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[RELEASE] Biohazard 1.5 Hacks

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  • Think I'll hold off until the zombies dont disappear


    • I apologize if this question has already been on the forum.

      Why in MZD, when the character picks up objects, their image in the inventory did not are indicated?
      Bug assembly?


      • Originally posted by AleX_Red_07 View Post
        I apologize if this question has already been on the forum.

        Why in MZD, when the character picks up objects, their image in the inventory did not are indicated?
        Bug assembly?
        That's a just MZD bug, PVB have not that bug when you pick a item.


        • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
          That's a just MZD bug, PVB have not that bug when you pick a item.
          Yes, on the PVB, really fine.
          Just if this bug is not fixed, I have no further questions.


          • Puzzle Mode?

            I was bored today and did some memory hacking in 1.5:

            I accessed this by modifying the Status Menu but I can't get it to work correctly yet...
            It constantly flickers on and off and you can't interact with anything on the screen.

            I'm sure I'm missing something, if anybody's interested in giving it a try, this is the code that turns the Status Menu into the Puzzle Mode Screen:
            Status Menu Modifier
            800B25BF 00XX

            01 = Status Menu
            04 = Puzzle Examine Mode
            05 = Item Box Mode (Non-functional)
            07 = Activate Puzzle Mode Controls (Use this after setting it to 04 first)

            Puzzle Mode Cursor ON
            800B25CA 0001
            Puzzle Mode Selected Option
            800B25BC 00XX

            00 = Check
            01 = Manage/Combn
            02 = Exit
            03 = Take
            04 = Use

            Room Jump to Irons' Office and activate this code before the room has finished loading to get the correct camera angle for the puzzle:
            Chief Irons Office Hidden Puzzle Camera Angle
            800B0FE4 0004

            By the way, there's a second unused camera angle in Irons' Office:
            Chief Irons Office Unused Camera Angle
            800B0FE4 0006

            Some other codes to mess around with, not sure if they are useful:
            Move While In Status Menu
            800B29AC 0001
            Reset Game
            800B2924 0002
            Freeze Puzzle Mode Screen
            800B281E 0001
            Open Status Menu
            800B29A4 0001

            Status Menu Modifier 2
            800B25C1 00XX

            00 = Show Status Menu
            01 = Show Map
            02 = Show File Viewer
            03 = Item Select

            Show Item Description
            800B25C2 0009
            Knife Equipped
            800B25C8 0080
            Item Menu Has 6 Slots
            800B0FBC 0006
            All Slots Infinite Ammo
            800B10AD 00FF
            800B10B1 00FF
            800B10B5 00FF
            800B10B9 00FF
            800B10BD 00FF
            800B10C1 00FF
            800B10C5 00FF
            800B10C9 00FF
            800B10CD 00FF
            800B10D1 00FF
            Infinite Health
            800ACAEE 0064

            I also "explored" this unused sewer room by changing the room ID of L Tunnel 2:

            Access Room 201 Zonbie Tunnel:
            800B0FE0 0001
            800B0FE2 0001

            Level Modifier
            800B0FE0 00XX

            00 = Level 1 RPD
            01 = Level 2 SEWER
            02 = Level 3 FACTORY
            03 = Level 4 LAB 1
            04 = Level 5 LAB 2
            05 = Level 6 TRAIN

            Room Modifier
            800B0FE2 00XX

            00 = Room 00
            01 = Room 01
            02 = Room 02

            Level 1 RPD goes up to Room 27, all the other levels have less rooms.
            There's no point in using values greater than 27, it only results in crashes.

            The Level/Room Modifiers only work in the Magic Zombie Door Build (and Martin's hacks of it), they crash the game in the Vanilla Build.
            Use them to explore the backgrounds of rooms without RDT data ingame.

            By the way, I realized that you can get the SPAS 12 to work without crashing by equipping it first and activating this code afterwards:
            SPAS 12 Fix
            800ACA5D 0008
            Have SPAS 12 Inf Ammo
            800B10AC 000D
            800B10AD 00FF
            800B10AE 0001

            It simply gives it the behaviour of the Remington M870.
            It's not a perfect fix but still fun to try.

            More to come, I'll keep you updated when I find something else of interest!

            Small Update:
            I found an unused character select menu on the title screen:

            Title Screen Modifier
            801026C5 00XX

            00 = Title Screen
            01 = Main Menu
            02 = Unused Character Select
            03 = Load Game Menu
            04 = Config Menu

            I guess this is from an even earlier build in which the Main Cast Screen did not yet exist...
            Last edited by Upaluppa; 10-14-2015, 06:44 AM.


