Originally posted by Ultimacloud123
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Bio1, on the other hand, is a complete mess. I'd even go as far as to say that its worse than the 40% build of Bio1.5. Excluding the runtime data (RDT, etc), what little bit that is known about the engine is enough to turn away even the most experienced of coders. Its just awful, and certainly not recommended for any type of hacking/modification purpose at all.
So, yeah, it would be much easier to just simply recreate the entire Bio1 experience on another engine, such as the ones available for Bio2. Its definitely possible, and I've already toyed with the idea.
Originally posted by Ultimacloud123
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On the surface, however, Bio3 has several advantages that Gemini didn't mention - 32 cameras per room (vs Bio2's max at 16 per room), updated scripting routines that greatly expands game play (such as the 'Chaser' bytecode for Nemesis), and certain builds that can support hi-res background prerenders (such as the DreamCast and GameCube versions at 640x480).
Once more is learned about the Bio3 engine and the tools created, I'm certain that Bio3 will be the new 'goto' engine for any modders who are interested.
Originally posted by Ultimacloud123
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Originally posted by Ultimacloud123
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Everything has a learning curve, however, as great results are hardly ever achieved by anyone who rushes anything just for the sake of gaining brief attention...but I have simplified the process the best that I can.
There's only so much I can do, as I simply cannot provide an artist with his/her vision, but I can provide a blank canvas...and that's really what this tool is all about.