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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by geluda View Post
    Gemini isn't and has never just been working on 1.5, he's been working on RE1, RE2, RE2 trial edition, RE2 beta 2, RE3, he like many other high level hackers in the community has focused on understanding RE engines in general as a whole, to further understand not only how each game was made and is different from each other, but also how that can be incorporated together into one single engine. I have no official confirmation of this, but I believe Gemini's goal of Squeeze Bomb is to make an engine that supports all of this, not just 1.5 or RE2, but a tool that can literally drag and drop any RE content and make it work.

    If you remember a long time ago he showed off gifs of RE3 models running in Squeeze Bomb, they're designed and function in a completely different way to RE2, and his proof of concept showed how optimized it would be to use that design. He's done streams of importing Hunters into Squeeze Bomb, they have nothing to do with 1.5, but making RE1/2/3 material compatible with Squeeze Bomb just overall makes it a better engine. And don't forget Behind the Mask, the original inspiration behind Squeeze Bomb. He also has a life and needs distractions, you should be encouraged by the fact that he's still hacking RE games even if it's RE2 SourceNext, because at least you know he's still active in that line of work.

    Personally in my opinion I don't think what Gemini has shown is 100% accurate of what the project is at, there's obviously more to it than that, he did at one point say that most of the rooms are populated. But what he did show demonstrated how long and tedious it is to make 1.5 as authentic as possible. Every single action, every single line of code has to be converted from assembly language into C, that involves disassembly, testing, trial and error, sometimes the assembly code is incomplete, broken or straight up doesn't make sense, and even Gemini's own intuition sometimes finds it difficult to understand why the fuck things don't work. You then have to decide, do I try and rewrite the code my own way, or do I take a similar function from RE2 beta and keep it as close to original as possible?

    I'm near enough happy to accept that the majority of the artwork is done, that you can run around, kill zombies, pick up items, fight tyrants, I'm sure that much of that work is done and you can consider that near complete if you want. But I'm also happy to accept that some of the other work, like making NPCs follow you, puzzles, mini games, general AI stuff as a whole, is a nightmare to do and is a whole entire job in it's self.

    I also agree that the controversy surrounding piracy, Capcom handing out C&Ds to Street Fighter modders for crowd funding, and the RE2 Remake are just among some of the good reasons to stay under the radar. It's not important how fast this project gets done, I mean this is literally a gift to everyone, and I'm sure most of us have played classic RE long enough and studied 1.5 long enough to know that it's something worth waiting for, and that we'll have both ups and downs throughout its development.

    Just chill and forget about it. Look forward to RE2, play it, enjoy it, before you know it another year will have passed and the game will be further along. There is no ETA because quite simply, there isn't one.
    i know bro, i know he got a life and all that and he is pretty active on the resident hacking community just saying that it would be nice to see something more number base not just screens and stuff, i will enjoy the new remake in fact my fingers are all hasty to play it, but honestly this 1.5 project its the LAST time we will play a resident evil on is former glory like camera and kind of gameplay, because capcom its innovating its gameplay and not returning to fixed camera and tank control.

    but i agree with you, time will tell when the game releases or maybe not, i will try to forget this project a little and return later in hope to see some news about it.


    • Originally posted by strikedio84 View Post
      i know bro, i know he got a life and all that and he is pretty active on the resident hacking community just saying that it would be nice to see something more number base not just screens and stuff, i will enjoy the new remake in fact my fingers are all hasty to play it, but honestly this 1.5 project its the LAST time we will play a resident evil on is former glory like camera and kind of gameplay, because capcom its innovating its gameplay and not returning to fixed camera and tank control.

      but i agree with you, time will tell when the game releases or maybe not, i will try to forget this project a little and return later in hope to see some news about it.
      Check out some of Gemini's recent videos, one kind person released source footage of some old hyper remix videos from his personal collection that are up now 1080p 60fps, that in it's self is pretty awesome. Things are happening, you've just got to appreciate the small things and understand that things are moving along at a pace what is comfortable for everyone.


