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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
    Any other B.O.W.S that will be added later on that you want to add ?
    Possibly Hunters and Ticks. I couldn't get them done in time for testing, so they were scrapped for the moment.

    Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
    Do you continue working on Hazardous Battle? Looks like an interesting concept.
    I haven't done much work on it, I've been focusing on getting a polished demo for this. I should resume working on that some time soon.

    Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
    One problem I had (running on emulator) was that framerate became a little bit of an issue (only really happened when the entire arena is in view in the center of the screen - as if the engine struggles to load all the 3D elements.It would run 2D pre-rendered without any problem normally)
    I am aware that this may be because of emulator settings - It is currently set for smooth polygons and textures (makes the game look like RE2/3 did on Gamecube or PC)
    It's pretty much slowdown due to intensive CPU and CD-ROM usage. I could make it slightly better with optimization, but it's just a minor issue for the moment. Door transitions don't suffer from it, which is the most important part.

    Whenever a character is aiming downwards, instead of it being pretty much instant, they seemed to take a long time to do so - which again, got me hit a few times by the dogs etc.
    That's the camera being a bit slow to catch on sometimes.

    I though this may have just been the controller I was using - some kind of delay on the emulator's part..
    The demo also doesn't seem to let you enter the inventory while it is ''spawning'' new enemies either?
    The delay seems to be a problem with some emulators (specifically: ePSXe), it doesn't happen on hardware or most platforms.

    I cannot get above an A either - I did one run in 3:30 mins, 39% damage and 100% accuracy.. no S rank in sight.
    Does Hard mode give more points? Or is there some secret 'knife run' thing to achieve here..
    The conditions are actually variable. The problem you have there is that you're taking too long to complete a course. In some cases you need to keep that under 3 minutes, in other cases it's 4 minutes.
    As for the knife, there is a secret gimmick about it, but it's extremely hard to complete the game with just that weapon.
    Last edited by Gemini; 12-11-2015, 10:59 AM.

    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


    • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
      Downloaded ready to play.. One thing thats bugging me though is the voice acting (at least, in the demo videos we have seen so far)
      Will this be improved upon the final release. It's just the Leon's VA sounds a little off to me, maybe the voice is too high I dunno.
      Replay that infamous line "That's just friggin' great, now what am I gonna do" from this trailer, and listen to the proto 1.5 version right after it.
      Sorry if that sounds really picky and unfair - its just honestly how I feel.. still great job!

      EDIT: OK so finally played a few rounds as Leon and Elza on Normal.. and did.. well OK.
      Liked Elza's SFX.
      I'm not quite sure what your problem on this is, but these indirect remarks have to stop. I'm right here. Please address me & stop complaining at Gemini about this, okay?
      As for the sound clips themselves, yes there was a little bit of concern from even myself about this, but thankfully it was fixed. And so far, you're the only one who has found an issue in this matter (Cue the rest of the comments that are quite possibly going to follow from anyone else who didn't like it).
      I know that not everybody is going to agree with my voice being that of Leon's, because the simple fact of the matter is that I'm not Paul Haddad. And if you don't like it, each to their own. Who are any of us to dictate a person's tastes? But I will not tolerate you complaining about it like this when you know I can see it. When you know I have tried to speak to you about your concerns & you just chose to ignore that. Just stop.

      And though your opinion seems pretty biased already, I won't deny that Elza's clips are in fact really solid, especially for an emergency job. Vildicus did an awesome job & I hope she'll also be Elza in the final game.

      Now, to anyone else that might disagree with my presence on here; It may be a very small part, but I'm still part of this team. I may not have been here for as long as others, but did turn up with evidence that I could do something & am willing to. You'd be wise to remember that next time you want to disregard what I have to say. I didn't sign up to start any trouble, but this kind of behaviour from you guys & gals wasn't exactly foreseen either. Please just remember that ignoring any contributions I have to add to a topic doesn't make me go away.
      Last edited by SheyGrell; 12-11-2015, 12:06 PM.


      • @ Sheygrell

        I realise now what I actually wrote and boy, do I feel like a complete ****.
        It really wasn't anything personal at all - I really do feel bad now.

        I guess.. some fans get so attatched to how a character is portrayed - I dunno.
        Obviously.. nobody except Paul can do Leons RE2 voice himself.. I know that.

        I also realise your doing this for free and for us fans - you don't HAVE to.. but you do it anyway.. completely agree.

        Please take this as a heart felt apology *hugs*
        Fresh start and all that

        @ Gemeni - Oh okay.. I was focused so much on damage and hit ratio I forgot time would have been a facror too LOL
        I am intreged by the knife "secret" but that'd be impossible for me to pull off. I'm good.. but not that good hehe
        Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 12-11-2015, 01:42 PM.
        "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


        • Originally posted by SheyGrell View Post
          I'm not quite sure what your problem on this is, but these indirect remarks have to stop. I'm right here. Please address me & stop complaining at Gemini about this, okay?
          As for the sound clips themselves, yes there was a little bit of concern from even myself about this, but thankfully it was fixed. And so far, you're the only one who has found an issue in this matter (Cue the rest of the comments that are quite possibly going to follow from anyone else who didn't like it).
          I know that not everybody is going to agree with my voice being that of Leon's, because the simple fact of the matter is that I'm not Paul Haddad. And if you don't like it, each to their own. Who are any of us to dictate a person's tastes? But I will not tolerate you complaining about it like this when you know I can see it. When you know I have tried to speak to you about your concerns & you just chose to ignore that. Just stop.

