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[RELEASE] Project: Biohazard 2 - Prereleased [BH2 TRIAL - PS1]

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  • #31
    Are there any files or items to speak of in these previously in-accessible rooms?


    • #32
      Why do the characters stand out so much? I don't remember it being like that on PS1.
      Last edited by Vector; 11-06-2008, 04:25 PM.


      • #33
        Because its running on an emulator. Plus, if you look at the flag in that last pic, it doesn't look like hes running it 1:1 as on PSX (the background is chopped up a bit).


        • #34
          Thank You !

          I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


          • #35
            The reason they stand out so much is because the standard PS1 resolution is 320 by 240. But in an emulator, you can run it at 640 by 480. But since Resident Evil's backgrounds are pre-rendered, it can't just make them bigger like with 3D models. Instead, it upscales them, which, depending on your settings will either make it pixelated, or make it blurry, blurry is what you're seeing in this case.


            • #36
              i just wish i could find plugins that work with intel graphics.


              • #37
                Originally posted by pickyeater View Post
                LOL! but yeah guys She not suppose to be there in the trail edition.

                You need many plugins such as graphics,sound,and system bios I would give you mine but I believe thats pirating in some way,So your on your own on this one.

                EDIT:Did anyone get this running yet?
                Tested on my xbox and work perfect

                You guys did excellent work !

                I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


                • #38
                  Big mystery of this beta version is... who's the young man in the portrait at Jill's desk?! Who is he!? It says he might be her boyfriend...



                  • #39
                    ^ Jelous?

                    I'll check it out as soon as I download it. Thanks n_n.


                    • #40
                      Nice point Ridley.. you make me proud.



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                        Big mystery of this beta version is... who's the young man in the portrait at Jill's desk?! Who is he!? It says he might be her boyfriend...

                        It's actually a picture of me.

                        But why is this the mystery of the beta? It says the same thing in the final version of the game.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                          Are there any files or items to speak of in these previously in-accessible rooms?
                          yeah quite a few
                          S key
                          D key
                          Jaguar stone
                          fuse(Beta rook plug)
                          ink ribbion(its completely useless)

                          oh if you want count this too I added the watch in the original place where the L key was,The new L key is at the room with the first ruby.
                          Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                          Because its running on an emulator. Plus, if you look at the flag in that last pic, it doesn't look like hes running it 1:1 as on PSX (the background is chopped up a bit).
                          yeah your right,It was the only way I can get a picture in a short amount of time.


                          • #43
                            There will be still be areas you can't generally access, because the game is missing areas which would otherwise connect them.... especially a number which were made for Claire's mission.


                            • #44
                              No,I can connect them aslong as it has a working RTD but it would be in a goofy fasion much like you will find in this edition.


                              • #45
                                I haven't tried it your version, but have you accessed the areas from the Chief's office for example?