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        Every single action, every single line of code has to be converted from assembly language into C, that involves disassembly, testing, trial and error, sometimes the assembly code is incomplete, broken or straight up doesn't make sense, and even Gemini's own intuition sometimes finds it difficult to understand why the fuck things don't work. You then have to decide, do I try and rewrite the code my own way, or do I take a similar function from RE2 beta and keep it as close to original as possible?
        Converting the assembly language to C/C++ is the easy part, actually... and most people don't realize that it is perfectly possible to duplicate machine code 1:1 in this language. Can it take awhile, seem utterly confusing at times and tedious to debug? Absolutely... but it doesn't take forever.

        Another thing to consider is that all engines (Bio1, Bio1.5, Bio2 and Bio3) are practically the exact same, with the exact same hardcoded functionality, byte for byte. The key difference comes from the way runtime data is handled, along with the expected updates along the way (SDK, small bugfixes, etc).

        That said, many of these issues become irrelevant when it comes down to the basic questions of "What is Resident Evil 1.5?" and "What makes this game unique from the others?" -- Storytelling, runtime assets and the engine to bring that vision to reality. Trivial matters, such as strictly clinging onto broken vanilla code and runtime assets is a moot point that has no real bearing on the final product. After all, many don't care what's under the hood so long that gameplay lives up to expectation.

        That's not to say that debugging the code and filling in the gaps isn't without its many challenges, but this game and project mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. With that kind of pressure, taking a break from time to time could be understandable as well.

        Originally posted by geluda View Post
        I also agree that the controversy surrounding piracy, Capcom handing out C&Ds to Street Fighter modders for crowd funding, and the RE2 Remake are just among some of the good reasons to stay under the radar. It's not important how fast this project gets done, I mean this is literally a gift to everyone, and I'm sure most of us have played classic RE long enough and studied 1.5 long enough to know that it's something worth waiting for, and that we'll have both ups and downs throughout its development.
        That too.
        I'm a blackstar.


        • They can take the time they want to continue or show how the progress with the 1.5 goes, much of a thing bores and even kills the interest in it, do not be desperate.

          Something that I have been working on these days off, the Water Pool room based on things from RE1.5 and RE2, is not yet finished but it is going well.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	WATER POOL.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	381.6 KB
ID:	405025
          Resident Evil 2: Back 2 Origins



          • ^ Amazing word dude!

            Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
            Converting the assembly language to C/C++ is the easy part, actually... and most people don't realize that it is perfectly possible to duplicate machine code 1:1 in this language. Can it take awhile, seem utterly confusing at times and tedious to debug? Absolutely... but it doesn't take forever.

            Another thing to consider is that all engines (Bio1, Bio1.5, Bio2 and Bio3) are practically the exact same, with the exact same hardcoded functionality, byte for byte. The key difference comes from the way runtime data is handled, along with the expected updates along the way (SDK, small bugfixes, etc).

            That said, many of these issues become irrelevant when it comes down to the basic questions of "What is Resident Evil 1.5?" and "What makes this game unique from the others?" -- Storytelling, runtime assets and the engine to bring that vision to reality. Trivial matters, such as strictly clinging onto broken vanilla code and runtime assets is a moot point that has no real bearing on the final product. After all, many don't care what's under the hood so long that gameplay lives up to expectation.

            That's not to say that debugging the code and filling in the gaps isn't without its many challenges, but this game and project mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. With that kind of pressure, taking a break from time to time could be understandable as well.

            That too.
            Thanks for the detailed response! Your Bio2 Mix project seems to have worked out very seamlessly so I trust your observations and experience on that. Although I have to admit I haven't checked in on it in detail for a long time, so I had no idea you have developed it as far as you have.

            When it comes to the question of "what is 1.5?" To me at least 1.5 is just, Biohazard 2. Sure Sugimura stepped in to replace Mikami as scenario writer and we ended up with a different retail product, but in general the overall ideas of the game have went back and forth and changed so many times, nobody really knows for absolute sure what 1.5 is.