            • Awesome work!

              Thanks for share the codes, can't wait for more!


              • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                Hello there, I was bored today and did some memory hacking in 1.5:

                I accessed this by modifying the Status Menu but I can't get it to work correctly yet...
                This is a neat one. It was supposed to be accessible in Chief Irons' office.

                When you can get it working, you place the cursor over the round building (lower right) and it opens up. It's revealed to be hollowed out, presumably for a hidden key.

                Strange thing about this is that the script (scd file) is located in the DATA folder, iirc, and not embedded into the RDT.
                Last edited by MeganGrass; 09-30-2015, 11:30 AM.
                I'm a blackstar.


                • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                  This is a neat one. It was supposed to be accessible in Chief Irons' office.

                  When you can get it working, you place the cursor over the round building (lower right) and it opens up. It's revealed to be hollowed out, presumably for a hidden key.

                  Strange thing about this is that the script (scd file) is located in the DATA folder, iirc, and not embedded into the RDT.
                  I managed to get it to work!
                  After using the code 800B25BF 0004 to turn the Status Menu into the Puzzle Screen change the value to 07 to activate the controls!

                  Turns out that the round building contains a keyhole:

                  There's a safe hidden underneath the 3D model of the city miniature which would probably open up if you used the correct key on that keyhole.

                  The same feature was also used in other locations in the final build, inside the Factory, for example:

                  Shame that item interaction has not been implemented in this early build of 1.5, this would've been a fun puzzle to try!
                  Last edited by Upaluppa; 10-01-2015, 08:30 AM.


                  • I just have give it a try and is interesting, thanks again Upaluppa!

                    Can be great if we achieve to activate it properly, well maybe a day... haha.

                    Hey Upaluppa, you think you can find a way to achieve the zombies not disappear after killing?

                    As you can know already, SolidSnake11 achieve it, but unfortunatelly according to him, it causes some strange bugs in the game...

                    Well, anyway, I hope you can find more interesting codes!



                    • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
                      Hey Upaluppa, you think you can find a way to achieve the zombies not disappear after killing?

                      As you can know already, SolidSnake11 achieve it, but unfortunatelly according to him, it causes some strange bugs in the game...
                      Yeah, I'm really looking forward to a new patch from SolidSnake11.
                      Non disappearing Zombies would be awesome!

                      Apparently his monitor is currently broken or something like that, that's why he can't work on new hacks at the moment...

                      The only problem I know about is that the Zombies in the Lobby and the Lobby Corridor will no longer respawn if you fix the disappearing bug.
                      In the final build of 1.5 the killed Zombies were supposed to shrink until they disappear whenever a new one spawns, similar to the Moth Larvae in the final RE2 or the Snakes in RE1.

                      Unfortunately I don't know any ASM, so I have no idea how to disable the routine that makes the Zombies disappear.
                      I don't think it can be achieved via memory hacking, you have to hack the executable file for that...
                      Last edited by Upaluppa; 10-01-2015, 10:26 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                        Yeah, I'm really looking forward to a new patch from SolidSnake11.
                        Me too!

                        Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                        Apparently his monitor is currently broken or something like that, that's why he can't work on new hacks at the moment...
                        Yeah, I read that, I hope he can come back soon.

                        Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                        The only problem I know about is that the Zombies in the Lobby and the Lobby Corridor will no longer respawn if you fix the disappearing bug.
                        Exactly, but I personally have not problem with that, you can't get both things.

                        Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                        Unfortunately I don't know any ASM, so I have no idea how to disable the routine that makes the Zombies disappear.
                        I don't think it can be achieved via memory hacking, you have to hack the executable file for that...
                        I see, thanks for the reply!
                        Last edited by Dark Biohazard; 10-01-2015, 10:33 AM.


                        • Improved Puzzle Mode Code

                          I made the Chief Irons Puzzle a bit easier to access, here's an improved code:

                          Irons Puzzle Mode (L2ON+CameraFixR2UnusedAngle)
                          800B25BF 0007
                          D00AC758 0001
                          800B25BF 0004
                          D00AC758 0001
                          800B25CA 0000
                          D00AC758 0001
                          800B0FE4 0004
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B25BF 0002
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B0FE4 0006

                          This code replaces the Item Menu with the Puzzle Mode Screen.
                          If you press Start during gameplay you'll get a glitched screen at first.
                          Don't worry, simply press the L2 Button to properly activate the Puzzle Mode Screen!

