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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Graco View Post

    Where did this image originate from? It's been floating around on the Internet for a long while and though I suspect it's fake (Elza's model appears to be a fan edit of Claire) I'm curious about the "dormitory" information. It's been known that she was a student at the university for some time now, but do we know anything about her introduction at all?
    From Seiyakou DeviantArt profile.
    I miss the old times.


    • Originally posted by Vixtro View Post
      Under the assumption here that Elza was an out of towner, the same as Claire. She came to Raccoon City to enroll at Raccoon university and instead, because of the chaos, ended up crashing her bike into the RPD lobby.

      Been a long time since touching on the subject, could be completely wrong...
      It's been allways said that Elza was a student from Raccoon University, but after all these years I couldn't tell if that actually came from a genuine source or not. Still, her biker vest says "Raccoon", and the game as far as we know started with her just crashing in the RPD building, and that was all of her story. That pointed she was from Raccoon and so was already there when everything started.

      It works better for me that both Claire and Leon came from outside instead, because that's more consistent with the vibe of a godforsaken town the game has, I mean, we never see how the outbreak starts, we don't see the how citizens turn into zombies and how the policemen are anihilated in the streets, we just arrive on a dead town where pretty much everyone is already a zombie.

      Both characters in retail have a strong reason to go to Raccoon, which is better than just being 'nobodies' getting caught in the middle of the outbreak. Though I really like the idea of being a nobody in the Outbreak series, the main series allways took a different approach.
      Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 08-16-2016, 06:06 PM.
      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


      • Originally posted by icemann View Post
        Regardless. Considering what happened to AM2R (the Metroid 2 remake), please don't go around advertising this project. You could very well be the cause of it getting shutdown by doing so.

        AM2R which is a damn fine remake on a side note, is a great example of why not attracting too much attention prior a projects completion GREATLY increases the chances of that project being completed and not getting the DMCA from the games original creator(s).

        Once it's finished and out there it can't be stopped (as AM2R did).

        PS: What's with this forum recently? Been bugging out on me every time I come to make posts now, interface is all over the place, displays script errors at the top of the page etc etc.

        Well it needs to be finished first and if I am honest I don't see it happening anytime soon , Id love it to happen of course but I am just being truthful , if they are still working on it then good luck to them but maybe they have too much on their plate atm , I know he is also doing translations for that ps1 Japanese Mizzurna falls which I would love to play also in English.
        It's also gone very quiet on twitter and here , just have to wait and see.

        and I also see the errors but I don't think anyone sees the point in fixing a dead forum.


        • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
          It's been allways said that Elza was a student from Raccoon University, but after all these years I couldn't tell if that actually came from a genuine source or not. Still, her biker vest says "Raccoon", and the game as far as we know started with her just crashing in the RPD building, and that was all of her story. That pointed she was from Raccoon and so was already there when everything started.

          It works better for me that both Claire and Leon came from outside instead, because that's more consistent with the vibe of a godforsaken town the game has, I mean, we never see how the outbreak starts, we don't see the how citizens turn into zombies and how the policemen are anihilated in the streets, we just arrive on a dead town where pretty much everyone is already a zombie.

          Both characters in retail have a strong reason to go to Raccoon, which is better than just being 'nobodies' getting caught in the middle of the outbreak. Though I really like the idea of being a nobody in the Outbreak series, the main series allways took a different approach.
          When all is said and done, it's ridiculous that anyone was able to get into the city during the outbreak anyway, especially via the main roads since Outbreak shows us that, sometime during the initial outbreak, the military set up blockades around the City. It's one of the few retcons in the side games like Outbreak that makes a lot of sense realistically, but does hurt the aforementioned canon. Unless Capcom retcons it again back to how it was originally (which would feel really lazy), RE2make will have to show us how both Claire and Leon bypass the military blockades.

          One more thing, just because Elza has the biker gear reading "Raccoon", doesn't automatically mean she already lives in the City. Again, I assumed it was her way of showing support and/or being happy that she was accepted in to Raccoon University. Same can be said for Leon in the final game, he's entering the city for his "first day on the job" and he's already in full RPD uniform.


          • Originally posted by Vixtro View Post
            When all is said and done, it's ridiculous that anyone was able to get into the city during the outbreak anyway, especially via the main roads since Outbreak shows us that, sometime during the initial outbreak, the military set up blockades around the City. It's one of the few retcons in the side games like Outbreak that makes a lot of sense realistically, but does hurt the aforementioned canon. Unless Capcom retcons it again back to how it was originally (which would feel really lazy), RE2make will have to show us how both Claire and Leon bypass the military blockades.