            For a long time I've described RE games like art, after playing them, looking through their files and getting the opportunity to play prototypes, it's a bit like watching the progress of an artist painting. There's the initial idea and sketch, then they fill some things in, paint the bulk of the piece, and then for whatever reason they're all of a sudden not happy with their work and they change the theme of the painting entirely. But underneath all of those layers of paint the original ideas and story still remain, just look at some unfinished paintings from history to get an idea of what I mean.

            I look at Biohazard 2 in the exact same way and still see a glint of 1.5, there's many pieces of material out there showing that Biohazard 2 changed slowly over time, not abruptly and cut and dry like a lot of people think. The game had a two year development, and regardless of Sugimura's intervention, I'm almost confident that even if they stuck with the same original ideas it would have still took them the same amount of time to develop a game they would have considered retail worthy.

            And personally I expect the same from this project, if people want to play a broken mess that is 1.5 the prototype is out there somewhere for people to one day find, but if we (and by we I mean NOT me lol) were to make Capcom proud of something they threw in the bin, that would be an even bigger achievement. The idea of Mikami sitting down and actually playing a completed build of the one thing he's embarrassed about the most, that kind of idea is what resonates with me the best.

            Whether developers or enthusiasts agree with that idea or not is up to them, and in the end I'll be happy with whatever we get because clearly a lot of time and passion is being put into this project, and just by looking through this thread the sheer amount of artistic talent that is creeping out of the cracks is simply amazing. Sitting this one out and letting it develop into the best thing it can possibly be is clearly what's best, for both the people working on it and the people waiting for it.
            Last edited by Guest; 09-03-2018, 03:22 PM.


            • I’ve used this comparison a few times before, but the time and effort invested into AM2R spanned across a decade (or close to it) but the result was incredible. We’re into the 6th year of the 1.5 reboot, and everything we’ve been shown looks promising. There’s not a doubt in my mind that when the finished result is distributed that the experience will be akin to playing a 90’s RE on release day.

              I can understand the anticipation being high, but there is no substitute for quality. And given how long this project has carried on for, the attention it has garnered, etc. expectations are high. You only get one shot at creating a first impression, and in some cases you only get one shot before being issued a C&D. So there is a lot of pressure to make that first shot count.
              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


              • Well something to animate the forum I share something that I just finished a few hours ago, ROOM202 - Zombie Tunnel.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	HUyK2NS.png
Views:	1
Size:	1,017.4 KB
ID:	405026
                Resident Evil 2: Back 2 Origins




                • Hey, that's pretty damn good.


                  • Spyro: Myths Awaken just received a C&D from Activision for using assets from the PS1 games, as well as Spyro's name and likeness. The upcoming Reignited Trilogy was cited as one of the reasons in the letter (i.e. confusing the fans with multiple releases).

                    Thus, in light of the upcoming RE2 remake, Gemini is doing the right thing by lying low and out of the spotlight with no more development streams, instead populating his channel with RE2 hacks/mods that will throw off Capcom so a C&D would perhaps be directed at those instead, if at all.


                    • Thing is, let's say that Capcom decided to produce RE3Make as an expansion to RE2Make considering the assets the games shared. Yeah, it's only at the beginning, but the original series has issues with small details like the window not being broken in the event that Nemesis decides to chase you through that stairwell room. Or the doors being bolted up. I figure that, if they do that, how much longer would it be before Gemini and Team IGAS (if they're even involved in any capacity at this point) are in the clear, especially with how draconian Nintendo has got recently. I mean, I know Nintendo is being Nintendo, but someone described the situation with emulation, hacking, and the whole distribution scene in a GBATemp post I read earlier today as the cat now being aware of the mouse, with SX OS (which admittedly is a controversial item in and of itself, to be fair) videos being taken down off of Youtube, and it not just being like, 1 or 2 channels that are affected.

                      I have a REALLY bad feeling that we're coming to an end of an era when it comes to the emulation/homebrew community, though. I can only imagine other companies following in Nintendo's footsteps as they take everything down with no plans to re-release the content being distributed. For example, take the Capcom game Warzard/Red Earth: I do not know of a home port of any kind for the game, and I doubt Capcom will ever re-release the game again given how obscure it is. (hell, I didn't know who Tessa was in SNK Vs. Capcom, in what was already a game that I personally found inferior to the CvS duology) Marvel Vs. Capcom? How about the original Capcom Vs. SNK games?

