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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
    Hmm .. yeah, the backdoor area is flat, yet the Lobby entrance has 2 or 3 steps leading from the street level to the building itself - wierd..

    My guess would be (in real life sense) that the RPD and surrounding building may have been built on a incline/hill - which means the building was on a large base foundation?
    Kinda like this really crude drawing hehe.. 5 seconds in Paint here LOL

    We know for a FACT that the RPD entrance has steps (look at the shots posted above) - if the RPD was on street level as in RE2, why put steps there?
    And we know the back exit is flat...
    Sooo - either it is an oversight by Capcom (also as in RE2) or the geology of Raccoon is different that we thought (RE3 had sloped streets)

    Hell, the back area with the crash may be flat, and so is the front - maybe the side of the building which we cannot see (the area the van drove up) could be an incline??
    That's what I thought as well. Either that, or the north end of the 1F East Corridor has a one-metre flight of stairs somewhere.


    • I always thought the RPD was on a hill, but outside B insurance flat is a error.

      Something like this

      Click image for larger version

Name:	resident_evil_1_5__re1_5____rpd_outsides__rem__by_re15revisited-d9wmxqn.png
Views:	1
Size:	1.06 MB
ID:	404960
      Resident Evil 2: Back 2 Origins



      • ''Enjoy'' this. If you can of course...omg
        ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


        • Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
          ''Enjoy'' this. If you can of course...omg
          My first impression was that it looked like a version of 1.5 commissioned by the Soviet Union. After I actually opened it in YouTube and read the description, it seems that I'm on the right track...


          • cyka blyat


            • That 2D shit killed Nicholai
              ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


              • Originally posted by meer View Post
                cyka blyat
                Be ruski.
                I miss the old times.


                • Originally posted by SolidSnake11 View Post
                  Be ruski.
                  only if friend have much pastelitos for me


                  • Originally posted by Unmasked View Post

                    ''Enjoy'' this. If you can of course...omg
                    Whats the point in remaking something if it's already available to us, and a poor attempt at that?


                    • Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                      Whats the point in remaking something if it's already available to us, and a poor attempt at that?
                      He proved that we can make games with Paint. Also a bit of
                      ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                      • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                        I can tell you right here, right now, that no one, no one at all, knows what the hell is going on with the RPD second floor. There was nothing on the Curator's build about it and that seems to be the one the team is using. Even on Inflames version there was almost no information. Then there were things like the Sanctuary rooms in the labs that were unfinished even on the RE2 Beta extraction - we haven't got the foggiest, and it doesn't look like it was ever finished so there's no way too know.

                        While I bet the Team is putting a ton of research and time in to making it as close to complete as possible, there is going to be stuff they just plain make up.
                        I don't believe that for a second. There is a generous amount of information about the second floor on their build, considering its era, and the Inflames images provide an even more plentiful bounty. Okay, so we don't know what three of the rooms actually look like, but it's not like they're complete mysteries. The 'sanctuary rooms'... Yeah, I think IGAS can make a pretty educated guess on those. The remainder of the laboratory stage is mostly known.


                        • That's a hell of a late reply.


                          • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                            That's a hell of a late reply.
                            Better late than never.

                            Also, I'm trying to figure out what 'Staff' meant by:

                            T A N N E R I S D E A D


                            • Soo... Nothing special for this Halloween? <.<


                              • Originally posted by Northman View Post
                                Soo... Nothing special for this Halloween? <.<
                                That's just freaking great, right ?
                                Last edited by SolidSnake11; 11-01-2016, 05:41 AM.
                                I miss the old times.

