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What's your favorite Resident Evil Music Track?

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  • #31
    randomwab, this makes me think. the song you posted reminds me annete's death in claire B, scenario, and ada's death in leon B. those are the same???

    anyway, wreckage i like it too much, it has one of the best stereo music i ever heard.

    that room, require a little more attention in both A and B scenario to get in there, so, it is like a gift for you. since there is no item or cutscene there, i feel like the that room it is all about the music. in fact, it is disturbing and interesting. it was so good to be dropped from 1.5. so they remixed sound of the prototype and included on final.


    • #32
      While the general consensus is that Operation Raccoon City is a pretty sub-par game, I really like this track from it:

      Mass production? Ridiculous!


      • #33
        Don't know if it has been mentioned or not (this thread has too many pages to check) but "The Main Theme" for Resident Evil:ORC is great and always reminds me of the game's best part - main menu.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
          I like a lot of the resident evil soundtracks. Its hard to pick one, but I like this one
 I don't remember the name of this track though. It is not "save theme" I know that much!
          I just found out the name of this music track it's "Peace of Mind"
          Last edited by Black~Crow; 08-04-2012, 10:30 PM.
          I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


          • #35
            Masami Ueda is just pretty fucking awesome in general.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • #36
              Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
              While the general consensus is that Operation Raccoon City is a pretty sub-par game, I really like this track from it:
              My issue with that is more that it sounds like something from the first RE film. Not that it either is a bad element, one of the few things I actually liked about the first film was the Beltrami/Manson tracks which had a tech-industrial sound to them.

              I need to look through my files back at home and work out what ones I like that haven't been mentioned. Someone brought up Ada's Theme, one of my favourite game remixes of all time is a remix of that theme over at Overclocked Remix.