                      I think it's safe to say we all saw this day coming, but not as soon has!


                      • Originally posted by Flak Master View Post
                        Thing is, let's say that Capcom decided to produce RE3Make as an expansion to RE2Make considering the assets the games shared. Yeah, it's only at the beginning, but the original series has issues with small details like the window not being broken in the event that Nemesis decides to chase you through that stairwell room. Or the doors being bolted up. I figure that, if they do that, how much longer would it be before Gemini and Team IGAS (if they're even involved in any capacity at this point) are in the clear, especially with how draconian Nintendo has got recently. I mean, I know Nintendo is being Nintendo, but someone described the situation with emulation, hacking, and the whole distribution scene in a GBATemp post I read earlier today as the cat now being aware of the mouse, with SX OS (which admittedly is a controversial item in and of itself, to be fair) videos being taken down off of Youtube, and it not just being like, 1 or 2 channels that are affected.

                        I have a REALLY bad feeling that we're coming to an end of an era when it comes to the emulation/homebrew community, though. I can only imagine other companies following in Nintendo's footsteps as they take everything down with no plans to re-release the content being distributed. For example, take the Capcom game Warzard/Red Earth: I do not know of a home port of any kind for the game, and I doubt Capcom will ever re-release the game again given how obscure it is. (hell, I didn't know who Tessa was in SNK Vs. Capcom, in what was already a game that I personally found inferior to the CvS duology) Marvel Vs. Capcom? How about the original Capcom Vs. SNK games?

                        I think it's safe to say we all saw this day coming, but not as soon has!
                        This is just another Napster/Torrent/Megaupload phase, history repeats it's self, nothing to be worried about. I remember forums such as Snesorama, etc, they were a whole other basket of eggs that got shut down, especially since people were posting 1:1 rips of games compared to the questionable library of Emuparadise. Remember how Sony destroyed Lik-Sang? How they tried to clamp down on PSP CFW? Or how they sued Geohot over the PS3? That's old old news, and what Nintendo are doing now is no different.

                        This really changes nothing, the RE2 Remake is more of a direct issue that it's just not only common sense but also common curtosey to give them the freedom of their trademark without interfering by sharing their intellectual property. And to be fair Capcom are for the most part very tolerant of the modding community, they have taken action against SFV modders lately, for genuine reasons, but they have also admitted in the past that they appreciate the dedication and hard work that modders do, so it's not like Capcom are militants. Even the online RE modding community in general is still active, nothing has changed.

                        If anything this down time is a good thing, sure it's confusing and inconvenient for people who are desperately waiting for the game, but massively dedicated people had to wait 14 years before even getting their first taste of 1.5, this is something worth waiting a bit longer for. Right now this is a 20th Anniversary celebration of RE2, as fans and a community we should focus on that, show Capcom the love, and enjoy what we can all agree is arguably one of the best games they've ever made. And if they expand on that so be it, all they're doing is giving us more RE goodness to pass the time.


                        • Calling all users and friends who have access to a decent Windows machine and willingness to use the Unreal Development Kit (free):

                          I want to make a just-for-fun "Outbreak File #1.5" with scenarios based on 1.5.

                          Playable Characters: Leon, Elza, Marvin, Ada, John, Annette, Roy, Irons

                          Scenario 1: The Precinct (Police Station, 39 rooms, baboon boss fights on 3F and B1)

                          Scenario 2: The City (Sewer + Factory, 26 rooms, alligator boss fight and Birkin boss fight)

                          Scenario 3: The Lab (Laboratory + Train, 37 rooms, Birkin boss fights in Lab and on train)

                          The plot would invariably differ, since the details aren't public, but the environments should be as close as possible to the real thing.

                          Biohazard_star and I can handle all of the skeletal environments, since we have the highly precise direct map rips from 1.5 as well as a means of determining height from extracted cam data, but we'd need help with details, music, characters, enemies, etc.

                          As far as the camera is concerned, the normal Outbreak/Code Veronica semi-fixed camera would be ideal.

