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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Thanks for the new screenshots, Gemini.
    I'm glad that 1.5 is in such capable hands.

    No matter how long it takes, I'll patiently wait until the game is finished.
    It'll be the '90s all over again, a new PS1 Resi game, just like in the good old days.


    • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
      Thanks for the new screenshots, Gemini.
      I'm glad that 1.5 is in such capable hands.

      No matter how long it takes, I'll patiently wait until the game is finished.
      It'll be the '90s all over again, a new PS1 Resi game, just like in the good old days.

      Yeah, and in the meantime, we'll have RE0 remaster + ResEvil 2 HD remake/remaster? to occupy ourselves. It's like old-skool Resi-rush


      • Shit we could get 1.5 before the RE2 remake for all we know XD


        • God's will


          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
            Okay, here's a fun off-topic challenge for RE fans: what is the one game that features the voices of Alyson Court (Claire), Catherine Disher (Jill), and Sally Cahill (Ada)? (hint: it's not a Resident Evil game!)
            Took me some time to find out , but I'd say it's 'Marvel Vs Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes'
            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


            • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
              Took me some time to find out , but I'd say it's 'Marvel Vs Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes'
              Damnit, I was hoping it'd be some obscure awesome survival horror I've never heard of


              • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                Took me some time to find out , but I'd say it's 'Marvel Vs Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes'
                Yes! Bingo!


                • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                  The only things that changed are those boxes pushed forward and the first platform banister being closed; there is a precise design explanation for that.
                  It looks like the original arrangement allowed the player to drop down all the way to the floor (perhaps to fix the lift at the bottom?). I'm sure there's a reason that Capcom ultimately closed the first platform's banister too; perhaps they realised that it was an untenable design feature.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	ROOM5XX126.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	40.0 KB
ID:	404768Click image for larger version

Name:	ROOM5XX131.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	35.3 KB
ID:	404769

                  These boxes are interesting... I wonder what purpose they were to serve.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	ROOM5XX129.jpeg
Views:	2
Size:	34.6 KB
ID:	404767


                  • Whoah! Screenshots of the power room! I hope these are a sign that IGAS have progressed onto the labs. Crosses fingers.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                      It looks like the original arrangement allowed the player to drop down all the way to the floor (perhaps to fix the lift at the bottom?). I'm sure there's a reason that Capcom ultimately closed the first platform's banister too; perhaps they realised that it was an untenable design feature.
                      Trial puzzle explanation: you place one metal crate like any box you'd push around, bring the other one to the upper platform with the lift, then push it down to form a bridge so that you can reach the other side. The issue with this design is that the gap between those two platforms is barely one meter and a half. It would have looked goofy if they player wasn't capable of simply hopping to the other side.

                      Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                      Whoah! Screenshots of the power room! I hope these are a sign that IGAS have progressed onto the labs. Crosses fingers.
                      Non linear work flow. Some work has been done on the factory as well, but it's all being carried on at the same time.
                      Last edited by Gemini; 09-28-2015, 07:48 PM.

                      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                      • My theory for the Trial edition puzzle was that the power supply of the lift was tied to either a door lock or some steam/electricity blocking the way. You had to push a metal crate towards the base of the stack of crates so you can access both levels without the use of the lift. Then you can turn off the lift's power supply and access whatever it was interfering with. It's a bit convoluted though, and I suppose Gemini's simpler explanation makes more sense. The Trial edition camera angles back up his explanation. I guess Capcom's designers simply had a brain fart when they originally designed the puzzle.
                        Last edited by biohazard_star; 09-28-2015, 11:36 PM.
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                          The issue with this design is that the gap between those two platforms is barely one meter and a half. It would have looked goofy if they player wasn't capable of simply hopping to the other side.
                          I just thought that it would look goofy because, if two boxes are already stacked up (as seen in the render), you could just climb down and right back up again (like crossing the sewer canal).


                          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                            I just thought that it would look goofy because, if two boxes are already stacked up (as seen in the render), you could just climb down and right back up again (like crossing the sewer canal).
                            Well, the two boxes are likely placed elsewhere in the room. Trial renders have some 3D realtime objects placed in the renders for reference. There's even a save+item station on the upper platform for that very reason.

                            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                            • I would be happy with only subtitles, I never imagined 1.5 would get the full treatment like this.


                              • I had a dream last night that someone did a Zelda mod that was Resident Evil 1.5. Don't ask how it worked, it just did....

