Some things I would do to Resident Evil 2 if I knew how to mod PS1 games. At some point, I am going to learn how to do it.
- Make the zombie skin color grey, like in the N64 version of Resident Evil Zero.
- Add an option in the Options menu to be able to change blood color from Red, Blue, or Green.
- Make ammo more scarce, and change it so that zombies don't get knocked back just after two or three handgun bullets.
- Some rooms respawn enemies.
- 180-degree turn added.
- Quick reload with Square button.
- Additional two costumes for Leon and Claire, when you obtain the key.
- One or two more Mr. X encounters.
I don't know what I'd call it. But I'm thinking something along the lines: RESIDENT EVIL 2: REFRESHED EDITION
To make RE2 for the PS1 worth playing all over again, because if you're like me and possibly many others, you have played RE2 over and over again, and know where everything is, and what to do. This would give RE2 a refresh-ness. The game stays mostly the same, but with some cool new features, and some remixed things to make the game worth going through again.
- Make the zombie skin color grey, like in the N64 version of Resident Evil Zero.
- Add an option in the Options menu to be able to change blood color from Red, Blue, or Green.
- Make ammo more scarce, and change it so that zombies don't get knocked back just after two or three handgun bullets.
- Some rooms respawn enemies.
- 180-degree turn added.
- Quick reload with Square button.
- Additional two costumes for Leon and Claire, when you obtain the key.
- One or two more Mr. X encounters.
I don't know what I'd call it. But I'm thinking something along the lines: RESIDENT EVIL 2: REFRESHED EDITION
To make RE2 for the PS1 worth playing all over again, because if you're like me and possibly many others, you have played RE2 over and over again, and know where everything is, and what to do. This would give RE2 a refresh-ness. The game stays mostly the same, but with some cool new features, and some remixed things to make the game worth going through again.