfits."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
On the subject of pre-rendered vs real-time graphics. Current-gen engines can produce some pretty stunning, almost photo-realistic graphics at a prety consistent framerate. Silent Hills P.T. and this UE4 tech demo are some pretty good examples:
Warning: Image heavy
Granted, P.T. and the above tech demo were both rendering small interior areas with minimal details, so it might not be applicable to rendering highly detailed areas in RE2 + character models. The scrapped 3.5 hookman demo used a hybrid fixed-camera and third-person aiming system that seems to have worked well enough. Press R lightly to use the classic aiming system, press it deeply enough and it switches to TPS aiming mode (the GC triggers are pressure sensitive). Maybe they can reuse that system for REmake 2.Last edited by biohazard_star; 09-02-2015, 07:25 AM.Seibu teh geimu?