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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • They also can extend Robert and Marvin's roles. This is very likely due to both 1.5 and what they did for Richard in remake.


    • I think the technical limitations of the PS1 only affected the PSOne version. Anyone can correct me here, but wasn't the Lise / Trevor thing down to time? I don't see anything else in REMake that couldn't be done on the PS1.

      I think the topic of the REMake on the PS1 came up elsewhere, but lets dig into it.

      Other PS1 games had higher res backgrounds, with more colours and quicker camera switching times due to better compression technology. However, what held the backgronds back was probably technical ability at building 3D backgrounds. Just look at the increase in quality from RE1 to RE2. You can see similar jumps from titles like Little Big Adventure, Time Commando and the Alone in the Dark port to latter era PS1 titles that used pre-rendered backgrounds. Including RE3, Alone in the Dark: New Nightmare & In Cold Blood.

      Alone in the Dark: New Nightmare had realtime lighting by featuring multiple versions of each background, each at different brightness levels, and used a stencil system to match brightness and shadows to light sources. If you look at REMake backgrounds, they have quite high contrast shadows and don't rely on lots of bounce, so I think that the aformentioned method would be comparable to whatever is being done on the GC.

      Then we have tasers and grenades - a few extra items and bits of logic. Not hard at all for the PS1.

      Dynamic Poly doors that enemies enter in? Already seen those when Barry kicks the door in to the room with the ceiling trap at the start of RE1.

      That the Crimson Heads. You're really in need of extra memory to track the room corpses are in and their time of death. Better compression on backgrounds (see above) frees that up.

      So how about doors that open. We already see that near the start of RE1, when Barry kicks the door in on the room with the ceiling trap. The door is made of polys and the pre-rendered background shows the room behind.

      Then let's consider the fact that the RE1 engine was also built very early on in the platform's life and had plenty of room for optismiation. Gemini's RE1.5 / BTM engine is already showing how much more could be squeezed out of the PS1 hardware.

      Combine all that and I think it's possible to get a decent version of the REMake out of the PS1 that doesn't sacrifice any of its features, and when it comes to quality, sacrifices would be in enemy poly counts & texture sizes and screen resolution, not detail.
      "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


      • Originally posted by Jimmy_Jazz View Post
        I can't help but wonder if Capcom are looking at 1.5 to see what to pinch in order to expand upon RE2 for the upcoming RE2MAKE, and also if there's even the possibility of completing the 80% version of 1.5 and including that in RE2MAKE. Ok, it's complete speculation ony my behalf, but I'd be very surprised if noone at Capcom has looked into RE1.5 in any form as part of RE2MAKE's development process.
        The only thing im sure you will see in the remake about 1.5 its Birkin screaming ''Sherry''. Because he already did on the Darkside version and Operation Raccoon City. They need to add bathrooms on the RPD, an extended version of Ada's path to see where she got the bandages to cure Leon and other little stuff to put more sense on the scenario itself.

        Just pray for not having to pay for Hunk, Tofu and Extreme Battle modes. Also, im sure they are going to put lot of costumes via DLC like the RE4 Leon jacket, etc.
        Last edited by Unmasked; 02-11-2017, 10:21 PM.
        ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


        • And will they sort out that ground floor step issue?
          "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


          • Not seen this posted yet, an interview with BZork & Gemini on RE1.5

            Before ‘Resident Evil 2’, Capcom were working on a different sequel to their survival horror hit. Today, passionate hobbyists continue to resuscitate what’s now dubbed ‘RE 1.5’.

            It's great for setting expectations on what RE1.5 is and isn't.
            "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


            • Originally posted by Jimmy_Jazz View Post
              And will they sort out that ground floor step issue?
              It's their chance to fix it
              ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


              • The good side is that this project has not gained any major attention (besides 1 Kotaku article several years ago) yet. Best it stays that way.

                Do what AM2R did. No major advertising or anything, finish development, make sure it's fully bug free (or as close to as it can be done) and then BAM release it. Then it's too late as even if the site gets a DMCA it will be too late. Just as AM2R lives on, despite downloads from the sites main page no being available anymore. Lives on (download links wise) thanks to torrenting.

                With AM2R now fully done and out there, this is the last remake/redo project that I keep watch of. Rest are all fan expansions for existing games (eg "Project Brazil" and "The New Frontier" for Fallout New Vegas).
                Last edited by icemann; 02-15-2017, 06:46 AM.


                • Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
                  They need to add bathrooms on the RPD...
                  ...With puzzles. Like have the player fish something important out of the bowl, LOL. Would make a great shout out to all the past discussions about the lack of johns in the RPD building.

                  Out of all the proto 1.5 areas, I'd dearly love to see them recycle the shooting range. That room has always been very mythical to me, very exciting.


                  • I'd love to see Irons' role and area expanded in the RE2Make. By the time you find him in the original, there's no doubts over the fact that he's a bad guy.

                    You could also do with a decent area for officers' lockers, equipment and riot gear, in the basement.

                    I'm also inexplicably fond of RE1.5's room with the model of central raccoon city in it and would love to see that transition to the remake
                    "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


                    • Wow nice to see this forum active again! Let alone some nice updates since I last checked it


                      • I would like them to combine elements of RE1.5 and RE3. I would like to spend more time on the streets/alleys and even a few other buildings as we make our way to and from the police station. Would also like to see a police substation or a small part of the main police station look more modern like the police station in RE1.5. Also more living but soon to be dead (or saveable!) NPCs.


                        • I just want to see a set of bathrooms somewhere in the police station, as well as the labs.


                          • Originally posted by DSC View Post
                            I just want to see a set of bathrooms somewhere in the police station, as well as the labs.
                            LOL SAME! I didn't think about the Lab though till you said something.


                            • Originally posted by DSC View Post
                              I just want to see a set of bathrooms somewhere in the police station, as well as the labs.
                              ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                              • Maybe the T and G viruses are just placebos and all the B.O.Ws are the result ofholding onto your pee too long. Newsbot, is there any evidence to disprove this compelling theory?
                                "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."