                          Is anyone interested?
                          Last edited by Enigmatism415; 10-02-2018, 04:58 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                            Calling all users and friends who have access to a decent Windows machine and willingness to use the Unreal Development Kit (free):

                            I want to make a just-for-fun "Outbreak File #1.5" with scenarios based on 1.5.

                            Playable Characters: Leon, Elza, Marvin, Ada, John, Annette, Roy, Irons

                            Scenario 1: The Precinct (Police Station, 39 rooms, baboon boss fights on 3F and B1)

                            Scenario 2: The City (Sewer + Factory, 26 rooms, alligator boss fight and Birkin boss fight)

                            Scenario 3: The Lab (Laboratory + Train, 37 rooms, Birkin boss fights in Lab and on train)

                            The plot would invariably differ, since the details aren't public, but the environments should be as close as possible to the real thing.

                            Biohazard_star and I can handle all of the skeletal environments, since we have the highly precise direct map rips from 1.5 as well as a means of determining height from extracted cam data, but we'd need help with details, music, characters, enemies, etc.

                            As far as the camera is concerned, the normal Outbreak/Code Veronica semi-fixed camera would be ideal.

                            Is anyone interested?
                            Sure but atm i'm more interested getting Linux, Unreal or Unity working on a retail PS4 via JB, the official devkit unit or whatever is
                            a few thousand I think.


                            • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                              This is just another Napster/Torrent/Megaupload phase, history repeats it's self, nothing to be worried about. I remember forums such as Snesorama, etc, they were a whole other basket of eggs that got shut down, especially since people were posting 1:1 rips of games compared to the questionable library of Emuparadise. Remember how Sony destroyed Lik-Sang? How they tried to clamp down on PSP CFW? Or how they sued Geohot over the PS3? That's old old news, and what Nintendo are doing now is no different.

                              This really changes nothing, the RE2 Remake is more of a direct issue that it's just not only common sense but also common curtosey to give them the freedom of their trademark without interfering by sharing their intellectual property. And to be fair Capcom are for the most part very tolerant of the modding community, they have taken action against SFV modders lately, for genuine reasons, but they have also admitted in the past that they appreciate the dedication and hard work that modders do, so it's not like Capcom are militants. Even the online RE modding community in general is still active, nothing has changed.

                              If anything this down time is a good thing, sure it's confusing and inconvenient for people who are desperately waiting for the game, but massively dedicated people had to wait 14 years before even getting their first taste of 1.5, this is something worth waiting a bit longer for. Right now this is a 20th Anniversary celebration of RE2, as fans and a community we should focus on that, show Capcom the love, and enjoy what we can all agree is arguably one of the best games they've ever made. And if they expand on that so be it, all they're doing is giving us more RE goodness to pass the time.
                              Has he stopped working on all together though for now ? since all his videos recently have been about patching the PC old versions of RE1 and RE2 , Maybe it's developers block or something , I mean I doubt we will see anything like a screenshot or video for Halloween , or maybe he stopped working on it for now because RE2 remake is just around the corner.

                              Either way if it happens Great news !!and if it doesn't happen life goes on, at least we can say we got the 40% build.


                              • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                                Has he stopped working on all together though for now ? since all his videos recently have been about patching the PC old versions of RE1 and RE2 , Maybe it's developers block or something , I mean I doubt we will see anything like a screenshot or video for Halloween , or maybe he stopped working on it for now because RE2 remake is just around the corner.

                                Either way if it happens Great news !!and if it doesn't happen life goes on, at least we can say we got the 40% build.
                                Like others have been saying, he's probably laying low, whether it be because of the RE2Make (which seems to draw a lot more inspiration from Resident Evil 1.5 than the devs would like to admit themselves), the fact that the Tom has woke up to the Jerry that is websites like Emuparadise and formerly the ISOZone (IDK what they refer to themselves as now), a combination of the two, or some other reason.

                                Also, to be frank, while I didn't tune into every one of Gemini's livestreams, I have to admit that him trying to get weapons working correctly isn't all that interesting, as that seems to be most of what he was streaming when I felt like watching it for whatever potential new information we could get on the game. Probably just me, though.

