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[RELEASE] Biohazard 1.5 (PVB) Hacks

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
    No problem guys, I hope all you enjoy it!

    Factory Line A is bugged, really? strange, guess I will test it again, some other have this problem?

    The second is something very common in this build.
    I think using the debug menu at anytime also screws with event flags, I visted room200 and sometimes it'd play the scence without Marvin. The Factory Line A bug only seems to happen when using the debug menu or using room303, if you vist it via room306 it works without any problem.
    Last edited by Mikhail; 02-17-2014, 09:59 AM.


    • #17
      Great job martin, im hoping we can expect this for MZD?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
        I think using the debug menu at anytime also screws with event flags, I visted room200 and sometimes it'd play the scence without Marvin. The Factory Line A bug only seems to happen when using the debug menu or using room303, if you vist it via room306 it works without any problem.
        I just try ROOM304 (again) and work perfect for me, I can access to it from Debug Menu, ROOM303 and ROOM306 without problem. :S

        As about Marvin, yeah that happen sometimes when you active the cutscene from other form, I can fix it easily, thanks for report it Mikhail! ;)

        Originally posted by Darkness View Post
        Great job martin, im hoping we can expect this for MZD?
        Yeah, I have in mind to release a new patch for MZD with this stuff and more. ;)


        • #19
          Wow, nice update, thanks Martin! Good work to you and Wes67 on making progress with ROOM207; it's not a perfect fix but it's deffinately a start, perhaps it will lead you to discovering what's wrong in the EXE. All I've ever wanted to do is open the shutter, push that crate off the ledge, climb down and actually solve the puzzle in this room! It'll be interesting to learn what the real problem is and how it is eventually solved, I've always wondered why this room had issues due to Capcom.


          • #20
            Great update as always! Will be trying it out tomorrow, the videos are always awesome to watch.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
              I just try ROOM304 (again) and work perfect for me, I can access to it from Debug Menu, ROOM303 and ROOM306 without problem. :S

              As about Marvin, yeah that happen sometimes when you active the cutscene from other form, I can fix it easily, thanks for report it Mikhail! ;)

              Yeah, I have in mind to release a new patch for MZD with this stuff and more. ;)
              If it helps, I can provide a savestate might help track it down, it also causes the inventory screen & debug menu texture to breakup, from what I can tell it's not providing the character with correct co-ordinates so they don't appear on screen, similar to the original pvb bug when using room warp to the forklift or when you went back up from the sewer ladder to the garage.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
                If it helps, I can provide a savestate might help track it down, it also causes the inventory screen & debug menu texture to breakup, from what I can tell it's not providing the character with correct co-ordinates so they don't appear on screen, similar to the original pvb bug when using room warp to the forklift or when you went back up from the sewer ladder to the garage.
                Sure, send me it if you can.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
                  Sure, send me it if you can.
                  Here's a save from room303 with Leon & Elza just after room warping.
                  I patched the pvb iso with rom patcher for Android instead.
                  CRC32: 8F05FB9C
                  MD5: 14255FA9294F9F1820875021DD61F3E3
                  SHA-512: DA6A7224BC8F04DE15EDDDD1A8DFC3BB7C4E8331B523399428 66533D58F62E8A0C2653EED766AD51439511F699465A111810 5C5CB47A623DCA5AFA7B518C3897
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Mikhail; 02-18-2014, 09:46 AM.


                  • #24
                    I'm curious Mikhail, what does all that actually mean?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by geluda View Post
                      I'm curious Mikhail, what does all that actually mean?
                      Just checksums incase me using a different patcher produced a different end result file.


                      • #26
                        Here a small update I have to show you:


                        • #27
                          Excellent! That's probably how it plays out too.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • #28
                            I forgot to say thanks for the new patch. You have some serious skills!

                            And there's a glitch when you try to pick up an item in the Lab Guardhouse. It turns a lot of things invisible.
                            Last edited by Renard; 02-22-2014, 04:46 PM. Reason: I'm a dumbass.


                            • #29
                              Huh, it's the guys from RE123 forums who made the skins.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                                Huh, it's the guys from RE123 forums who made the skins.
                                Hm? I thought they were just in the game. I don't frequent the RE123 forums.

                                Sorry about that then lol.

