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  • Not booting on ePSXe for me. It's not that it isn't configured or anything as I use it to launch the 40% and Megan Grass' engine just fine, among a few other official PS1 games. Wonder why?


    • Will the final game include fmv/cgi?


      • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
        Not booting on ePSXe for me. It's not that it isn't configured or anything as I use it to launch the 40% and Megan Grass' engine just fine, among a few other official PS1 games. Wonder why?
        Try with a different BIOS. 1001 and 7500 are what I use for all my tests.

        Originally posted by GamerTak3r View Post
        Will the final game include fmv/cgi?
        Yes, there should be a few of those.

        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


        • Bios 1001 did the trick for me. Now the only obstacle is getting good enough to get an S rank. ;)


          • Just out of curiosity, what is exactly the BIOS that you were using? I skip BIOS code for the most, but the boot loader heavily relies on it and I suspect it might cause issues on some console models.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
              Just out of curiosity, what is exactly the BIOS that you were using? I skip BIOS code for the most, but the boot loader heavily relies on it and I suspect it might cause issues on some console models.


              • It's finally out, and to quote the familiar McDonald's-commercial from years ago: Da-dam-damdam-dah, I'm loving it. Here follows Northman's report about the Colosseum demo's PS2 POPS-emulator compatibility.

                In a word, beautiful. I can't compare to real hardware, because I don't have access to a modded PSX-unit, but during the 1 hour and 10 minutes that I tested this thing, sound played well and framerates remained consistent, with only slight dips and jerkiness when the game loaded new enemy types following the defeat of the previous ones, and that might actually have nothing to do with GFX processing, but CD load times. The load times themselves were very good, playing from a USB flash stick.

                The engine is very stable. In my tests, both the Squeeze Bomb engine and the PS2 POPS emulator remained stable and the game did not exhibit any sort of lock-ups or other unwanted behaviour. If the final game offers this same level of quality, the PS2 POPS emulator will be a very recommended choice to any Playstation 2 owners wanting to experience this project trough a proper TV with minimal hassle. For starters, you will be playing from a USB flash drive, so no wear and tear to your console's optical drive, and you will completely avoid the process of burning any CDs.

                The game itself played remarkably like the classic Capcom originals, in both good and bad. On the POPS-emulator, the analog sticks on my PS2's Dualshock 2 controller wouldn't work, no matter what voodoo-magic and dark chicken sacrifices I tried, so I was left at the mercy of the digital pad, where the ye olde tank controls just emphasize how damn helpless you are in all your clumsiness. But overall, the demo is not that difficult. By taking advantage of my prior experience with the series, I found that even the Hard-difficulty didn't prove to be much of a trouble to defeat with the right weapon management and proper positioning of your character.

                Sadly, there isn't much to do. A single game session takes less than 5 minutes to beat, and trying to beat your old high-scores can only go so far to keep you interested. But as far as tech demos go, this one's well made and leaves me confident in the belief that the actual main event, when eventually released, will deliver.

                Here is the system that I used to play:

                -Sony Playstation 2 SCPH-77004 CB slim, PAL region
                -Official Dualshock 2 controller & a Sony original
                memory card /w FreeMcboot
                -Transcend Jetflash 350 USB2 flash drive, 8 Gb
                -Some Denver FullHD TV with NTSC compatibility mode
                -FreeMcBoot 1.8c & ULaunchElf 4.42a
                -Official Sony POPS emulator
                -POPStarter r13 WIP 06 OBT 20151124 by krHACKen

                And nooo problems.
                Last edited by Northman; 12-10-2015, 09:15 PM.


                • Beautiful demo. But I think there's a bug with the analog functionality because it didn't work for me at all. Played on ps3 slim with 4.76 CFW.


                  • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                    I believe the only other game that gets this close is Roll Boss Rush.
                    Sadly, the FFVII parody game from the 90s was never finished.


                    • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                      But I think there's a bug with the analog functionality because it didn't work for me at all.
                      The analog sticks are actually disabled for the coliseum. They are only used with pre-rendered backgrounds to simulate REHD controls.

                      Originally posted by fishboil View Post
                      Sadly, the FFVII parody game from the 90s was never finished.
                      As a Net Yaroze game, I don't think Team Fatal could do more, since you're limited to fit a whole game into the RAM (only 2 MB, it's pretty tight).

                      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                      • Just want to say Thanks again for this amazing Demo Very much Appreciated and congrats on all the hard work to Gemini and IGAS , Looking forward to future updates , Also have the zombies been removed from the Battle arena or will they be in future updates ?


                        • Well, since people have already started posting let's plays like crazy, here's my take on all of Leon's courses, in hard mode.

                          Hiding that behind a spoiler for now, it pretty much gives away the best strategies to score S with little effort.

                          Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                          Also have the zombies been removed from the Battle arena or will they be in future updates?
                          Zombies were removed because they don't really work out that well for a battle game. Unless I make some heavy changes to their AI, they better stay only used for close environments.

                          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                          • ah ok thats cool maybe you could make them Crimson heads lol.
                            Any other B.O.W.S that will be added later on that you want to add ?


                            • The demo looks very good. Smooth, solid and enjoyable. Good work people. One question Gemini, now you release this coliseum demo, Do you continue working on Hazardous Battle? Looks like an interesting concept.
                              Last edited by The_Wes; 12-11-2015, 09:59 AM.
                              Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                              • Downloaded ready to play.. One thing thats bugging me though is the voice acting (at least, in the demo videos we have seen so far)
                                Will this be improved upon the final release. It's just the Leon's VA sounds a little off to me, maybe the voice is too high I dunno.
                                Replay that infamous line "That's just friggin' great, now what am I gonna do" from this trailer, and listen to the proto 1.5 version right after it.
                                Sorry if that sounds really picky and unfair - its just honestly how I feel.. still great job!

                                EDIT: OK so finally played a few rounds as Leon and Elza on Normal.. and did.. well OK.
                                Liked Elza's SFX.

                                One problem I had (running on emulator) was that framerate became a little bit of an issue (only really happened when the entire arena is in view in the center of the screen - as if the engine struggles to load all the 3D elements.It would run 2D pre-rendered without any problem normally)
                                I am aware that this may be because of emulator settings - It is currently set for smooth polygons and textures (makes the game look like RE2/3 did on Gamecube or PC)

                                Unfortunately, this did affect gameplay for me - I got hit more than I should have by enemies.
                                I also encountered something strange. Whenever a character is aiming downwards, instead of it being pretty much instant, they seemed to take a long time to do so - which again, got me hit a few times by the dogs etc.

                                I though this may have just been the controller I was using - some kind of delay on the emulator's part..
                                The demo also doesn't seem to let you enter the inventory while it is ''spawning'' new enemies either?

                                I cannot get above an A either - I did one run in 3:30 mins, 39% damage and 100% accuracy.. no S rank in sight.
                                Does Hard mode give more points? Or is there some secret 'knife run' thing to achieve here..
                                Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 12-11-2015, 10:52 AM.
                                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"

