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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Has anyone ever noticed two unused tracks (afaik) they used in the making of video of the Biohazard Real-Life Commercials directed by Romero?
    The video I'm referring to is the following:

    The first track starts at 2:54 and seems to be an extended version of the track used when Claire and Leon reunite at the S.T.A.R.S.-Office.

    The released version:
    The soundtrack where Leon and Claire meet up in the RPD.Copyrighted by Capcom.

    Also, in this Making-of-vid at 3:36 they're actually using the track of the first Birkin encounter we found in the 40% Version of the Resi 1.5 Vanilla Build. This track was never used in any other build. It's kinda strange that after all these years we always had an original 1.5 track under our noses and simply just didn't know it.

    For comparison purposes - this is the track that was extracted from the 40% 1.5 vanilla build:

    This track was later replaced in development (80%-Version, Biohazard Complete Disc-Version and BIO2 Beta 2-Version) with the following:
    Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


    • I believe a lot of those tracks in that video are from the final build of 1.5. Some of them I never heard before, and I know I've never heard them in RE2 retail. If all of the music in this video is explicitly game music, then yes some of those tracks are definitely from the final build of 1.5. And they sound really interesting too!
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      • My favorite piece of 1.5 music would have to be this one for the R.P.D


        • It's definitely up there for me, but my favourite has got to be:

          There's also this track from the demo, whether it was initially in 1.5 I'm not sure, but it's such a good soundtrack that I wish was in the game.


          • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
            My favorite piece of 1.5 music would have to be this one for the R.P.D

            I like this track but it sounds like its unfinished, lacking of instruments. I wonder how it should have sounded once finished.

            Also, the track from the demo isn't called ''Distant Memories''? I specially love that one. It's a shame it was taken out, sounds scary as fuck.
            Last edited by Unmasked; 02-14-2018, 10:05 AM.
            ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


            • Maybe the latest version of the background was working along with the zombie moans from the other outer areas something like this.

              Resident Evil 2: Back 2 Origins




              • Originally posted by Juvenal-_Leon98 View Post
                Maybe the latest version of the background was working along with the zombie moans from the other outer areas something like this.

                Still sounds too much beta. Its like the Mansion 2F on the Trial edition of BIO1, sounds incomplete but with that song we can hear the completed track in the retail version. In this case its impossible, becase we dont have a more advanced build of 1.5 and never got a retail realese.

                On other side, we have Birkin themes in 1.5 and we can see how much they improved in the Retail Bio 2. These little improvments are what im talking about.
                ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                • So now that a remaster of Resident Evil 2 has been announced, do you think it will lead to a similar problem like AM2R had due to the Metroid 2 remake?

                  Sure has been a VERY long time with no news.


                  • Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
                    Also, the track from the demo isn't called ''Distant Memories''? I specially love that one. It's a shame it was taken out, sounds scary as fuck.
                    I remember it being called Distant Memories, but I just figured it was a fan name for the track. I fully agree though, it has this feeling of isolation and horror, like you're the only one alive in the building. It fits in so well with the games atmosphere that even after hearing it years later it's almost as nostalgic as other soundtracks in the game.


                    • Originally posted by icemann View Post
                      So now that a remaster of Resident Evil 2 has been announced, do you think it will lead to a similar problem like AM2R had due to the Metroid 2 remake?

                      Sure has been a VERY long time with no news.
                      If that problem were to happen to me and I was developing 1.5 or any other RE fan game , I would just continue developing the game and make a new account name to release the game on or demo on and just release the game as 1.5 and remove the words Resident evil.

                      Once a game is on the internet no amount of C&D's can do anything really , It would just spread like wild fire.

                      there have been tiny updates here and there , the last update was this screenshot showing us the option to change blood color like in the DS version of RE1 and also voice Volume option.

                      slow and steady wins the race as they say.


                      • Too true. Similar things have been done in the past.


                        • New Dev Stream video from Gemini.


                          • Capcom are very open about the fact that they love fan input and fan projects, so much to the point that they even sometimes include them in their own games. Street Fighter PC for example has many, many custom costumes made by fans, some made representing completely different companies and IPs, and they don't hand out C&D's for very much anything, even data mining and info leaks, Capcom are lazy and just leave that shit in their builds, just because they can't be arsed. GGPO (Good Games Peace Out) is a hugely successful online player network that allows players to connect together and fight each other using dumps of official Capcom ROMs, which is technically piracy, but instead of shutting it down they took GGPO on and used it as the online network for many of their retro games on consoles. Even Injustice 2 uses GGPO, what started as a medium for Capcom piracy became a staple name in the mainstream as one of the best online networks to date.

                            Biohazard is a slightly different and more slippery subject for issues I can't really go into, but speaking purely about Capcom alone, I'm 95% reassured that they're not bothered about people making fan games out of their old IPs. Technically what "x" is doing is plagiarism, taking knowledge and assets from one thing and making it into their own, it's a bit like how Sony screwed Sega and Nintendo when they made the PlayStation. But Capcom openly admit that they love the work fans do, and I'm sure looking at Squeeze Bomb they're clapping on the inside for what an amazing job has been done changing an old tank engine into something completely unique with far more advanced features and better optimisation on an old platform they worked on.

                            I have no worries at all, and I'd not be surprised if the outcome of this RE2 Remake actually included 1.5 its self.
                            Last edited by Guest; 03-04-2018, 12:29 PM.


                            • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                              Thanks again for showing proof of life.

                              (Holy shit, was that functional enemy AI?)


                              • Two new Screenshots !

