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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • double post sorry
    Last edited by SolidSnake11; 07-15-2016, 06:40 PM.
    I miss the old times.


    • Dino Crisis clearly shows how epic 1.5 could of been, too bad re2 and re3 we're rush jobs.
      I'd go as far as to say Dino Crisis was better than the re0 n64 prototype,
      it also plays better than code veronica imo which always felt clunky to me like tomb raider: angel of darkness.


      • When you say Dino Crisis, you mean the first game right? Just making sure.
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        • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
          When you say Dino Crisis, you mean the first game right?
          Just making sure.


          • Dino Crisis was handled by an almost completely different team than BIO1.5. Very different games in terms of design philosophy.
            Last edited by News Bot; 07-17-2016, 10:03 PM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
              I've been playing the Vanilla build of 1.5 recently.

              Is there anyone else besides me that really wishes that 1.5 became the real Resident Evil 2?

              I just think it's cooler, that's all.

              I think it was a great concept, that wasn't done right. The backgrounds are good, but they came out too blurry and grainy. I chalk it up to a younger staff working on the game. The character models could have used some more work, but I like the zombies and the backgrounds better. The police station is just so awesome to me. Can't stand the mansion RPD in retail, and the music that goes with it. And the zombies that are magically taller than the player (with the exception of the female zombie of course). The marshalling yard music fits the 1.5 RPD perfectly.

              And I like the fact that depending on who you play as, you start in different locations. Leon on the roof, Elza in the lobby. One trying to get out of the RPD, the other one trying to get in.

              1.5 is an awesome concept. It's just ashame that they screwed it up.

              I don't hate retail RE2, but I just think that 1.5 is cooler, and if it wasn't screwed up, would have been an awesome game.
              1.5 was a great concept and had some interesting features, but we just tend to assume those scrapped ideas would have work on the overall experience as we imagined, while they might actually didn't, had them made its way to retail. I actually feel the same way about RE3.5. But we never know, the first RE forced its developers to scrap the first person view for a different perspective due to hardware limitations, and I think that -forced- decision was one of the best choices ever made, because that limitation allowed them to create a more unique game.

              I compare the situation to what happened with the Outbreak series. Those games are conceptually awesome and I think they brought a lot of refreshing and interesting ideas (more than any so-called main RE ever did), but some of these ideas didn't work as greatly as they sounded. I still love Outbreaks and have them amongst my favorite REs, but unfortunatelly there's plenty of people that can't stand the way some of their innovations were handled.

              I trust in Capcom's judgement at that time. At the end the RE2 we got turned out to be step forward for the series in every possible direction, and it even stood as the best selling RE game for more than a decade.

              Btw, characters starting their adventures at different points was kept into retail.
              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


              • There are some things I wish woulda been kept over to retail like the actual alligator fight and perhaps the manspiders in the lab to add to the enemy variety.


                • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
                  I've been playing the Vanilla build of 1.5 recently.

                  Is there anyone else besides me that really wishes that 1.5 became the real Resident Evil 2?
                  The proto had some good concepts that I feel sorry were thrown out. I still like Elza Walker's character design more than that of Claire's. Blondes are cuter. I'm sad to see that she was re-designed. I wish they had kept some of the weapons, like the burst-firing Glock. Also, I dig the more realistic design of the proto police station. It never really made sense to me that an old art museum with no functioning toilets had been converted into a cop shop.

                  But ultimately the proto failed for some very real reasons. The script just didn't work. The story, now that I've seen pieces of it, feels like your average fan fiction-levels of badness. And supposedly, it was too conclusive. Capcom didn't appreciate that it couldn't be followed up with sequels.

                  Some things just are not meant to be.


                  • Anything can be followed up with sequels.


                    • I'm still confused on what the exact story differences are mostly towards the end of the game. Annette burns down the lab why?


                      • They abandoned their original concepts too quickly. The changes to the script were a move in the right direction, but changing Elsa seemed unnecessary. Despite its shortcomings 1.5 was a more original experience than the final product.
                        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                        • So what exactly is going on? is the team still working on the game or has it all fallen on gemini? Im not trying rush things but its been a long wait at this point and we havent heard much.


                          • Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View Post
                            So what exactly is going on? is the team still working on the game or has it all fallen on gemini? Im not trying rush things but its been a long wait at this point and we havent heard much.
                            Development is still going.
                            Last edited by SolidSnake11; 07-31-2016, 10:41 AM.
                            I miss the old times.


                            • Story wise treat this as an alternate timeline / parallel universe story where things go in a different path.

                              That's how I see it. I find that the fact that Umbrella is almost shutdown entirely after the events of the
                              first game to be far more realistic than what ended up in the released version 2 + the later games.

                              That said the mega corps of our reality seem to get away with massive disasters and still continue to exist, so meh.
                              Last edited by icemann; 08-06-2016, 10:30 AM.


                              • In other news: Playstation Vita broken for homebrew/custom firmware.

                                A native port for Vita, IF Vita development starts picking up? <.<