                          While in Puzzle Mode you can press L2 again to reset the puzzle or press the R2 button to exit!
                          There's a strange bug in the game which makes Leon/Elza glitch when walking backwards or using stairs after leaving the Puzzle Mode.
                          I don't know what's causing this or if it can be fixed...


                          I added a way of accessing the correct camera angle for the puzzle!
                          Getting it to work is a bit tricky.

                          First, go to the Debug Menu and select Room 115 (Chief Irons' Office) from the Room Jump list.
                          Now press the Square Button to warp to the room and then quickly press L2 BEFORE the room has finished loading.

                          Careful, if you press L2 before pressing Square or after Irons' Office has already loaded it won't work and might even crash the game.
                          As a little bonus, if you press the R2 button while loading the room you'll get to see an unused camera angle of Irons' desk instead!


                          I also improved the codes for the Unused Character Select Menu and the SPAS-12 Fix:

                          Unused Character Select (L2ONR2OFF)
                          D00AC758 0001
                          801026C5 0002
                          D00AC758 0002
                          801026C5 0000

                          Simple, just press L2 on the title screen to go to the hidden character select menu.
                          Alternatively press R2 to return to the title screen.

                          SPAS-12 Fix + Inf Ammo (L2FixR2Ammo)
                          D00AC758 0001
                          800ACA5D 0008
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B10AD 00FF
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B10B1 00FF
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B10B5 00FF
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B10B9 00FF
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B10BD 00FF
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B10C1 00FF
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B10C5 00FF
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B10C9 00FF
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B10CD 00FF
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800B10D1 00FF

                          AFTER equipping the SPAS-12 press the L2 button to fix the Zombie crashing and ammo reloading issues.
                          As a bonus, pressing R2 at any time will give you 255 Ammo for every slot.


                          Here's some debug related codes I hacked today, nothing fancy but I thought I'd share them anyways:

                          Debug Menu Modifier
                          8008F618 00XX

                          01 = Debug Menu
                          02 = Normal Gameplay
                          03 = Memory Viewer
                          04 = Unused

                          Show Item Debug Text
                          300B2668 0003
                          Hide Item Debug Text
                          300B2668 0000
                          Show Door Debug Text
                          80072EC4 00FF
                          Hide Door Debug Text
                          80072EC4 0000

                          These two only work in the Vanilla Build, MZD disabled all debug text outside of the Debug Menu.

                          Disable Music (L2ONR2OFF)
                          D00AC758 0001
                          800BBD84 0000
                          D00AC758 0001
                          800BBD8C 0000
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800BBD84 0003
                          D00AC758 0002
                          800BBD8C 0001

                          Useful in those Laboratory rooms which have that super annoying Alarm music.

                          Take Items Without Air Jesus Glitch (Press L2 or R2)
                          D00AC758 0001
                          30072D3B 0004
                          D00AC758 0002
                          30072D3B 0005

                          I know it's pointless after Martin's newest patch, but whatever...

                          Have fun!
                          Last edited by Upaluppa; 10-02-2015, 05:22 PM.


                          • Awesome! Can you fix the grenade/rocket launchers in a similar way to your SPAS-12 solution? Or do they have deeper issues which makes them crash the game?
                            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                            • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                              Awesome! Can you fix the grenade/rocket launchers in a similar way to your SPAS-12 solution? Or do they have deeper issues which makes them crash the game?
                              Unfortunately not, you see, I fixed the SPAS-12 by replacing it's ammo type with that of the Remington.
                              This works well because both are shotguns.

                              For the grenade and rocket launchers no ammo type has been programmed into the game and we have no other weapons with similar ammo either...
                              The only other weapon I can fix that way is the Ingram M10:

                              SPAS-12 Fix + Ingram M10 Fix (L2=SPAS R2=Ingram)
                              D00AC758 0001
                              800ACA5D 0008
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800ACA5D 0013
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800B10AD 00FF
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800B10B1 00FF
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800B10B5 00FF
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800B10B9 00FF
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800B10BD 00FF
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800B10C1 00FF
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800B10C5 00FF
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800B10C9 00FF
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800B10CD 00FF
                              D00AC758 0002
                              800B10D1 00FF

                              The L2 button fixes the SPAS while the R2 button fixes the Ingram M10 and adds full ammo to all slots.
                              The muzzle flash isn't in the correct place, but otherwise it works fine.
                              Last edited by Upaluppa; 10-03-2015, 05:25 AM.


                              • Once again, great work Upaluppa and thanks for the new codes!

                                I was going to just mention that you could use the same method you used to fix the SPAS, but with the Ingram M10, using the behaviour of the HXOK MC51.

