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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
    Blocky models, no correct (it's not even present) lighting falloff, bad choice in textures and texture blur filtering. He still doesn't even chamfer his edges and apply smoothing groups. The 40% of 1.5 made use of this, even RE1 made use of these techniques. When you see the harsh blocky edges of a cylinder (pipe) you know you 'dun fucked it up.

    Better in what way? They aren't REmake quality, but they look a little bit closer to what the backgrounds in retail RE2 looked like, which if you've seen any of the latter era backgrounds of 1.5 found on the trial disc, is how the finalized 1.5 backgrounds would have probably looked in the first place. If they can turn otherwise bland backgrounds from the 40% and make them look closer to retail RE2, I don't see the problem.

    I do agree that the staircase is my least favorite of all the backgrounds they made. I even agree with some of the gripes about it. But people need to relax. If they decide not to change it, we just have to live with it.
    It's very unlikely that he will be able to do that in Maya, there's no direct way to do that. To generate that kind of falloff you need to connect various nodes to control the light, I haven't found a way to generate a light with intensity superior to 1 though.


    • Originally posted by Graco View Post
      I really like the music playing in this video. Is this one of the new tracks for 1.5?
      It sounds fairly fitting for 1.5 doesn't it? It's actually from the RE2 Extreme Battle Mode, known as 'Long and Gloomy Underground Passage'.


      • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
        It's very unlikely that he will be able to do that in Maya, there's no direct way to do that. To generate that kind of falloff you need to connect various nodes to control the light, I haven't found a way to generate a light with intensity superior to 1 though.
        Sounds like he needs to pick a different application for producing Capcom quality backgrounds, then. Then again, we have to remember that C4D and 3ds Max are too shitty for him. ;)


        • Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
          Sooooo, speaking of immersion, about that picture earlier:

          Is that a plasma TV hanging on the back wall? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure back in '97 they hadn't been invented yet, and we were still using those old bulky TVs. Y'know, the ones we used to watch VHS tapes on? Hell, it'd be another year or two before DVD's even came yeah, just wondering about that

          Goddamn double-post s***
          Maybe it's a window


          • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
            I'm surprised people are so quick to nitpick these backgrounds.
            *constructive criticism and feedback sans entitlement

            Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
            Why aren't more people nitpicking at Martin's patches and the crappy looking backgrounds in those?
            That alone would take another thousand pages in this thread, and way more time and effort than anyone is likely willing to expend on an amateur endeavor.

            Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
            Am I the only person that sees a pattern in nitpicking the higher quality stuff
            Most of us admire IGAS greatly, so it's worth our time and energy to express interest in its quality, which is often subjective.

            Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
            all the LQ/mediocre stuff in the RE community gets alot of praise
            The members who constructively 'criticise' the work of IGAS are seldom the same people who praise the low-quality, mediocre stuff.


            • I think constructive criticism or feedback are allways welcome. But as they said before its pointless at this time to make criticism when they already decided the final desing for those stairs. We can love or hate it but the decision is already made.
              ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


              • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                Sounds like he needs to pick a different application for producing Capcom quality backgrounds, then. Then again, we have to remember that C4D and 3ds Max are too shitty for him. ;)
                From the same person who thought that this was OK to produce and share (this is only the wall) what did you expect?

                Click image for larger version

Name:	I4b24o9.png
Views:	1
Size:	203.1 KB
ID:	404790

                I can't even describe how bad the whole thing is; a total waste of polygons, it's nonsense, edge loops that goes around and do nothing to the shape (a flat wall), disjointed pieces, objects that don't fit in and leaves holes, so that you can see through (doors, stairs, floors, windows), etc.

                The whole thing have a random scale, every floor it's at a random position (different height ratio), the ground is not a 0, I suspect he never heard of the Grid.


                • Just have a look at his DeviantArt page. He doesn't even know how to weld vertices. Even as far as the purposely done "retro" stuff, it looks so daft.

                  A "work of art":


                  Click image for larger version

Name:	motoko_kusanagi_by_darksaviourdxp-d9isco0.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	90.1 KB
ID:	404791


                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Ghost-in-the-Shell-Cosplay-Major-Motoko-Kusanagi-Cosplay-Costume-Version-01-image.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	52.2 KB
ID:	404792
                  Last edited by VirusPunk; 01-16-2016, 05:09 PM.


                  • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                    From the same person who thought that this was OK to produce and share (this is only the wall) what did you expect?


                    I can't even describe how bad the whole thing is; a total waste of polygons, it's nonsense, edge loops that goes around and do nothing to the shape (a flat wall), disjointed pieces, objects that don't fit in and leaves holes, so that you can see through (doors, stairs, floors, windows), etc.

                    The whole thing have a random scale, every floor it's at a random position (different height ratio), the ground is not a 0, I suspect he never heard of the Grid.
                    Yeah his work is absolutely horrible dude. And to think he banned me from the new 123 forums just because he couldn't handle the truth. Who the hell made him a mod/admin there anyway? Starvin Marvin? What makes MArvin;s patches extremely horrendous are DXP's shitty background. Like for example that background he made for the I guess conference room? The table looked like it belonged in Jack and beanstalk since it looked ridiculously huge. He should be embarrassed and feel a shamed to release shit like that.

                    That Motoko is horrible looking omg.
                    Last edited by Hunk_4TH; 01-16-2016, 09:50 PM.


                    • Why are we still even bringing up those nubs xD don't give them the attention they are obviously starved for.


                      • Yes this forum has an old old old old old old old rule of not bringing drama from other forums here. Please try not to.


                        • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                          Just have a look at his DeviantArt page. He doesn't even know how to weld vertices. Even as far as the purposely done "retro" stuff, it looks so daft.

                          A "work of art":




                          Reminded to this old commercial

                          ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                          • Lol yeah I do agree we should let that drama go it's just giving them attention they obviously don't deserve and LMFAO@ the post above.


                            • Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
                              Reminded to this old commercial
                              Oh god, I haven't seen this in years. Cringe nostalgia.

                              I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought the backgrounds in the patch were atrocious attempts. I'm not familiar with whoever made them.
                              Last edited by Renard; 01-17-2016, 09:29 PM.


                              • For what it's worth I enjoyed the additional rooms added in DB's patches. Are they up to par with retail quality? No, but I don't think anyone would expect them to be. They did offer a sense of continuity to the unfinished layouts though and gave an idea of what it would be like to explore a finished product within that context. It was something to enjoy outside of piecing it all together from standalone pictures so for that I am grateful.

                                As for the IGAS rooms and criticisms of the details over the design choices, I'm evaluating how cohesive the entire experience is as a whole rather than an individual basis. The cumulative result is what I feel is the most important thing and cannot be effectively reviewed until at least the RPD demo is released.
                                "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."

