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Resident Evil 2 TotalConversion in Fallout 3

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  • #16
    Thats Odd, because I watch all my videos after I post them and they all look great on my end. I do know the shutter and 1st gameplay ones arent the best but the others should be ok.


    • #17
      Originally posted by FuzeTek View Post
      Thats Odd, because I watch all my videos after I post them and they all look great on my end. I do know the shutter and 1st gameplay ones arent the best but the others should be ok.
      What I mean is the compression once they're uploaded onto YouTube - making the shadows and similar darker shades blend make it a little bit tricky to see all of the details in the darker spots on the footage, that's why I was just wondering if you had the raw footage as it's a little hard to make out some of the detail in those darker spots due to the blurring (whereas, although it's simple to see some on the screenshots, I do actually like to look at things as it's being shown in action).

      Hopefully that makes sense as I feel like I'm incoherently rambling as I'm quite tired and am probably not making any sense.
      Non-blurry Signature Version
      Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


      • #18
        This mod looks amazing. Keep up the good work.

        I just have a few comments:
        - Is it possible to remove V.A.T.S.? I don't think it works well with Resident Evil.
        - Is it possible to remove/modify the HUD? I think it would be cool if you could put something like the Resident Evil 4/5 HUD in there.
        - Are you going to add in NPCs and the RE2 story, or is it just going to be gameplay?

        I can't wait to play this in its finished version.


        • #19
          sorry to say the page ofr tihs looks liek it was deleted


          • #20
            I'm currently unsure of how to remove VATS, and the HUD will hopefully be changed towards the end. It will be story as much as I can manage.

            The nexus site is down, but the videos are still on my youtube channel


            • #21
              It is a nice piece of work you've made there FuzeTek. I've just gotten into the Fallout series myself. (Though unfortunetly I only got Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas on the PS3, so I can't download the mods )

              I also liked the Claire Redfield one (She's my favourite RE character) even though it's short. When you went underneath the passage under the R.P.D. entrance, I was actually half-expecting a Brad Vickers zombie to jump out and attack.

              I also liked the fact that you modded a 9mm Pistol into a Samurai-Edge. (Even though that was only a S.T.A.R.S. Issue firearm)

              EDIT: I've managed to watch the Birkin's Laboratory video as well. Very good stuff. I liked the Birkin G-4 boss as well. Hope you post more soon. I just can't get enough of it!
              Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 03-09-2011, 05:31 AM.


              • #22
                ooof amazing...cheers my friend for that. was wondering hav u worked on new cutscenes or dialogues by anychance?


                • #23
                  Currently doing maps and animations for the cutscenes, Its a slow process.


                  • #24
                    What would impress me the most is if you could get rid of the things that make it Fallout 3. I'm talking about that slow motion, the arm menu screen, selecting which part of the enemy to shoot at, the on-screen ammo bars, etc.

                    I never cared for mods that are supposed to be entirely new games, but still have stuff from the original game that lets you know that it is a mod.

                    But this has a lot of potential.
                    My YouTube Channel -
                    ROM Hacking Forum -


                    • #25
                      Wow! Great reconstruction! I don't like the gameplay, which is no fault of yours, but otherwise looks great! Good work!


                      • #26
                        THIS. IS. AMAZING.

                        I'd want it just to walk around Raccoon City at my leisure. I would also love maybe a scenario before the zombie outbreak occurs and you get to interact with NPC's. That'd be pretty epic.


                        • #27
                          Yeah this is great stuff but locations good, game bad. Fallout is designed for long games, the areas don't need to be excessively detailed, just feel expansive and have some atmosphere. If you could implement Raccoon City including mountains, mansion, police station, other random buildings etc add npcs and quests before the zombie incident then it will be worth playing. It would also be more of your own game.


                          • #28
                            Just saw this for the first time, and I have to say I'm really impressed. The most recent video you put up with Barry is fantastic. Can't wait to try it out.

                            Keep up the great work, FuzeTek!


                            • #29
                              I love it!

                              Combines two of my favorite games


                              • #30
                                I see you removed all the content files in Nexus. Are you hosting them elsewhere? I know no-one really gives a crap about that stuff except Nexus. If you recreate the content would they still give you crap about it? Where do they draw the line regarding layout/content?

