At the very least, it would be nice if they gave an update just explaining where they are in the process. It doesn't even have to be a screenshot or video, just a paragraph or two. A progress report.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Postnew screenshot of option with Voice volume.
also a "leak" has appeared about RE2 remake and apparently they are planning to add Elza walkers outfit as DLC.
Also, mentions that the RPD will be re-designed. Maybe we'll see some of the old prototype areas, like the shooting range coming back. I'd love that, especially since these rumors say that OTS-view will be employed. Maybe take advantage of the free aim by adding a gun puzzle to the shooting gallery.
No crocodile.
4th Survivor projected to be DLC only.
Only 2 campaigns. I'm guessing Claire A/Leon B. Wasn't that the canon route in the original? Wouldn't surprise me, if Leon A/Claire B would later appear as DLC.
Well, if all this is true, I am mildly interested. Enough that I might get it, if there's some sort of Platinum release/Special Edition down the line that has all DLC included on disc.
Originally posted by Northman View PostOh, that's a nice nod to old fans. The 1st time in over 20 years, when they actually acknowledge that the prototype once existed.
Also, mentions that the RPD will be re-designed. Maybe we'll see some of the old prototype areas, like the shooting range coming back. I'd love that, especially since these rumors say that OTS-view will be employed. Maybe take advantage of the free aim by adding a gun puzzle to the shooting gallery.
No crocodile.
4th Survivor projected to be DLC only.
Only 2 campaigns. I'm guessing Claire A/Leon B. Wasn't that the canon route in the original? Wouldn't surprise me, if Leon A/Claire B would later appear as DLC.
Well, if all this is true, I am mildly interested. Enough that I might get it, if there's some sort of Platinum release/Special Edition down the line that has all DLC included on disc.
Originally posted by Northman View PostNo crocodile.
Most rooms in the final version of the RPD have analogues in 1.5's RPD. I'd like to see the two missing rooms added (the Firing Range and Medical Room); the prototype Autopsy Room could be used as a model for the latter.
Since nothing much else is going on, I thought I'd post this video I made in case anyone hasn't seen it yet. It collects all of the Inflames images (plus a SurvivHor-exclusive image at the end) in one place, in the best quality available, with all of the latest subtitle translations in the video's description:
A few questions about 1.5 Final Build
I was just doing some searching on Google, and I found a post on a different site, where the person mentioned that the people involved in restoring 1.5 actually have contact with the owners of the 80% build, and Capcom employees who worked on that game.
Now I'm not doubting that person, but I was curious if it was true. Sometimes people say things that they think are true (meaning that they did not intend to lie), they just had their facts wrong.
Gemini, I don't know if you can comment on this or not, but if you are able to, is it true? If you are unable to comment on this, I understand completely. I was merely curious.
Second question.
As you all know, times have changed. Social media, high-speed internet, YouTube, smart phones, all of these things were still in their infancy ten to fifteen years ago. Today, information comes out fast, and everyone has access to information from their phone, and technology is getting more advanced by the day, and a lot of barriers that once existed in the world are finally being torn down.
So, I have to ask this honest realistic question, and anyone, feel free to weigh in.
Will we ever see the final 80% build of Resident Evil 1.5?
The game is over 20 years old, it was deemed low-quality, scrapped for many reasons, and the atmosphere in the world today, as I just mentioned, being very technological, is very different.
Is it realistically possible to obtain this build? The 40% build is cool and all, but I think we'd all agree that the 80% build is what we all really want.
And I have no problems with Gemini or Team IGAS restoring 1.5 off of the 40% build. I'm all for it. But the 80% build is the original most-complete version of 1.5 made by Capcom. I really want to play it someday.
So, I ask, is it possible today, 2018, to obtain the 80% build? I understand that Capcom employees or former employees may not want to leak it, for fear of lawsuits and things of that nature, but would Capcom even care? They didn't really go out of their way to stop the 40% build (but then again, it did spread all over the Internet, what could they really do at that point?), but part of me feels like they could care less about 1.5, or the 80% build. I just wish this build would leak already.
In all honesty, it's overdue.
I don't want anyone to get in trouble over it, but it's just a shame that we haven't gotten to play this 80% build for ourselves.
I guess it's just hard for me to believe in this technologically advanced society that we live in today, that this damn build still hasn't surfaced yet.
I know technology has nothing to do with it, but it's just irking me a little that this build is in the hands of a few people, most likely collecting dust, and we can't even play it. Like it would be a big deal if we did. The 40% build is cool, but it is so incomplete that you can't really enjoy it.
And my favorite two sections of the game, the RPD and Sewers, are mostly complete in the final build.
Last question. This one is for Gemini.
IF you are able to comment, cool. If not, I totally understand. Was the giant alligator/crocodile boss present in 1.5, and this one has been driving me nuts for a while -- How does the firing range puzzle work?
Thanks everyone for reading, and feel free to weigh in.
Originally posted by RetroRain View PostI was just doing some searching on Google, and I found a post on a different site, where the person mentioned that the people involved in restoring 1.5 actually have contact with the owners of the 80% build, and Capcom employees who worked on that game.
