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Biohazard Rebirth Trial of 15 minutes (only codes AR)

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  • Biohazard Rebirth Trial of 15 minutes (only codes AR)

    Hello everyone.
    in this post I have a compilation of codes to look for the dolphin.
    Later, I'll try adding more information and answer questions for which generally not work codes, ok?
    latest video links: - My first footage by screenshots. - Second footage of old capture videos. - Prototype of beta E3 modified codes. - Biohazard Rebirth Trial (E3 preview advanced)
    more info to download in video youtube. - CG's, comparisons photos beta, and original. - Example of a remake "remaster", like HD quality.
    this is not playable
    __________________________________________________ ____________________
    packs of pics down.

    Time to 00:00:00 later 10 minutes.
    001FEE8E 00001B33

    Modo beta by arma atma.version 1.0
    0000FE97 00000400
    0600F297 00003333
    00228936 0000FFFF
    04052378 0000FFFF
    001FD299 0000FFFF
    0000BEE9 00000000
    423000E0 13423EAC

    beta mode 1.0 includes:
    no blood.
    no effect of candles and lights.
    3D door does not load.
    no "fadeout" in general menus.
    no scenes cinemascope.
    3D door through scenarios or other areas.
    Jill is a tit fall.
    no shadows.
    more speed fps in several areas.

    and maybe a few more surprises ...

    some codes work on the cache and other NO.
    it is best not to use SaveState for going without cache work ok?

    next version: beta 1.8 coming soon...

    -details to incorporate in this version are:
    -unlocked extra blood (red or green will?)
    -graphic changes in scenarios
    -the musics of the beta (for completion)
    -new levels and difficulty and behavior of zombies
    -cancel all zombies excepts bosses. (TBD)
    -activate mode ultra easy or ultra hardest. (less zombies, or very many zombies)
    -a 200-300% extra speed in emulation. (I do not guarantee the effects console)
    -jill special modification. XD
    -possible slight changes history
    -menu of version E3 complete
    -select control of barry, zombies, or other...
    -new screen angles
    -kenneth survivor. XP
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Arma Atma; 04-30-2012, 07:38 AM.

  • #2
    i hope i can test the codes next day,cause i got an ARC item from ebay to enter own codes.....i hope your codes will work!!you got some more codes maybe for zero trial??


    • #3
      just now I found these, and I have not tried it but people say that if they work.

      Biohazard zero trial:


      Always Fine (Rebecca)

      Always Fine (Billy)

      Rebecca Item Slot 2 Modifier:
      042CD49C 00XX00YY

      Rebecca Item Slot 3 Modifier:
      042CD4A0 00XX00YY
      (XX = Item Value, YY = Item Amount)

      Billy Item Slot 2 Modifier:
      042CD4B8 00XX00YY

      Billy Item Slot 3 Modifier:
      042CD4BC 00XX00YY
      (XX = Item Value, YY = Item Amount)

      Letterbox Modifier:
      0021493B 000000XX

      Item Value Chart:

