Hello! I had replaced censored videos of non-dual shock version of Resident Evil Director's Cut with uncut videos when using cd mage and rebuilding the Dual Shock version of RE1 DC with uncut videos using RE1 rebuilder. The uncut colored intro was taken from the French Director's Cut and two uncut videos, Kenneth's head scene and Smoking Chris bad ending from the Japanese versions. But somehow these uncut videos were cut short, when playing as Jill, the intro should have skipped to the credit scene, instead skipped to the scene of a mansion outside and it ended at Barry Burton credit scene and two uncut videos haven't ended fully yet. Markgrass' right that videos are hard coded to either a game's executable or a disk track sectors! I need help into getting the uncut videos play in the right way on my U.S. version, just like the Japanese version! Anyone, please?