          And though your opinion seems pretty biased already, I won't deny that Elza's clips are in fact really solid, especially for an emergency job. Vildicus did an awesome job & I hope she'll also be Elza in the final game.

          Now, to anyone else that might disagree with my presence on here; It may be a very small part, but I'm still part of this team. I may not have been here for as long as others, but did turn up with evidence that I could do something & am willing to. You'd be wise to remember that next time you want to disregard what I have to say. I didn't sign up to start any trouble, but this kind of behaviour from you guys & gals wasn't exactly foreseen either. Please just remember that ignoring any contributions I have to add to a topic doesn't make me go away.
          I like what you gave us sounded good to me and you always have time to practice and improve if you are doing Leon for the story mode.
          Elza also sounded great , felt so good not to hear Alyson's voice lol , I love Alyson but not for Elza.


          • I think his voice sounded just fine, don't know what the complaints are all about...


            • It doesn't sound professional, and overall I didn't like it. I'll wait to hear more. But I find pathetic and childish that the guy can't take any criticism. And RaccoonSurvivor was nice and polite enough to say it was just bugging him. If you aren't a professional, at least listen to people's opinion and try to improve instead of complaining.


              • What? I thought the voice actor sounded very professional and similar to the original actor.
                Last edited by Hunk_4TH; 12-12-2015, 05:20 PM.


                • I think the reason people think this is not the voice acting itself - but maybe the quality of the recordings? Some we have heard have sounded compressed and a little crackly - possibly down to the ISO itself?

                  I'm sure it'll grow on me - its like when other game characters alter and everyone likes/dislikes (look at Jill in Revelations.. personally I liked her.. others hate her)

                  So.. again, keep up the good work
                  Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 12-12-2015, 02:01 AM.
                  "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                  • I only have criticism the weapon ranges are too generous for the shotgun, magnum and machine gun, it makes the game way too easy, ideally as a marker the sparkshot would have the least and the bowgun, rocket launcher the most with the grenade launcher being somewhere in-between,obvisouly the shotgun should have more than it's sawn-off varient if your including both types.


                    • As someone who has been working with voice actors online since 2005...I see no issues with the Leon we got. He's not meant to be a sound alike nor should he, different Leon..different game. I had no issues with his acting nor the quality of the recordings, sounds crystal clear on my HD tv and headphones so I dunno what people are on usual.
                      Last edited by ajrich17901; 12-12-2015, 04:55 AM.


                      • If I could ever stop being far too involved with my job I can finally sit down and play this.
                        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                        • Hello guys ! Just wanted to know if someone made an eboot conversion for PSP.


                          • Originally posted by dr_raichi View Post
                            Hello guys ! Just wanted to know if someone made an eboot conversion for PSP.
                            Popstation GUI + Dino Crisis 2 ID and you're ready to go. Since this isn't the first time somebody's asked for an eboot, I may just as well create one at some point, with instruction booklet and boot pictures included.
                            Last edited by Gemini; 12-12-2015, 08:12 AM.

                            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                            • First off, just wanted to say that I've noticed some positive feedback about the acting. Although it's not why I reacted in the way I did, I do very much appreciate that folks do approve of what they hear. Thank you kindly for this.

                              Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                              @ Sheygrell

                              I realise now what I actually wrote and boy, do I feel like a complete ****.
                              It really wasn't anything personal at all - I really do feel bad now.

                              I guess.. some fans get so attatched to how a character is portrayed - I dunno.
                              Obviously.. nobody except Paul can do Leons RE2 voice himself.. I know that.

                              I also realise your doing this for free and for us fans - you don't HAVE to.. but you do it anyway.. completely agree.

                              Please take this as a heart felt apology *hugs*
                              Fresh start and all that
                              Of course. That would be most agreeable, and as said, I'm not here to start any fights. Wouldn't be a very good choice of voice actor for this project if I fought everyone Thank you very much for addressing this & I'm glad you can see my reaction wasn't about the acting itself, just as your disagreement isn't about that either. However, I always am on the lookout for methods & techniques to get just a little bit extra out of what goes into this, so if anyone wants to provide any tips or tricks on what they do to make things better (I use audacity by the way), I'm all ears.
                              Just remember that I'm here to answer any of these concerns I may've come into this as an outsider, but now this is released, it does set a lot of things into perspective.

                              Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                              It doesn't sound professional, and overall I didn't like it. I'll wait to hear more. But I find pathetic and childish that the guy can't take any criticism. And RaccoonSurvivor was nice and polite enough to say it was just bugging him. If you aren't a professional, at least listen to people's opinion and try to improve instead of complaining.
                              There's always one, isn't there? And did you read what my problem is? No, you didn't. You just instantly went down the "Can't take criticism! Childiiiiish!" path to try & shut me up (And after reading your post, you really might want to sort out that little projection problem you've got, pal).
                              To someone like you, I just outright hope my voice acting gets on your nerves. You can consider it a giant middle finger aimed right at you, considering you decided to arrogantly step in & do some below the belt insults when you don't even seem to grasp what the problem is. Oh yeah & for someone who's been around here as long as you have? Show some class already. What are you, 13?
                              Although I also get the feeling you just want to cause some drama. That, or you see the opportunity to turn the tables & get me out of here. And you call my behaviour pathetic... Why don't you think about that before your hands start hammering at the keyboard in response? There's a good boy.
                              Last edited by SheyGrell; 12-12-2015, 03:36 PM.


                              • In my opinion Shey is a really good voice actor,glad that Gemini choosed him.
                                I miss the old times.