            One more thing, just because Elza has the biker gear reading "Raccoon", doesn't automatically mean she already lives in the City. Again, I assumed it was her way of showing support and/or being happy that she was accepted in to Raccoon University. Same can be said for Leon in the final game, he's entering the city for his "first day on the job" and he's already in full RPD uniform.
            There is nothing wrong with how Leon and Claire entered the city, it's been thoroughly explained.

            Q10) Did you have an explanation for how Leon & Claire were able to enter Raccoon City despite the military blockade?

            Leon and Claire were fortunate (or perhaps unfortunate) in that they were able to slip by the blockade when the military forces quarantining Raccoon City retreated after facing an attack from the zombies.

            Raccoon City is located in an isolated area in the mid-west, and is surrounded by stretches of wasteland with nary a building in sight. Since the majority of the citizens had been confirmed dead, the military decided to quickly back off to prevent any unnecessary casualties.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              There is nothing wrong with how Leon and Claire entered the city, it's been thoroughly explained.
              There's plenty wrong with it from a logical standpoint (which sounds bloody ironic being a fan of Resi Evil and its lore), but I'm not going to argue with a statement from someone who worked on the games. Just another small facet that will be interesting, for me, to see being played out in RE2make.


              • Originally posted by Vixtro View Post
                There's plenty wrong with it from a logical standpoint
                Like what?
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • From Gemini with love.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	CqJU7WyWYAE9e83.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	32.6 KB
ID:	404949
                  ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                  • So which location is this?


                    • That's one of the unfinished rooms in the lab. There was a discussion a LONG LONG LONG time ago in the thread about it. It has a half finished render in the original 40% build. There was some speculation that the crates would be movable :/

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	00000320.png
Views:	1
Size:	42.8 KB
ID:	404950
                      Last edited by doriantoki; 08-19-2016, 12:00 AM.


                      • Hi all, I have always gone since 2013 but had forgotten my password and I remembered days ago.

                        New image of Gemini from emergency stairs.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	CqUiq_wWEAANIt5.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	39.8 KB
ID:	404951

                        Has much more logical than the background of the trial version and the final.
                        Resident Evil 2: Back 2 Origins




                        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                          That's one of the unfinished rooms in the lab.
                          A-2 Elevator Room (Laboratory B2)

                          Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                          It has a half finished render in the original 40% build.
                          The 40% build contains no renders of this room, only an outline of its dimensions on the map. The image that you posted originates from the Trial Disc, whose residual 1.5-era backgrounds were the latest versions before deletion. Fortunately, this room is just Elza's version of the room above it, with whose design we are well acquainted.

                          Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                          There was some speculation that the crates would be movable :/
                          I doubt that even the fully evolved Birkin could move those shipping crates (which seem a little on the tall side compared to their original geometry).


                          • Originally posted by Juvenal-_Leon98 View Post
                            New image of Gemini from emergency stairs.


                            Has much more logical than the background of the trial version and the final.
                            I was conflicted at first, since the ladder shaft was the later of the two designs, but the original stairwell makes more sense anyway (and fits more snugly in the map as a puzzle piece, too).


                            • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                              Except that Claire's dialog and storyline events did almost nothing to utilize her connection with Chris.
                              ...The whole reason she's even in the hellhole called Raccoon City. Her desire to know what happened to her brother is why either she or Leon bother finding Chris' diary at all. Her presence sets up the mystery of "What happened to Chris?". Just because she learns he left Raccoon about a quarter of the way into the game doesn't mean that the mystery is solved. Its bigger and more expansive of a plotline than just oh no i ran into zombies and need to survive the night ! If 1.5 was the game this franchise was starting with, Elsa would be fine, but at this point they needed to start making connections, however small.

                              She doesnt have to dwell on Chris the entire game. There are events unfolding around her and there needed someone to still fill the guardian role for sherry that Elsa and John left.

                              Also, correct me if im wrong, Didn't STARS have its own independent office originally? I mean i dont think it was ever a part of 1.5 but i think their HQ was off site wasnt it? The one in the final product is nice but a bit rushed considering there wernt nearly enough desks for both teams.
                              Last edited by OfficerRedfield; 08-21-2016, 04:37 AM.


                              • Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View Post
                                The one in the final product is nice but a bit rushed considering there wernt nearly enough desks for both teams.
                                Not really. As someone who works in law enforcement I can tell you the desk thing is completely realistic.
                                "I've got 100 cows."
                                "Well I've got 104 friends."

