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[PRESENT] Outbreak File 2: 3 AI characters US & JP

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
    Nice! Maybe a bit out of topic, but have you got a link handy? I'd really like to check out the documentation/tools.
    Diesel/Bionic Commando .bundle Unbundler (might work with Wanted and Terminator too)
    BC:R - Random Music in Challenge Room Mod (Makes you get random music in challenge rooms instead of just the normal challenge room tune)
    BC:R "fan dub" talk (this never kicked off, don't remember if he went into detail, but I assume that since the game uses simple and direct formats for everything, figuring these types of things is just a matter of being bothered to open and look at stuff)
    BC:R proof of concept level editor (skim through posts to see changelogs + features)


    • #17
      Nice stuff ;) I'll have to find a way to get back into File 2 again. I think I did everything in File 1 but mess around with the File 3 people.


      • #18
        Yay! More codes. It'd be nice if these all were converted to PAL (Though, I already know the ones from ARCentral)
        Some of the codes for NTSC were cooler than PAL.
        OH! And if you guys need to convert them to Action Replay MAX, use MAXConvert.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Gradon View Post
          Yay! More codes. It'd be nice if these all were converted to PAL (Though, I already know the ones from ARCentral)
          Some of the codes for NTSC were cooler than PAL.
          OH! And if you guys need to convert them to Action Replay MAX, use MAXConvert.
          Tell me what ones you want and I can give it a go for File #2, can't do Outbreak 1 atm though because like I said I (still) can't find a PAL Codebreaker code list for it.


          • #20
            Enable Beta Backgrounds (VirusPunk)
            00589DC8 00000000

            Become A Zombie After Death Offline (VirusPunk)
            00684A6E 00000001
            00684AF6 00000001

            AI Controls You (VirusPunk)
            004C69C4 00000001

            May I ask how you convert between regions/do you have a guide you could PM me?

            Please and thank you.
            Last edited by Gradon; 08-23-2009, 08:00 PM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Gradon View Post
              May I ask how you convert between regions/do you have a guide you could PM me?

              Please and thank you.
              Sorry you might have to wait a while, my storage HDD has just gone and messed up so I can't access anything from it and that is where I keep all my code hacking stuff.

              Pain in the arse because this is the third HDD I've had mess up on me in the space of just under a year.


              • #22
                Well good news, I just recently bought a brand new slim PS2. So I will be hacking codes for both Outbreaks and other games too.

                For more codes you guys might want to check this thread.

                Here are some ideas I had in mind..

                1. A code that switches control between player 1, p2, p3, and p4 (if a 3rd AI is enabled). This will make having other characters in the game more useful instead of relying on the crappy AI. Switch between characters in the game to perform specific tasks etc.

                2. Resident Evil 4 camera (coincides with #1, I'll explain why). We found a "spectator mode" code that follows your AI partner (player 2) and resembles the RE4 camera. If I can force the game to switch controls over to player 2 the RE4 camera code will be a reality. I'm doing it this way because so far we haven't found a way to force the spectator mode code on player 1, believe me I've looked everywhere in the dump for it and no luck.

                3. Give yourself enemy attributes. This would work well together with friendly fire and the "become a zombie offline" code. Adding a whole new level of enjoyment to the game. Although pretty much pointless, the AI will treat you like an enemy and attack you.

                4. It might be possible to create a custom subroutine that allows you to control player 2 via a 2nd controller connected to port 2. Though I'm not really sure. Highly unlikely but still worth a try..

                5. Ad libs code? Obviously a must for US & PAL versions.
                Last edited by VirusPunk; 08-25-2009, 07:28 PM.


                • #23
                  Ok I managed to sort my HDD allot sooner than expected, or at least get my data off of it, no idea if the HDD itself is gonna be sorted now after a format. Anyway enough about that, Gradon I will get to work on your requests a little later today.

                  Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                  Well good news, I just recently bought a brand new slim PS2. So I will be hacking codes for both Outbreaks and other games too.

                  For more codes you guys might want to check this thread.

                  Here are some ideas I had in mind..

                  1. A code that switches control between player 1, p2, p3, and p4 (if a 3rd AI is enabled). This will make having other characters in the game more useful instead of relying on the crappy AI. Switch between characters in the game to perform specific tasks etc.

                  2. Resident Evil 4 camera (coincides with #1, I'll explain why). We found a "spectator mode" code that follows your AI partner (player 2) and resembles the RE4 camera. If I can force the game to switch controls over to player 2 the RE4 camera code will be a reality. I'm doing it this way because so far we haven't found a way to force the spectator mode code on player 1, believe me I've looked everywhere in the dump for it and no luck.

                  3. Give yourself enemy attributes. This would work well together with friendly fire and the "become a zombie offline" code. Adding a whole new level of enjoyment to the game. Although pretty much pointless, the AI will treat you like an enemy and attack you.

