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Resident Evil: Chronicles HD Collection (Post impressions here)

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  • #16
    Damn Japan.. They always get the good shit.


    • #17
      Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
      By the way the Japanese limited edition of Biohazard Chronicles HD Selection comes with Wesker's Extra Report & Darkside Report.
      Makes me wonder if it's done in a similar manner like the one from years ago, describing the origins of Progenitor Virus, Nemesis parasite, Lisa Trevor etc.

      Still debating whether to buy this disc version or not.

      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #18
        Gonna pick this up today I think. Haven't played the Chronicles for a few years so it will be fun to go through them again. I don't have PS Move though. Is it worth getting just for this? How frustrating is it to play with the controller?
        Last edited by TheBatMan; 06-27-2012, 06:33 AM.
        "I've got 100 cows."
        "Well I've got 104 friends."


        • #19
          I dont want to buy this on Psn and then have it be released 4 months later on disc so is this coming to disc in Europe at a later date??


          • #20
            Curses! I forgot my Vita at home... was planning on using remote access to start the dowbload so it'd be complete by the time I'm home later tonight... slow ass PSN downloads!


            • #21
              Incase anyone missed it in news post, the pricing for UK store is in error, currently £16.99 instead of the £21.99 it meant to be, 10% discount on both (£15.29 for PS+ members).
              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


              • #22
                Can't really argue at that price. I just hope playing it with the controller isn't too much of a frustration.
                "I've got 100 cows."
                "Well I've got 104 friends."


                • #23
                  Originally posted by TheBatMan View Post
                  Gonna pick this up today I think. Haven't played the Chronicles for a few years so it will be fun to go through them again. I don't have PS Move though. Is it worth getting just for this? How frustrating is it to play with the controller?
                  They've mapped out the controls for the dualshock 3 accordingly, but it's about as well as you'd expect.

                  Change weapons with the D-pad.
                  Aim with the left or right analog stick for Darkside Chronicles (Umbrella Chronicles has the right stick for camera control).
                  Reload with the square button.
                  Shoot with R1
                  Heal with L1 (Darkside only)
                  R2 performs action.
                  Pick up items with X.
                  You can even use the six axis when prompted to shake the controller for any defense or QTE sequence.

                  I'm not good at maneuvering aim with the left stick so it's more difficult for me. It would take a lot of getting used to so I just use the move controller.


                  • #24
                    I find it easier with controller to be honest, Darkside Chronicles camera is just bullshit the way it jumps about and using a controller makes it far easier to get headshots.

                    Plus the PS move has the problem (as with ALL Move games, is a fault of the controller) that if you need 'waggle' back and forth quickly for something then the calibration goes to shit, the PS Move just isn't very good for rail shooters. PS Move is better used as a guide for an on screen reticle than it is for aiming it like a gun. The way the standard Wiimote works it doesn't have this problem.

                    @Smiley, you can flip which stick aims and what does camera in the options menu.
                    Last edited by Dracarys; 06-27-2012, 02:51 PM.
                    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                    • #25
                      That's good to know.


                      • #26
                        I've got both the Wii versions, but really want to get these? Anyone else have recommendations?


                        • #27
                          I'm playing with the Move & Headshots seem alot easier in Umbrella Chronicles then the Wii version. Also I don't really notice a diffrence in the CG cutscenes,they don't look HD at all to me,just upscaled a bit. Havent played Darkside yet.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Hcloud13 View Post
                            I'm playing with the Move & Headshots seem alot easier in Umbrella Chronicles then the Wii version.
                            The auto-aim maybe? Is turned on by default.
                            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                            • #29
                              Cool. Don't think I'm buying Japanese edition then.

                              Originally posted by Hcloud13 View Post
                              Also I don't really notice a diffrence in the CG cutscenes,they don't look HD at all to me,just upscaled a bit. Havent played Darkside yet.
                              So far I can only speak for Darkside Chronicles, but CGI cutscenes do look kinda up-converted. It gives an impression of being either a rather well done up-convert of Wii's original video files - or - a rather crappy compression of true HD video files.

                              Well at least it definitely looks better then FMVs from HD re-releases of RE4 and Code Veronica; those videos looked simply awful on high def TVs, cause all was done to it is boosting up the resolution making it look over-pixelated.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
                                Well at least it definitely looks better then FMVs from HD re-releases of RE4 and Code Veronica; those videos looked simply awful on high def TVs, cause all was done to it is boosting up the resolution making it look over-pixelated.

                                I own a 55" Samsung UND8000, 3D and at 240hz. CVX-HD looks beautiful on my screen, both gameplay and cutscenes.

                                Last edited by ElusionM; 06-28-2012, 02:51 AM.

