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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
    Capcom - "How can we celebrate REs 20th Anniversary? I know, lets not show RE2.. lets re-release RE6 instead!" Urghhhhh
    I was almost tempted to make a DS port of RE2 for the anniversary. I've been working on getting a new toolchain to work with the current source, tested it with gcc 4.5.2 targetting mips-eps-elf; it didn't go too well, even after several changes to the code and custom build environments. I guess I'll go back to PC+PSX versions, Visual Studio 2013 is still fully compatible with most of it.

    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


    • Were RE5 and 6 HD when they came out, or are they standard? It's just if they're porting them over, I'm surprised they're not taking the time to remaster them as well. I know they remastered RE4 already (twice if I'm not mistaken), so I wonder if they're porting the PC version of RE4 over, or some other version.
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      • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
        Were RE5 and 6 HD when they came out, or are they standard?
        Both were released for gen 7 systems, so I'd imagine they can do 720p at the minimum. Upscaling the assets is always more work (and expenses), so they probably won't bother if the existing ones are "good enough".


        • RE5 and 6 should be already full HD compatible on PC. It's safe to assume they're porting from those assets, especially with RE6, which looks like crap on PS3, at least for what concerns environmental textures.

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • Yeah but the re-release of re5 was downgraded a bit...but yeah I could see them just porting the pc versions of all 3.


            • Originally posted by ajrich17901 View Post
              Yeah but the re-release of re5 was downgraded a bit...but yeah I could see them just porting the pc versions of all 3.
              Wait which RE5 was downgraded? I remember the PC version looking better.


              • If I remember correctly the steam version if only DX9, as opposed to the DX10 GFWL version. It doesn't change much, but it's still a downgrade; a straight addon port from the 360.


                • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                  Wait which RE5 was downgraded? I remember the PC version looking better.
                  PC Version did look amazing at one point, but now there's all kinds of bugs. Hell the aa has issues where the characters now look like they're cell shaded lol
                  On top of that the new version of the game on PC has multiple bugs the community has had to fix themselves because Capcom is too lazy with their pc support. Wouldn't be surprised to see these same issues be brought over to the console versions.
                  Last edited by ajrich17901; 03-15-2016, 09:36 PM.


                  • The smart thing Capcom would do is port the steam version with all the fan fixes.


                    • Yeah..but this is Capcom we're speaking about here >.> lol


                      • Exactly my point. Since Capcom likes to save a buck, simply just use fan mods where no one can tell and they'd get all the credit. Sounds like something they'd do.


                        • Yeah I could really see them doing that. Mainly wondering if the new versions will support 60fps on consoles. I know re4 hd suffers from slowdowns because some animations weren't redone to work with 60 frames.


                          • Only few hours for the 20th anniversary. Any surprise 1.5 related?
                            ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                              I'm still not sure if it can be worked out for the 20th anniversary. I'll try and have it done by then, but if you see nothing popping up on march 22 it means I missed the dead line.


                              • Did anybody do anything for the 20th anniversary? I just finished playing through Chris' scenario on RE1.

