If you were you going to bake a cake, and this cake was to be the grandest of all cakes, you wouldn't present the first cake you baked. You would understand the recipe and method, you would practice multiple times, you would have failures and you would have successes, and eventually you would know enough about baking this cake to present it everyone so everyone would enjoy it. Yes you might have to wait, but boy will this cake be worth waiting for.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by geluda View PostIf you were you going to bake a cake, and this cake was to be the grandest of all cakes, you wouldn't present the first cake you baked. You would understand the recipe and method, you would practice multiple times, you would have failures and you would have successes, and eventually you would know enough about baking this cake to present it everyone so everyone would enjoy it. Yes you might have to wait, but boy will this cake be worth waiting for.
Originally posted by geluda View PostIf you were you going to bake a cake, and this cake was to be the grandest of all cakes, you wouldn't present the first cake you baked. You would understand the recipe and method, you would practice multiple times, you would have failures and you would have successes, and eventually you would know enough about baking this cake to present it everyone so everyone would enjoy it. Yes you might have to wait, but boy will this cake be worth waiting for.
See ya guys, it's been a pleasure to meet ya!''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''
Originally posted by Unmasked View PostGreat story. The fact is that this cake has stopped cooking for quite some time and I can't wait all my life to eat it. There are other foods to try.
See ya guys, it's been a pleasure to meet ya!
1.5 is just an enigma of a game, it shouldn't be an obsession you keep daily reminders for. Sometimes we wait ten years or more for games in development hell by actual teams of professional devs with large wallets who's full time job it is to actually make that game, and they get pushed out and tank.
Imagine a small team of individual people with no funding, who have education, real life jobs, careers, family, health, and they have to communicate over the internet in different time zones, all on top of everything else they do or have to deal with in their life that might delay things between them as a team.
It's been 7 years, that is a long time, but when you're working with a broken piece of crap of a game while at the same time developing specifically for that platform trying to do literally the impossible by pleasing everyone, this isn't something that's gonna happen over night, more like a decade.
Look at the community patches, no offence anyone, but they haven't even got masks working properly in that same 7 years, that puts into perspective how difficult it is to make something that barely resembles a final product, let alone something that actually is one.
Let's just go by the assumption that the more time we wait, the better final product we're gonna get. Unlike a real studio there is no deadline at all and that's a good thing, because people can keep working and learning until it's perfect, or even surpasses anything that's ever been released on that platform.
And judging by the progress of others, even an alternative group of people haven't produced anything other than an interactive hypothetical museum.
When it's done. Live your life and it will come faster.Last edited by Guest; 02-12-2019, 08:56 PM.
i have finished the Remake quite some times and i loved it.
now i want to play the 1.5 more than ever.
i have always have this thought in my mind, every time there is something about Gemini not working on the project we say that its a project he its not earning money and doing it for free and he has a life and job and BLA BLA BLA, but what would happen if he gets paid for that? i KNOW that could make problems because he its making benefits from the game and capcom could strike but lets make this clear, if we pay him for finishing the game not for the game itself, could that change something? he its modding the PC releases of resident 1 and 2 so in a matter of speaking he is doing something of the same with 1.5 and it has no problems thus far.
what i mean its, he will not sell the game and will not make profit from it because it will be free for all who gets it when its done and that its the final goal of all this project but what we will pay its for his TIME.
if any one interested in the project donate 2 dollars per month maybe we could rise 200 dollars i know its not much but a least we could give him the resources to put much more time on the project.
and i said this again PAYING FOR HIS TIME not for the game.
i would gladly pay por his time if this means a quicker release, i know he has a petreon page and that i can join and do that what im asking but that its for his fixes for the PC ports that i DON´T CARE AT ALL in fact that releases are for me useless i prefer to play them on my old PSX or buy it digital on my ps3 or ps4.
i will pay for his time on the project, dont take my words the wrong way i just want this to be playable like all of us and i dont see problem with paying for that.
Originally posted by icemann View PostThat's not going to happen anytime soon I'm afraid. My guess is that Gemini got spooked by the remake, and has since devoted his time purely to new revisions of RE2 (judging from what I've been seeing on youtube for the past few months).
their project completede one day.
Is IGAS even working on this thing anymore, or did everything fall squarely on Gemini, after they announced the switch to his engine? Mr. BZork has been disturbingly silent ever since then. My fear is that we're facing something even worse than the Duke Nukem Forever-situation. So it's a good thing that those ISOs leaked back in 2013. At least we got that much from this situation.
Originally posted by icemann View PostThat's not going to happen anytime soon I'm afraid. My guess is that Gemini got spooked by the remake, and has since devoted his time purely to new revisions of RE2 (judging from what I've been seeing on youtube for the past few months).
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Originally posted by Gemini View PostNah, didn't get spooked even by a YouTube strike made by some fake posing as Capcom's legal department (using a gmail of all things, as if). I'm just keeping it silent until RE2make is fully done, dusted, and Capcom won't bother anymore. Also spare time is kinda scarce lately.
Originally posted by Gemini View PostNah, didn't get spooked even by a YouTube strike made by some fake posing as Capcom's legal department (using a gmail of all things, as if). I'm just keeping it silent until RE2make is fully done, dusted, and Capcom won't bother anymore. Also spare time is kinda scarce lately.
I still play 1.5 battle coliseum now and again.
Watched you streaming last night as well
so is it just you now ? has IGAS completely gone ?
I also wonder if we will ever see the 80% version of 1.5 , I mean I never thought we would get the 40% build so I guess it might happen one day , would be such a shame if the people or person that owns it never releases it because if anything happened to them it could end up being lost forever and just getting thrown away in the trash , what a crime that would be lol.
Did you enjoy the remake ? I personally loved it , very happy they added the Elza Walker Biker suit for Claire.
Originally posted by chrisliam2 View PostGood to know it's still might happen one day , also nice to see you on here again , I miss those days when this forum was buzzing with excitement , it's so quiet around here know , rather depressing lol , where did everyone go bingo ? lol.
I still play 1.5 battle coliseum now and again.
Watched you streaming last night as well
so is it just you now ? has IGAS completely gone ?
I also wonder if we will ever see the 80% version of 1.5 , I mean I never thought we would get the 40% build so I guess it might happen one day , would be such a shame if the people or person that owns it never releases it because if anything happened to them it could end up being lost forever and just getting thrown away in the trash , what a crime that would be lol.
Did you enjoy the remake ? I personally loved it , very happy they added the Elza Walker Biker suit for Claire.I miss the old times.
Did anyone ever say that the build from Kim's contact actually left Capcom's offices? I don't remember such details being disclosed. But I digress, that is a completely dead end and not even worth discussing, the situation surrounding everything relating to those days is so complicated that most people can't appreciate or understand the deadly silence (no pun intended).