      00 = (Nothing)
      01 = (Nothing)
      02 = Knife
      03 = Handgun (Army Issue)
      04 = Handgun (S.T.A.R.S.)
      05 = Hunting Gun
      06 = Shotgun
      07 = Grenade Launcher
      08 = G. Launcher (Incendiary)
      09 = G. Launcher (Acid)
      0A = Magnum
      0B = Sub-machinegun
      0C = Sub-machinegun B
      0D = Axe
      0E = Molotov Cocktail
      0F = Handgrenade
      10 = Custom Handgun (Army Issue)
      11 = Silenced Handgun (Army Issue)
      12 = Custom Handgun (S.T.A.R.S.)
      13 = Silenced Handgun (S.T.A.R.S.)
      14 = Blank w/Ammo Amount
      15 = Magnum B
      16 = Magnum Revolver
      17 = we17 (placeholder for r. launcher?)
      18 = Blank w/name
      19 = CU-NULL
      1A = Scope (for handgun)
      1B = Silencer (w/ammo amount?)
      1C = Shotgun Parts
      1D = Magnum Parts
      1E = Blank w/name
      1F = AM-NULL
      20 = Handgun Ammo
      21 = Shotgun Ammo
      22 = Magnum Ammo
      23 = G. Rounds (grenade)
      24 = G. Rounds (acid)
      25 = G. Rounds (napalm)
      26 = Empty Bottle
      27 = Gas Tank
      28 = Machinegun Ammo
      29 = Magnum Ammo B
      2A = RE-NULL
      2B = Green Herb
      2C = Blue Herb
      2D = Red Herb
      2E = Herbal Mix (G,G)
      2F = Herbal Mix (G,G,G)
      30 = Herbal Mix (G,R)
      31 = Herbal Mix (G,B)
      32 = Herbal Mix (G,G,B)
      33 = Herbal Mix (G,R,B)
      34 = blank w/name
      35 = First Aid Spray
      36 = SA-NULL
      37 = Ink Ribbon
      38 = KEY-NULL
      39 = Gold Ring
      3A = Silver Ring
      3B = Suitcase
      3C = Suitcase (Gold)
      3D = Suitcase (Silver)
      3E = Suitcase (empty)
      3F = Lighter Fluid
      40 = 101 Key
      41 = Train Key
      42 = Breeding Room Key
      43 = Elevator Key
      44 = Fire Key
      45 = Wind Key
      46 = Water Key
      47 = B. Leech Charm
      48 = G. Leech Charm
      49 = Up Key
      4A = Down Key
      4B = Blue Keycard
      4C = blank w/name
      4D = Green Keycard (magnetic?)
      4E = Locker Key
      4F = Unity Tablet
      50 = Discipline Tablet
      51 = Obidience Tablet
      52 = Panel Opener
      53 = Vise Handle
      54 = Cog Wheel
      55 = Train Handle
      56 = Crank Handle
      57 = Handle
      58 = Book of Good
      59 = Book of Evil
      5A = Blue Gem (Blue leech charm in final)?
      5B = Red Gem (Green leech charm in final)?
      5C = Input Reg. Coil
      5D = Output Reg. Coil
      5E = Battery (for elevator?)
      5F = Battery (for forklift?)
      60 = Sterilizing Agent
      61 = Motherboard
      62 = Big machine part
      63 = Film reel
      64 = Film reel B
      65 = Film reel C
      66 = Shaft Key
      67 = Dining Car Key
      68 = Hookshot
      69 = Lighter (empty)
      6A = Lighter (full)
      6B = Conductor's Key
      6C = Fire Key
      6D = Wind Key
      6E = Water Key
      6F = Up Key
      70 = Down Key
      71 = Dining Car Key
      72 = Key on a ring
      73 = Pink plant
      74 = Test Tube
      75 = Leech Capsule
      76 = Dial
      77 = Duralumin Case
      78 = Statue of Evil
      79 = Statue of Good
      7A = Jewerly Box
      7B = Mixing Set
      7C = MO Disk
      7D = Icepick
      7E = Clock Hand
      7F = Shaft Key
      80 = blank w/name (industrial water?)
      81 = MA-NULL

      *The values actually go up to A3, but nothing after 81 has an icon, and I can't read japanese!

      Rebecca Slot 1 Modifier (press L+D-Right):
      0831DA31 00000042
      042CD498 00XXYYYY

      Billy Slot 1 Modifier (press L+D-Left)
      0831DA31 00000041
      042CD4B4 00XXYYYY

      other by test....

      All Zombies Rise Immediately
      Basically, all zombies that normally need to be activated after a certain event has taken place will pop up from their seats as soon as the game begins, or when you pass them. The two zombies in the kitchen with Billy will get up too, so watch out for that.