Now I'm not doubting that person, but I was curious if it was true. Sometimes people say things that they think are true (meaning that they did not intend to lie), they just had their facts wrong.
Gemini, I don't know if you can comment on this or not, but if you are able to, is it true? If you are unable to comment on this, I understand completely. I was merely curious.
Second question.
As you all know, times have changed. Social media, high-speed internet, YouTube, smart phones, all of these things were still in their infancy ten to fifteen years ago. Today, information comes out fast, and everyone has access to information from their phone, and technology is getting more advanced by the day, and a lot of barriers that once existed in the world are finally being torn down.
So, I have to ask this honest realistic question, and anyone, feel free to weigh in.
Will we ever see the final 80% build of Resident Evil 1.5?
The game is over 20 years old, it was deemed low-quality, scrapped for many reasons, and the atmosphere in the world today, as I just mentioned, being very technological, is very different.
Is it realistically possible to obtain this build? The 40% build is cool and all, but I think we'd all agree that the 80% build is what we all really want.
And I have no problems with Gemini or Team IGAS restoring 1.5 off of the 40% build. I'm all for it. But the 80% build is the original most-complete version of 1.5 made by Capcom. I really want to play it someday.
So, I ask, is it possible today, 2018, to obtain the 80% build? I understand that Capcom employees or former employees may not want to leak it, for fear of lawsuits and things of that nature, but would Capcom even care? They didn't really go out of their way to stop the 40% build (but then again, it did spread all over the Internet, what could they really do at that point?), but part of me feels like they could care less about 1.5, or the 80% build. I just wish this build would leak already.
In all honesty, it's overdue.
I don't want anyone to get in trouble over it, but it's just a shame that we haven't gotten to play this 80% build for ourselves.
I guess it's just hard for me to believe in this technologically advanced society that we live in today, that this damn build still hasn't surfaced yet.
I know technology has nothing to do with it, but it's just irking me a little that this build is in the hands of a few people, most likely collecting dust, and we can't even play it. Like it would be a big deal if we did. The 40% build is cool, but it is so incomplete that you can't really enjoy it.
And my favorite two sections of the game, the RPD and Sewers, are mostly complete in the final build.
Last question. This one is for Gemini.
IF you are able to comment, cool. If not, I totally understand. Was the giant alligator/crocodile boss present in 1.5, and this one has been driving me nuts for a while -- How does the firing range puzzle work?
Thanks everyone for reading, and feel free to weigh in.
One thing is for sure, when leaks begun most of these collectors just run away to hide again, making this more difficult to get more builds in the future and making IGAS work a lot harder to complete. Thank those who wanted his minute of glory leaking stuff without permission.
Btw, the Firing Range puzzle after playing it by myself and watching videos over the years, i got the conclusion that works exactly like the Library puzzle on retail RE2. I saw a lot of similar things between 1.5 and RE2Last edited by Unmasked; 01-31-2018, 06:22 PM.''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''
Originally posted by Unmasked View PostBtw, the Firing Range puzzle after playing it by myself and watching videos over the years, i got the conclusion that works exactly like the Library puzzle on retail RE2. I saw a lot of similar things between 1.5 and RE2
A. We don't know for sure.
B. If it does work like the library puzzle in retail, what exactly happens when all of the turrets are in the right order?
It can't be the ventilation duct opening up, because the dogs come through that to attack. I want to say that a key object would fall from the ceiling, but that wouldn't make any sense. Is there anything else in that firing range that could open? From what I could tell, nothing. There is of course that if you get the turrets in the correct order, the door to the ammo room on the other side unlocks. Even though that wouldn't be realistic, it IS a game, so I suppose it's possible.
I just wanted to know if the puzzle was complete in the 80% build, and what exactly does happen. My guess is on the ammo room door unlocking. A lock sound would generate, and some text would show up "The sound of a door unlocked."
On another interesting note:
There really aren't many bosses in 1.5, from what we've seen. All we've seen are Birkin and his forms. And aside from the mini-alligators, there is no evidence that the giant alligator was ever in the game. Although that would be cool if it was.Last edited by RetroRain; 02-01-2018, 11:49 AM.
Originally posted by RetroRain View PostI always assumed that as well, but there are two things:
A. We don't know for sure.
B. If it does work like the library puzzle in retail, what exactly happens when all of the turrets are in the right order?
It can't be the ventilation duct opening up, because the dogs come through that to attack. I want to say that a key object would fall from the ceiling, but that wouldn't make any sense. Is there anything else in that firing range that could open? From what I could tell, nothing. There is of course that if you get the turrets in the correct order, the door to the ammo room on the other side unlocks. Even though that wouldn't be realistic, it IS a game, so I suppose it's possible.
I just wanted to know if the puzzle was complete in the 80% build, and what exactly does happen. My guess is on the ammo room door unlocking. A lock sound would generate, and some text would show up "The sound of a door unlocked."
On another interesting note:
There really aren't many bosses in 1.5, from what we've seen. All we've seen are Birkin and his forms. And aside from the mini-alligators, there is no evidence that the giant alligator was ever in the game. Although that would be cool if it was.Last edited by Unmasked; 02-01-2018, 03:22 PM.''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''