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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Clawditoh View Post
    Hi!, i have a question if someone can answer me please. I have been playing Biohazard 1.5 (beta) and i saw something that nobody talk about...the shooting and running speed. It seems like is more faster than the previous version even RE 3 and Code Veronica. And im pretty sure that wasnt the final speed at all. I remember playing Resident Evil 1 beta on PSX and jill was shooting and running at the same speed as RE 1.5 (really fast), making the game more easy and more faster to finish. Can anyone confirm this?. Elza shooting speed is the same as Ada en Resident Evil 2 retail were you can see how fast she shoot and kills them. I think they should adjust this because will make the game really easy and short. I'm really sorry about my english.
    Ooooh.. I never even thought of that. I noticed this made the MZD build quite easy when fighting zombies mainly.
    Perhaps the team could include an option to have the more 'retail' slower shooting and walking/running speeds?
    In RE3 Jill walked really slowly haha

    Although, aren't the zomibes in 1.5 faster also - which would mean players need to shoot faster? Maybe the developers wanted a faster pace?
    "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
      Speaking of the survival horror balance of this game, I feel like it will have more action than even retail 2 has. Just look at how many weapons we have as well as how many zombies will be on screen at once. It will probably just as action packed as RE3 if not more. I hope there's an option to have fewer resources/enemies, but also make the enemies stronger. More of an emphasis on item management as well as when to shoot or run, much like the first game. Retail 2 was all about blowing away everything in your path. They gave you so much ammo I don't think I ever ran out.
      I guess you didn't play RE2 on Hard/Nightmare mode. Every game in the series gives you plenty of ammo in the mid-low difficulty settings, so would have been 1.5 providing it had a difficulty selector.
      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


      • When I play RE2, I always run past most enemies. I always found the ammo to be scarce rather than plentiful, but I always play on the highest difficulty settings so maybe that explains it.


        • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
          When I play RE2, I always run past most enemies. I always found the ammo to be scarce rather than plentiful, but I always play on the highest difficulty settings so maybe that explains it.
          Zombies be like "Senpai notice me ;("
          I miss the old times.


          • With the rooms in the sewer being finished (if what Gemini has posted recently is any indication), I must ask: how much of the Factory is done? I know the labs need work, but out of all of the areas from the MZD build from what I remember, that one seemed to have the least amount of unfinished rooms.

            Also, I know Gemini can only show rooms being complete and such and wants to avoid spoilers, but how are things like events, weapons, 3D models, bosses, etc. coming along? I know this may come off as impatient, and I would hate for this to turn into another AM2R situation, (you know, leaving a timer indicating how much longer until the game releases) but I am curious considering that I saw Gemini trying to get one of the grenades to work in one of his streams that are on his Youtube channel. It just makes me ask, "how much is actually done?"

            Another point I'd like to bring up, where is Team IGAS in all of this? Are they still working on RE 1.5, have they fallen quiet due to the business of their work, or is it mostly Gemini working on everything now?

            I apologize if all of these have already been answered, but I would like to know where everything is at, if nothing else to satisfy my curiosity and to inject, let's face it, some much needed activity in this forum.

            Thanks in advance!


            • Originally posted by Flak Master View Post
              Another point I'd like to bring up, where is Team IGAS in all of this? Are they still working on RE 1.5, have they fallen quiet due to the business of their work, or is it mostly Gemini working on everything now?
              At the current moment I'm handling development with some external help, while IGAS is providing a ton stuff in background. And by a ton I mean a metric ton.

              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


              • Last edited by SolidSnake11; 09-25-2016, 12:48 PM. Reason: Wrong link
                I miss the old times.


                • I wanted to share with you guys a draw what i did today . I also did some more before for the bonus gallery in the Coliseum release.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	elza 6.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	1.05 MB
ID:	404958
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Clawditoh; 09-27-2016, 09:36 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Clawditoh View Post
                    I wanted to share with you guys a draw what i did today . I also did some more before for the bonus gallery in the Coliseum release.
                    Dat booty <3
                    Pretty cool.
                    I miss the old times.


                    • Thank youu


                      • Originally posted by Clawditoh View Post
                        I wanted to share with you guys a draw what i did today . I also did some more before for the bonus gallery in the Coliseum release.
                        Hahaha, a fellow fan of Black Lagoon I see. Very nice job, having Elza here recreate one of Revy's poses.


                        • Hahaha yes! Black Lagoon, i liked that pose for Elza xD I'm sorry about the image size i thought it will upload in a mini image, not that huge image


                          • Originally posted by SolidSnake11 View Post
                            Dat booty <3
                            Pretty cool.
                            You got Snakes approval of that booty!
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	tumblr_ly6n25PsFi1rnklxwo1_400.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	29.6 KB
ID:	404956
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	c45d987a324dc91736137cf064af7ab34625fbdcdeb39729594f5f34d9a280c0.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	22.5 KB
ID:	404957
                            Last edited by GamerTak3r; 09-27-2016, 02:19 PM.


                            • Oh man, Elza's ass reminds me that poor devil of Jesus Trollmero. I hope he's on Hell full of Elza Panties lol
                              ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                              • Yes, yes YES!
                                Last edited by Ketsui; 09-28-2016, 02:17 PM.