      Most Zombies Never Rise
      I say most, because there are still a few that get up by default after the game begins. Basically, the zombies that would usually come after you when the partners are back together again (under normal circumstances) will remain seated, and the kitchen zombies never get up either.

      I've also discovered a sequence of consecutive images (not video) hidden in the remake trial, how the snake chasing you, and was buried in static displays.
      I think it does not appear in the game ...

      I'm also taking more pictures of this and other things to teach a few days lots of information.
      Attached Files


      • #4 you got the master code for the remake trial??i want to use the codes on my gamecube to play the trial


        • #5
          that it is more difficult.
          I have no disk to boot my AR, I long ago broke.
          I have not even chip in the console to load the trial.
          I can try to create master, or how you convert, but does not guarantee success in the performance of your CUBE.
          I need to have a test that works for AR codes on my own teachers, to be more secure.

          with the PC I have running (barely).
          also which is better and the possibilities are endless for emulators, to keep pounding the console.

          As you CPU and target graphics?


          • #6
            it would be nice if you could create some mastercodes for me..maybe one of your mr codes will work..
            i cant use your codes on my pc,cause the graphic card is to bad and the game doesnt run very well


            • #7
              I just worked on a code that doubles the speed of the game in fps.
              in my pc some screens I go to 15 or 7 fps, but with this code, usually comes at 30fps which is like the original.

              in the following code beta 1.5 or 2.0, to publish, teach, and help those who fence the slow half of emulation.
              (Certainly in the console, go to the 200% speed, which is not good to play.)

              if it works with several people, convert it to other versions of the same game if I can.
              (PAL, JAP and USA.)

              one day become a code of the trial, creating a master and talk if you work or not, ok?


              • #8
                ok it mate


                • #9
                  Can someone with a PAL copy of remake extract Start.dol out of an ISO/GCM with GameCube Rebuilder v1.0 and upload it here, I may of found a method for creating mastercodes, but I need to confirm it.
                  Last edited by kevstah2004; 08-13-2010, 01:31 AM.
                  If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Arma Atma View Post
                    I just worked on a code that doubles the speed of the game in fps.
                    in my pc some screens I go to 15 or 7 fps, but with this code, usually comes at 30fps which is like the original.

                    in the following code beta 1.5 or 2.0, to publish, teach, and help those who fence the slow half of emulation.
                    (Certainly in the console, go to the 200% speed, which is not good to play.)

                    if it works with several people, convert it to other versions of the same game if I can.
                    (PAL, JAP and USA.)

                    one day become a code of the trial, creating a master and talk if you work or not, ok?
                    Whether I can apply this hack to Resident Evil Remake and ZERO? Where it is possible to download it?


                    • #11
                      you mean the fps increase?
                      if it is possible to double the speed, by codes, but the evil that has come out is that no shadows or reflections, but I personally do not care much ... XD
                      I have long tried to improve it, so when it releases the next version of beta codes, which publishes.
                      I mean changing some files in the DVD, you get better results, stable and unique gaming experience.


                      • #12
                        Ок, thanks. And than it is possible to unpack files ".LZ " in Zero? I want to translate game on a native language, but I can not find, where there the text (


                        • #13
                          the texts of the resident, are not we write the alphabet, is hidden in other ASCII tables.
                          and no, I do not know any programs that decompress the format. "arc" (. lz)
                          : (
                          although I do not think that is impossible, absolutely, we do not I go into the resident 0 for my emulator is not going to speed pretty, but I guess if I had a more powerful pc if I would get to sooner or later ...


                          • #14
                            I like it. Thanks.


                            • #15
                              then I'm sorry but I still left for several weeks or months, I activate all the screens that were hidden, or at least the most curious.
                              (It is true they are very bad angles viewing , but Capcom, leave a lot of data on disk)
                              also, I will choose music beta among other options, but for now I have about 14% done about ...
                              when I have done a 30 or 40%, will show a compilation of video on youtube, to teach, ok?