                  4. It might be possible to create a custom subroutine that allows you to control player 2 via a 2nd controller connected to port 2. Though I'm not really sure. Highly unlikely but still worth a try..

                  5. Ad libs code? Obviously a must for US & PAL versions.
                  Making any one of those codes possible VirusPunk would be an amazing feat so good luck with that!

                  Also I know it's probably not the place to ask but how are you hacking these codes? Are you taking a memory dump or actually hacking them on the fly?

                  I've never really got into ps2 hacking, I just used to hack on the Gamecube with GCNrd. I remember asking Jay007 once years ago how to hack on the ps2 and he just told me not to bother, maybe he just thought it was too advanced for me (and probably still is lol) but I got the feeling he really resented it.
                  Last edited by Vixtro; 08-26-2009, 06:05 AM.


                  • #24
                    Guys, this is a time where im glad to say I love you all.
                    Thanks Vix, and I hope you can achieve such epicness VP.
                    Best of luck !
                    Oh and sorry to bring it up again, but do you think you can link me to a guide Vix converting between regions?
                    I've worked with MaxConvert before which I udnerstand is only converting between ARMAX and the sort.
                    Thanks again.
                    Last edited by Gradon; 08-26-2009, 10:47 AM.


                    • #25
                      I'd really like a code to alter the AI that doesn't assist you, such as Bob or Raymond. I've tried incrementing 10E0 up to ten times from the 3rd AI's address in file 1 but didn't get results.

                      I guess the game would crash. Dragging Bob across the roof to the apt building, he still doesn't follow you. But I'd be curious if he was given the ability to shoot or something. Or if the civilians in Outbreak were given the ability to move themselves.


                      • #26
                        It would be great if the RPD survivors AI was edited, it would be more realistic seeing them roam around the RPD...
                        ...The only problem would be when near the raid, all the police men die...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                          Guys, this is a time where im glad to say I love you all.
                          Thanks Vix, and I hope you can achieve such epicness VP.
                          Best of luck !
                          Oh and sorry to bring it up again, but do you think you can link me to a guide Vix converting between regions?
                          I've worked with MaxConvert before which I udnerstand is only converting between ARMAX and the sort.
                          Thanks again.
                          Yeah sorry I kinda ignored you a bit on that request, but yeah I'll post it here for all to see because it's no secret.

                          First of grab this brilliant tool:

                          And then follow this simple guide that I screened when I was told how to convert:

                          Try using this offset for converting to begin with as I've gotten some good results with it so far: FFFE0D80

                          Codes you requested Gradon here:

                          Outbreak File #2 (PAL)

                          Enable Beta Backgrounds
                          005A9048 00000000

                          AI Controls You
                          004E5C44 00000001

                          I couldn't get "Become A Zombie After Death Offline" to work but I'll try some different offsets later, the beta backgrounds code works but I'm not sure what the beta backgrounds in Outbreak looked like, the ones here just look like they have no textures with flashing lights in places.


                          • #28
                            Thank you very much for that guide, I'll look into it; lastly, how do you work out the offset?

                            OK, I tried it out, I can't test this out right now so can someone kindly test this?

                            EDIT 2:

                            FIXED IT! IT WORKS!

                            Spam Adlibs Code PAL:

                            004E5E3C 00000001

                            Last edited by Gradon; 08-26-2009, 02:40 PM.


                            • #29
                              I'm working on a more in depth FAQ specifically for Outbreak. I'll even explain how to hack codes specifically for Outbreak in the near future. For now, this is what I wrote so far.

                              Don't pay attention to the Bioflames topic anymore, some of the information there is false (like the speed code digits). Instead, look at the FAQ for the correct codes. I also added lost and forgotten codes that were never posted. For instance, the color mod and size mod codes.


                              This FAQ will be updated frequently as more codes are found and tested.

                              @ Vixtro:

                              You can try for guides on how to hack PS2 games, that's how I learned. Though many people complain that those guides are poorly written. When I find the time, I'll write a few tutorials to add to the newly made FAQ that should help you get started.

                              @ Space:

                              Try looking for code areas that have the same commands as the AI codes using the File #2 dump. If the commands are unique in some way you might find more codes elsewhere with similar commands (if not the same exact commands).
                              Last edited by VirusPunk; 08-26-2009, 06:40 PM.


                              • #30
                                Wow, thanks, interesting read.
                                Love your work dude;
                                Ages ago when the servers were up, I used the Miguel code and joined someones game...
                                Can you guess what happened?
                                Player 1 was Miguel, I was Cindy, everyone else was who they picked, they acted normally, and everytime I called to them, it was Miguel, and not Kevin.
                                I dont know if the other players could see Miguel, hear me say Miguel, or if it only affected my game, but, *shrug*

